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braking news: Leading Hezbollah fighter killed in Syria's Idlib


Oct 14, 2010
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braking news: Leading Hezbollah fighter killed in Syria's Idlib lol

Leading Hezbollah fighter killed in Syria's Idlib - China.org.cn

Source: Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed) | Page 729

A leading commander with Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah group was killed on Saturday during battles in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib, pan-Arab al-Mayadeen TV reported.

The report said Hasan Hossain al-Haj was killed during battles against the jihadi militant groups in Idlib, much of which fell to the rebels' Jaish al-Fateh, or the Conquer Army, an alliance of several jihadi groups, mainly the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front.

Al-Haj was killed while fighting alongside the Syrian army in the broad offensive the later unleashed against Jaish al-Fateh in Idlib.

The killing came just a day after Brigadier General Hossein Hamadani, an Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander who was recently serving in Syria as both an advisor to the Syrian government and an overseer for operations of the pro-Syrian army Quds Force, was killed by the Islamic State militants in Syria's northern city of Aleppo on Thursday.

Hezbollah, a staunch regional ally of the Syrian government, has been fighting alongside the Syrian forces in the face of jihadi groups in the war-torn country. Endit

braking news: Leading Hezbollah fighter killed in Syria's Idlib lol

Leading Hezbollah fighter killed in Syria's Idlib - China.org.cn

Source: Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed) | Page 729

A leading commander with Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah group was killed on Saturday during battles in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib, pan-Arab al-Mayadeen TV reported.

The report said Hasan Hossain al-Haj was killed during battles against the jihadi militant groups in Idlib, much of which fell to the rebels' Jaish al-Fateh, or the Conquer Army, an alliance of several jihadi groups, mainly the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front.

Al-Haj was killed while fighting alongside the Syrian army in the broad offensive the later unleashed against Jaish al-Fateh in Idlib.

The killing came just a day after Brigadier General Hossein Hamadani, an Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander who was recently serving in Syria as both an advisor to the Syrian government and an overseer for operations of the pro-Syrian army Quds Force, was killed by the Islamic State militants in Syria's northern city of Aleppo on Thursday.

Hezbollah, a staunch regional ally of the Syrian government, has been fighting alongside the Syrian forces in the face of jihadi groups in the war-torn country. Endit
Looks like Iran's new appointment, General Soleimani is securing his absolute control before executing his stretegy.
first iran lose a genral
and then this lol
what a number of TOW of sudia can do...

#Syria Regime withdraw dozens of military vehicles from the area around #Zabadani toward the city of #Damascus -unknown reasons-

Clearly... in coming days, world would notice a new game plan in Syria.
New teams are in charge.

How's the situation with US concentrations in region...? Are there any major shifts noticed there aswell?

Anyway, my symapathies with desert fighter brigade of Pakistan for there loss.
I really hop that the syria civilian will get a better life even tought i am israeli this is holocaust.
Nobady win.
the time and money that it will take to rebuild syria is 20 years and bilions of dolars
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