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BREAKING 150 Egyptian troops entered Syria via Hama Military Airport

You shoudl read before post it from behind. It is Egypt, nobody is talking about irrelevant countries. Egypt is the subject... Stop trolling...
UAE and Egypt are close allies and influence each other. Therefore UAE making ties with Iran probably means the same for Egypt.
Syria has been at war with Turkey since 2012. Syria has considerable experience in war. Most recently back in March Syria recaptured M5 highway from Turkey. Egypt is undoubtedly keen to get some tips from Syria about war against Turkey in Libya.
Both fake news, Egypt is not country to send troops abroad into war zones. Even in Libya they don't have deployments on the ground yet. Syria has no troops to send to Libya and did not do such thing either
Syria didn't send troops...they send militia that were shuffled by Syrian transport planes...For Egypt no world news so far reported a deployment of any kind...but if indeed, Egyptian were sent , it is just a friendly gesture to Assad...
I am not talking about Jordan! A mini country like UAE has massive clout on EGYPT, is that what you are saying! Sissi has destroyed the fabric of Egypt, people have become corrupt and demand BAKSHISH all the time. The Elite have their say in every walk of life. What a disaster under Military JUNTA.

UAE doesnt have a "massive clout" on Egypt, in fact Egypt has been helping KSA even thought UAE and KSA relations arent that great.
Sisi didnt destroy the fabric of Egypt?
Bakshish means tips not a fucking bribe lmao
and these last things you said, i dont even know what you are referring to.
anyway you shouldnt talk about the Egyptian streets and people even you dont even see it.
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So you insist that Turkey is supporting ISIS in Sinai in collaboration with Israelis? Good Lord, you are honest man. Thanks

It should be obvious to everyone that Israel is the one promoting instability in the Sinai. They never recovered from their loss.

Visit the capital, Jordan has develop a lot since I was there in 2011. When were you in Jordan?

Sisi is not a puppet, his allies are the UAE. You would rather have Egypt being a puppet of Turkey like a sheep.

Jordan is our friend and ally, we have no qualms with it. King of Jordan is a sensible leader, unlike many Arab regimes, unfortunately his hands are ties due to the economy (mostly benefitting from tourism.)
Syria has been at war with Turkey since 2012. Syria has considerable experience in war. Most recently back in March Syria recaptured M5 highway from Turkey. Egypt is undoubtedly keen to get some tips from Syria about war against Turkey in Libya.

Alliance of evil created against Turkey. This is so embarrassing to watch. Wahabbi and Iranian alliance, who would have thought.

The historical core parts of Syria namely Damascus, the coastal areas, Homs, Aleppo are controlled by Assad.

They are occupied by Assad by force and fear. I have seen the death camps and the torture centers of Assad, not pretty.

Only the kurd occupied losers and Idlib are under control of other forces. Population centers are in Syria.

Kurds are not much different than Turks, hence they will always gravitate towards Turkey, in both Iraq and Syria.

As far as Arab Sunnis, they also have tremendous cultural influence from Turkey and Turkish history is still seen favorably by most Arabs, esp Levant, Egypt, and Maghreb, who were the closest to them.
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