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BrahMos gets combat use nod amid border stand-off with China

As I said....
if you expect anything different from enemies you live in a fools paradise!

we Pakistanis dont hate india but we hate you occupying army who kill our people in kashmir we hate your hindutava bastards who murder and rape our women! so yes we will celebrate their deaths!
Doesnt look good for India


I hope our leaders did not create COVID and spread it and they are surely wrong if they have. There are other ways to deal with enemies and I do not believe those theories. But CX-1 is garbage and even the concept is rejected. Too big, shit range, fast but big and doesn't turn well. Okay maybe the Oniks is much better made for the ramjet and rockets and whatever but this mig-21 style intake ramjet powered elephant missile is from the 1980s era of missile technology even though it showed in 1990s and service in 2000s. Why europeans and Americans and Japanese either don't use anything similar or like the Japanese they will build ramjet powered missiles using similar intake configuration like YJ-12 which is also similar to meteor air to air missile configuration intakes. There is reason we rejected Russian offer for Oniks. They wanted to sell us Brahmos as well just with different name and specifications. Even Kh-31 design base is better. At least can turn tighter and smaller target too nearly same speed and can have similar range. But CX-1 makes for okay simulated target.

CX-1 has pretty much the same performance and flight profile as Onyx/ P800/BrahMos or whatever they call it. Indians have a habit of making tall claims about their systems. The intake design is clearly obsolete. i would take the HD-1 or CM-302 any day.

Stupid thread, China has more missiles than any other countries on this planet, and If India attacks China with missile, it forgets how close New Delhi is to the Chinese border.

Bollywood is in India you know. A nation that loves to create fantasies out of nothing.
When Chinese can use hundreds of short range ballistic missiles or long range rockets to threat Indian targets, what else weapon does India have to strike land based target within 600km?

Unlike India fanboys dream, India ballistic missile force lack the training of massive tactic attack in a land war. And their short range missiles lack the accuracy for this mission.
What about accuracy of Pakistani short range ballistic missiles? I tried to search on internet but I couldn't find anything.
Yes Japan for their future antiship missile with ramjets also use intakes and structure similar to YJ-12. Don't know about HD-1 and CM-302. I think they are just from small private companies also trying to get some action there are many. Most do not meet PLA requirements and standards or they combine and modify the technologies until they are suitable.

CX-1 has pretty much the same performance and flight profile as Onyx/ P800/BrahMos or whatever they call it. Indians have a habit of making tall claims about their systems. The intake design is clearly obsolete. i would take the HD-1 or CM-302 any day.

Bollywood is in India you know. A nation that loves to create fantasies out of nothing.

You can already imagine what Indians will be saying about mighty brahmos even if every shot miss or intercepted. Anyway if they use 100 brahmos at 600km range we return with 1000 cruise and ballistic missiles. Brahmos is for navy anyway lol their anti surface ones we have answer to as well even if we don't want to use ballistic or cruise to save money, we have long range guided rockets that can cover whole mountain side with submunitions. We have new themobaric weapons which are not nitros or dynamite based type explosive concept. There are technically two different types of explosives not counting nuclear and 10 years ago we introduced a third and fourth and invented many thermobaric weapons similar to American MOAB but much more explosive using these new compounds.

Brahmos to us is going to be like mosquito to elephant. If we lose some men and cannons to brahmos we will destroy 100 of theirs and they will run out of brahmos within a few days. Then we have lots of cheap and effective rockets to share with them.
Does it mean that Indian government has no control of the Indian army now? Chinese army is always strictly under the Chinese government control in peace time and wars. A government giving the military a free rein is unthinkable in most countries in the world. What will Indian army choose to do next? Escalating this clash into a full scale war?

Does it mean they can now use guns, instead of stones and sticks?
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India already has a very uneasy border in the west, I don't think it wants another one or two in the east and north.
Pakistan is enough for them. India has always been conqured from the west (Pakistan afghanistan) never from north its hard to push in from that side because of terrain. 10 times in history.

Neither can india push into tibet. They talk alot but on ground they have nothing to show ever.
Yes Japan for their future antiship missile with ramjets also use intakes and structure similar to YJ-12. Don't know about HD-1 and CM-302. I think they are just from small private companies also trying to get some action there are many. Most do not meet PLA requirements and standards or they combine and modify the technologies until they are suitable.

You can already imagine what Indians will be saying about mighty brahmos even if every shot miss or intercepted. Anyway if they use 100 brahmos at 600km range we return with 1000 cruise and ballistic missiles. Brahmos is for navy anyway lol their anti surface ones we have answer to as well even if we don't want to use ballistic or cruise to save money, we have long range guided rockets that can cover whole mountain side with submunitions. We have new themobaric weapons which are not nitros or dynamite based type explosive concept. There are technically two different types of explosives not counting nuclear and 10 years ago we introduced a third and fourth and invented many thermobaric weapons similar to American MOAB but much more explosive using these new compounds.

Brahmos to us is going to be like mosquito to elephant. If we lose some men and cannons to brahmos we will destroy 100 of theirs and they will run out of brahmos within a few days. Then we have lots of cheap and effective rockets to share with them.
you already lost in stone pelting, your PLA can't even pass a information about how many of them are lost lifes,

and today your minister send a message that we will finish it with dialog

don't you guys feel shame

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