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Brahmos Missile test from an Su-30 MKI a threat to region : Pak Foreign Office

Does sitting on your backside for a whole year in 2002, losing some 1000 men without a shot being fired and then retreating unilaterally ring any bells.

Why do you expect India to respond conventionally for every proxy attack supported by our neighbors ????

What happened in 2001 was a proxy attack on our parliament. And I bet it should have been responded elsewhere in kind with the place and time of our choice. With almost same proportion and magnitude, at the powers centers that really matter. October 2009, did that rang a bell ???? :)
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@Windjammer enough of trolling.... Do you think this has any significance for Pakistan? Or like me you also believe this is puss and just show off?
Bells are ringing all over Pakistan... they rang couple of ting tongs today...
mods come have a look at this indian poster taking pride and joy and fullfillness in a terrorist attack against students in peshawar university today.

what a scumbag, taking joy in students dying at the hand of dirty indian paid and backed terrorists.
@waz @The Eagle
Firstly a Bharti source is as credible as Indians being snow white.
Plus before boxing above weight, you creatures should remember your habitual Randi Rona ....Eight F-16 ring any bells.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: you sir made my day

And that's exactly we want. If we spend 200 bucks on developing weapons systems, we want to make sure you at least 100 bucks to counter the same. LOL :)

$4 billion defence budget Vs. $50 billion, who is making who spend more.


Bells are ringing all over Pakistan... they rang couple of ting tongs today...

I remeber they rang once before, when modi punched his 26" chest before election and promised to decimate Pakistan...3 year ago was it??....since then some 500 Soldier on LOC have committed suicide, few got screwed in the mind, some killed their compatriats, other raped other's wife...ahhh those bells
Does sitting on your backside for a whole year in 2002, losing some 1000 men without a shot being fired and then retreating unilaterally ring any bells.
Without firing a shot, we forced and scared Pakistan to reduce infiltration in Kashmir by 90%.
Without firing a shot, we forced and scared Pakistan to reduce infiltration in Kashmir by 90%.
Hold that thought.

Funny how you guys keep repeating the r@#di rona of infiltration...and then claim not firing any shots on top of it, lol, is it about competence or lack of it - to claim and chest thump a mere reduction - goes a long way towards showing what days have dawned on the morale of Indian Army, lol.

Just think for a moment, Indian Army has just one claim of sir-gee-kal strike - where they allegedly infiltrated a kilometre and exfilled asap - but do you even think before you write such fantasies about the connotations of your own claims of constant infiltration by Pakistan?

Going by your own constant accusations, how does our alleged continuous infil-exfil reflects on the competence and ability of Indian Army to do anything about our capability to do these continuous surgical incursions at our leisure, as yourself have so ingeniously accepted, as opposed to a single one of the mahan Indian Army that it is unable to prove by any shred of evidence to this day, not even to its own parliament.
$4 billion defence budget Vs. $50 billion, who is making who spend more.

View attachment 440092

A simple question for clarity. Can you please enlighten, what percentage is the $50 Billion of our GDP and $4 Billion of Pakistan's GDP ????

Moreover, don't be under the false impression that a mouse is making an elephant pay more. We are spending more with an eye on your all weather friend, and I'm sure you know that very well, and sorry to, but in the process (intentionally or unintentionally) push Pakistan to spend more one your weapons systems. LOL :haha::haha::haha:
Hold that thought.

Funny how you guys keep repeating the r@#di rona of infiltration...and then claim not firing any shots on top of it, lol, is it about competence or lack of it - to claim and chest thump a mere reduction - goes a long way towards showing what days have dawned on the morale of Indian Army, lol.

Just think for a moment, Indian Army has just one claim of sir-gee-kal strike - where they allegedly infiltrated a kilometre and exfilled asap - but do you even think before you write such fantasies about the connotations of your own claims of constant infiltration by Pakistan?

Going by your own constant accusations, how does our alleged continuous infil-exfil reflects on the competence and ability of Indian Army to do anything about our capability to do these continuous surgical incursions at our leisure, as yourself have so ingeniously accepted, as opposed to a single one of the mahan Indian Army that it is unable to prove by any shred of evidence to this day, not even to its own parliament.
Before 2002, 1500-2000 militants used to Infiltrate in a year.
Op Parkram forced Pak army to reduce infiltration by 90% and nowadays only 70-80 militants infiltrate in a year.

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