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BrahMos gets combat use nod amid border stand-off with China

Until now Indian soldier refused to fight Chinese and chanted Om Shanti while getting beaten up. Now with newfound emergency powers watch how each Indian soldier transforms into fierce unforgiving warriors! No mercy this time, Chinese!
Oh come now! Don't be so cute.

I will believe it when I see it but it means GoI pushing the ball to army's court.

Somewhat reliable handles are also saying things now.

Where is the Indian military's official statement on this or that of the Indian foreign ministry? At least the Chinese side has addressed this officially. Why is everything we are getting out of India from these mysterious "well-placed" sources?
For domestic Indian consumption only after all Modi ji needs to protect his 56" breast i mean chest as well in front of his Junta which consider him no less than a super human.

And he also sniffs cocaine. Just to keep up with the Joneses, of course.
What does anything I said earlier have to do with "virus control measures" or "embargos"? I would like to hear your perspective if you think what I've said is incorrect. Are you saying that it was the Indians who were attacked by the Chinese unprovoked?

Please get your citations under control before informing other members what they should or should not do.

Why South Indian?


Why not?
Please get your citations under control before informing other members what they should or should not do.

Why not?
Why are you not defending your claims? Where is the evidence that this "barbaric" attack was ordered by the Chinese government? If anything, the Chinese side has given a pretty detailed account of what happened. I have yet to see anything on a similar degree from the Indian side. It seems to me India's silence would mean that the Chinese account is indeed the real one and that India was the aggressor of yesterday's incident.
Until now Indian soldier refused to fight Chinese and chanted Om Shanti while getting beaten up. Now with newfound emergency powers watch how each Indian soldier transforms into fierce unforgiving warriors! No mercy this time, Chinese!

No, we will launch a thousand keyboards and win resounding victories every time, as we did in every encounter with a neighbour in the last 70 years. Fierce unforgiving keyboard smashers! No moderation - I mean, mercy - this time, Chinese.

Why are you not defending your claims? Where is the evidence that this "barbaric" attack was ordered by the Chinese government? If anything, the Chinese side has given a pretty detailed account of what happened. I have yet to see anything on a similar degree from the Indian side. It seems to me India's silence would mean that the Chinese account is indeed the real one and that India was the aggressor of yesterday's incident.

What claims?
I note that the barbaric acts of violence are entirely strictly under the control of the Chinese government, and is not an error by a local commander and his indisciplined men.

Since that government apparently wishes for war, what may follow must be a most satisfactory prospect.

Yes, you could be heard laughing over your keyboard all over India.
Whatever you wrote below.
I note that the barbaric acts of violence are entirely strictly under the control of the Chinese government, and is not an error by a local commander and his indisciplined men.

Since that government apparently wishes for war, what may follow must be a most satisfactory prospect.

Yes, you could be heard laughing over your keyboard all over India.
yet There is no accountability about how Chinese captured 60sq KM without any resistance? lol
Whatever you wrote below.

I am sorry, is there some language other than English that you wish me to use? I could do Bengali, or Hindi, or Nepali, even a bit of Tamil.

Where did you see a claim? Do you understand the difference between responding to someone else's posts and making statements other than those quoted?
yet There is no accountability about how Chinese captured 60sq KM without any resistance? lol

No, none other than the narration of Indian experts. How nice if you accepted every prognosis by every Indian expert in future. Most satisfactory.

Oops, sorry, forgot - LOL.

India already has a very uneasy border in the west, I don't think it wants another one or two in the east and north.

And you see India seeking to disturb borders in the east and the north?

Indian side casualities are 40 +

Remind me when the celebrations begin. Is there a defined number or will just one Indian dying lead to the parades and the brass bands?
Stupid thread, China has more missiles than any other countries on this planet, and If India attacks China with missile, it forgets how close New Delhi is to the Chinese border.
Accounts differ, you can't judge this incident wholely on one sided stories from Indian media, Chinese media says otherwise. India is in on postion to wage a two front war and China doesn't want a war either, don't let blind anger cloud your judgement and plunge into an misadventure that you could never win.

We know that the EMPEROR has the COMPLETE CONTROL... land grabbing and killing are done on his INSTRUCTION... You guys want war and that is the only reason behind aggression from south China Sea to Himalayas... Reclamation on corals and inch by inch incursion in Himalayas...

India is aware about the COLLUSION between China and Pakistan...

You are dealing with a country which is several times richer and more powerful than you, don't take your chance on it.

Richer... of course... More powerful... I don't think so...

Pakistani Soldiers are more battle hardened than Chinese...

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