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#BoycottUAE also trending in Pakistan after a Turkish guy started it

Why the **** are we getting involved in things that don't concern us... We are neither arabs or truks then wtf ?

Arab vs Turkish rivalry is going on for centuries... No need to get involved.

Their rivalry indeed. But we should recognize our rivalry, and make use of common interests. A UAE which is getting confident day-by-day from its military incursions in Yemen and Libya, is the same UAE which threatened Pakistan of dire consequences and never apologized... such a UAE can, and will be, a headache for Pakistan in the future. It's already spying on Jordanian leaders behest of Israel - yes, this is true, it made it to the news.

So, instead of thinking... "Oh, it's Turkey saying it, they're at odds anyways," we should make use of common ground. It's good that we're not getting into others affairs... but we also have our own foreign issues, and we need to look after interests too. This is in our interest if UAE stops going rogue.
we have nothing to do with it . both turkey and UAe are close friends of pakistan

If that was China, response would be magnitudes different, and I would agree with you. But this is UAE, we shouldn't forget their attitude towards us.
There is a guy called Imran Khan who is now PM Pakistan. He said Modi represents a glorious chance for peace in the region.

Do you think i am new to this?

Did Imran Khan say this when Modi hit Kashmir with Lockdown? Consider the context. UAE awarded Modi while Lockdown was in place.
Pakistanis are too naive and easily fall for anyone. UAE and turkey are clashing in libya. So a turkish guys started a #BoycottUAE trend on twitter and it has now also become a top trend in Pakistan. We do need to fix our self and need not to be part of any such campaign. By the way we owe a lot of money to UAE.


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We should appreciate those who gave us billions, not just recently, but over the years as well. AND not those who hike import tarrifs on Pakistani goods (i.e. turkey) when we could do with easier access to more markets.
This is the reason i am against showing ertugrul on ptv. we are boosting turkey's soft power in pakistan without getting much in return. there is nothing wrong with turkey per say but we should not give foreign nations influence in pakistan for free. also why is it that when a pakistani goes to any other muslim country they start spitting out there talking points even to the detriment of the pakistani position. As far Turkey vs UAE it is non of our concern lets not forget that UAE employs a shit ton of pakistani in low skill jobs. if pakistan take a position contrary UAEs interests it only hurt pakistan as those people are easily replaceable. the best stance would be to stay neutral as these conflicts play out
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