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BrahMos gets combat use nod amid border stand-off with China

You are dealing with a country which is several times richer and more powerful than you, don't take your chance on it.


Where is the Indian military's official statement on this or that of the Indian foreign ministry? At least the Chinese side has addressed this officially. Why is everything we are getting out of India from these mysterious "well-placed" sources?

Well that guy I quoted, is somewhat reliable. But as of now nothing official. May be today afternoon.
I just want to know what it really means that the military can have a free hand, it sounds like a new but very ominous idea to me, I sincerely hope the incident can be defused and no more casualities from either side, but what Indian government is doing can spell disaster, they are escalating this crisis.

It means what I explained to a younger compatriot some time ago, and I must ask you not to quote this against me:

  • When there is some apparent victory emerging from the obfuscation that their pet media indulges in, not the senior leaders, but the gutter scum take it up and make the wildest claims and use it to belabour the minority Muslim community.
  • When there is some apparent victory, that even their pet media cannot conceal, then it is the turn of the bureaucrat, the economist, the purchased scholars, the military men to come to the fore and do what had never, ever been done before: face the people and the media and seek to justify the policies and the very bad decisions that the politicians have made.

This step is nothing but a repulsive bunch of lying, bigoted swine telling the military, we don't know what to do, and posturing in front of the cameras doesn't seem to be a useful way out, so you do something dramatic and get us good publicity. Remember, our being elected depends on you, so go and do your best.

Do remember that in the worst of times, I am an Indian, and I will defend my country, particularly when there doesn't seem to be anybody else coming forward.

i am not military expert but why would Indian govt release information that they intercepted chinese message and make public informatiin that they listen to every PLA communication!!

bakhts defy logic!

They are such exceptions. They do not resemble anybody else on the entire sub-continent. And the moon is made of green cheese. Please don't tell anyone just yet, because I am trying for the green cheese franchise for the world.
Modi mouth piece isn't reliable source lol, will wait for Ajay Shukla who have been on point so far.

Abhijit isn't too bad. He was the guy took Rahul Kanwal's pants off when he tried to pass off the Mig-21 engine as F-16's.
They are such exceptions. They do not resemble anybody else on the entire sub-continent. And the moon is made of green cheese. Please don't tell anyone just yet, because I am trying for the green cheese franchise for the world.
sad to see what you have been reduced to!

a season logical indian acting like bakht!

sad sad indians!
Honestly India is blowing it with their neighbors. Relations with Pakistan and China have obviously gotten considerably worse over the past few years ...
You mean we don't quietly take shit from them anymore.

relations with smaller countries like Nepal also have turned sour.
Remember when relations were down with Maldives and Sri Lanka? How are our relations with them today? Same will happen with Nepal.

Even India's de facto protectorate Bhutan was very displeased over how India handled the 2017 Doklam incident.
Quote your source or are you the source and we are supposed to take your word for it?

reports have said India was the one who was trying to dislodge the Chinese
A small Indian contingent went to the position just to check if PLA had retreated as it was decided in the military talks. There was no aggression.
And don't come with a source like Global Times to put in your view.
You mean we don't quietly take shit from them anymore.

Remember when relations were down with Maldives and Sri Lanka? How are our relations with them today? Same will happen with Nepal.

Quote your source or are you the source and we are supposed to take your word for it?

A small Indian contingent went to the position just to check if PLA had retreated as it was decided in the military talks. There was no aggression.
And don't come with a source like Global Times to put in your view.
sad to see what you have been reduced to!

a season logical indian acting like bakht!

sad sad indians!

What an impertinence to cover your faults by pointing at others reacting to it!

If this kind of thread had not spread all over PDF, if your kind of comment was not floating about without any balance or self-restraint, would anyone sensible have intervened? When you point your finger at someone, remember that four point back at you.

Now go back to older threads, and see the reactions of members of this forum to the vile behaviour of perverts in India, none on this forum, to the deaths of innocent Pakistani men, women and children in an air crash. It was so common on everyone's lips to decry the perversity of taking pleasure in the deaths of others.

What are these threads about, other than celebrating the deaths of Indian soldiers?
What an impertinence to cover your faults by pointing at others reacting to it!

If this kind of thread had not spread all over PDF, if your kind of comment was not floating about without any balance or self-restraint, would anyone sensible have intervened? When you point your finger at someone, remember that four point back at you.

Now go back to older threads, and see the reactions of members of this forum to the vile behaviour of perverts in India, none on this forum, to the deaths of innocent Pakistani men, women and children in an air crash. It was so common on everyone's lips to decry the perversity of taking pleasure in the deaths of others.

What are these threads about, other than celebrating the deaths of Indian soldiers?
indiam soldiers who murder rape innocent unarmed women and childern in Kashmir! and bakhts like yourself support their action so yes 4 fingers pointing at you!

and your kind made fun of Pakistanis dying in air crash i dont remeber Pakistanis making fun of indian civilians deaths!
so they had it against Pakistan as well what hv your army achieved so far other than humiliation??? :o::o:
Oh come now! Don't be so cute.

I will believe it when I see it but it means GoI pushing the ball to army's court.

Somewhat reliable handles are also saying things now.

So you are saying that after getting a thorough *** kicking India decided to put its armed forces on high alert? Nice try but the fact is your forces were on high alert from the moment India decided to be the macho man and tried to punch above its weight only to get squashed in the process and now for domestic consumption the terms like Indian forces are put on high alert are spread, as if that is going to make any difference when it comes to getting your *** kicked.
So you are saying that after getting a thorough *** kicking India decided to put its armed forces on high alert? Nice try but the fact is your forces were on high alert from the moment India decided to be the macho man and tried to punch above its weight only to get squashed in the process and now for domestic consumption the terms like Indian forces are put on high alert are spread, as if that is going to make any difference when it comes to getting your *** kicked.

I am so glad that you keep up with the latest trends in alternate medicine. It reflects great credit on you and reflects on your wide knowledge of current and historical affairs. You do recall that Pakistan's highest civilian award went to an Indian Prime Minister who had evolved from the primitive methods that you showed in your graphics.

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