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#BoycottUAE also trending in Pakistan after a Turkish guy started it

Naive is the guy condemning people from his own country for having different views than his
well they stood very proudly with India last year and have threatened Pakistan of consequences for refusing to send our army as cannon fodder to their criminal war in Yemen.

Irfan Sahab, I'm shocked that you made this comment.

In order for them to retain India as a major oil customer, and wean them of Iranian oil, plus the following incident, UAE hands over India's most wanted terrorist to Pakistan they gave modi a pacifier.

They have done the same with Japan, by awarding them exploration and extraction rights, and are now working on the Chinese, they have also been given a block.

You conveniently remember only the threat, but forget the Billions they have given over the years, as well as recently. Compared to the draconian IMF T&C's this is a very big help by any standard.

As to the threat that was made, came via UAE from KSA. You should know by now, that UAE and Bahrain, do not have an independent foreign policy when it comes to Pakistan.

As to the war in Yemen, I'm not a religious man at all, but Ballistic Missiles over Makkah seems to be proving the Saudis right.

Besides when the Soviets were knocking at our door, our involvement / response in Afghanistan was Halal, but when the Saudis do the same it is Haram. Honorable Sir, I Fail to see the logic.

On this thread, it already has.

What exactly will you boycott?
Oil from both KSA & UAE :lol:
As to the war in Yemen, I'm not a religious man at all, but Ballistic Missiles over Makkah seems to be proving the Saudis right.

There never was a missile fired to Makkah. It was fired towards the US base in Taif. Many locals living there confirmed it, and you can check the trajectory. Taif is way off in the east, away from Makkah in the west. KSA said it was aimed towards Makkah to get every Muslim in world to turn against Houthis. Putting it out their in the world that a US base was target doesn't get much support from the 2billion Muslims. KSA has a history of lying and have even hide deaths that occurred during Hajj stamped.
There never was a missile fired to Makkah. It was fired towards the US base in Taif. Many locals living there confirmed it, and you can check the trajectory. Taif is way off in the east, away from Makkah in the west. KSA said it was aimed towards Makkah to get every Muslim in world to turn against Houthis. Putting it out their in the world that a US base was target doesn't get much support from the 2billion Muslims. KSA has a history of lying and have even hide deaths that occurred during Hajj stamped.
My friend, I dont rely on Intel from news outlets.

Have a nice evening!
On this thread, it already has.
good. finally something normal
There never was a missile fired to Makkah. It was fired towards the US base in Taif. Many locals living there confirmed it, and you can check the trajectory. Taif is way off in the east, away from Makkah in the west. KSA said it was aimed towards Makkah to get every Muslim in world to turn against Houthis. Putting it out their in the world that a US base was target doesn't get much support from the 2billion Muslims. KSA has a history of lying and have even hide deaths that occurred during Hajj stamped.

so Houthis are fighting Americans in Taif.

i like how everyone is fighting Arabs and Arabs are fighting Arabs.

why are non Arabs not fighting? chickens or something?
Don’t blame them Pakistanis have been playing Topi drama with Kashmir themselves.
EXACTLY! And we expect everyone to burn their bridges, for our confusion.

After IK came in to power Turkey increase Tariffs on Pakistani imports.

We should start a twitter trend to #Boycott Turkey. Until it removes tariffs for Pakistani imports!
My friend, I dont rely on Intel from news outlets.

Have a nice evening!

What i said was not from news outlet. Its from eye witness. Don't cover your eyes and ear to the truth.

so Houthis are fighting Americans in Taif.

i like how everyone is fighting Arabs and Arabs are fighting Arabs.

why are non Arabs not fighting? chickens or something?

USA was deploying drones strikes from that bases. It was retaliation.

Cause its a war that is lost. 6+ years, and KSA still can't win it, despite having better weapons, and training.
Irfan Sahab, I'm shocked that you made this comment.

In order for them to retain India as a major oil customer, and wean them of Iranian oil, plus the following incident, UAE hands over India's most wanted terrorist to Pakistan they gave modi a pacifier.

They have done the same with Japan, by awarding them exploration and extraction rights, and are now working on the Chinese, they have also been given a block.

You conveniently remember only the threat, but forget the Billions they have given over the years, as well as recently. Compared to the draconian IMF T&C's this is a very big help by any standard.

As to the threat that was made, came via UAE from KSA. You should know by now, that UAE and Bahrain, do not have an independent foreign policy when it comes to Pakistan.

As to the war in Yemen, I'm not a religious man at all, but Ballistic Missiles over Makkah seems to be proving the Saudis right.

Besides when the Soviets were knocking at our door, our involvement / response in Afghanistan was Halal, but when the Saudis do the same it is Haram. Honorable Sir, I Fail to see the logic.

On this thread, it already has.

Oil from both KSA & UAE :lol:
How can an ordinary people oil from UAE/KSA?
so Houthis are fighting Americans in Taif.

This has to be the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard!

How can an ordinary people oil from UAE/KSA?
How much remittance does Pakistan get from UAE, KSA & Turkey?

What i said was not from news outlet. Its from eye witness. Don't cover your eyes and ear to the truth.
My brother was actually there in Taif, wearing a Pak Forces uniform when it happened. So please spare me your..........
My brother was actually there in Taif, wearing a Pak Forces uniform when it happened. So please spare me your..........

And i was living right there, so maybe tell your brother to stop BS.
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