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#BoycottUAE also trending in Pakistan after a Turkish guy started it

This is the reason i am against showing ertugrul on ptv. we are boosting turkey's soft power in pakistan without getting much in return. there is nothing wrong with turkey per say but we should not give foreign nations influence in pakistan for free. also why is it that when a pakistani goes to any other muslim country they start spitting out there talking points even to the detriment of the pakistani position. As far Turkey vs UAE it is non of our concern lets not forget that UAE employs a shit ton of pakistani in low skill jobs. if pakistan take a position contrary UAEs interests it only hurt pakistan as those people are easily replaceable. the best stance would be to stay neutral as these conflicts play out

Yes, it is increasing soft power, and our people are too freaking low IQ'd to take away the real message of the show, I was against it.

But... we should understand that UAE is not a friend of Pakistan. Why do we only see $$$? Why don't we see their threats, attitudes, and how highly they hold India for imprisoning our blood in Kashmir?
i also love it when secularists like you turn to Ertugul citing conservative tribal culture

FYI, people here know that I am a nationalist and secularist, what I am saying here is only on the basis of Pakistan's interests. Sucking up to a country which gave us a couple billion, and selling out Kashmir, and any self respect, is not our self interest.
First mass feed ertugul than ask muslims to boycott muslims.

what do you think the country is? a rollercoaster of enlightened moderation as conjured up in a darkened drawing room?

Lmao, you missed my thread maybe. I was never for mass feeding Ertugrul.
That's the mentality we are fighting against, and those, who suck up to it.

Money brings Arrogance, and Propriety brings Feeling of being Special , both things Muhammad Pbuh Warned Arabs about prior to his departure, but unfortunately his words falls on Deaf ears .
FYI, people here know that I am a nationalist and secularist, what I am saying here is only on the basis of Pakistan's interests. Sucking up to a country which gave us a couple billion, and selling out Kashmir, and any self respect, is not our self interest.

Why don't you take this up with the government of Pakistan?

Its not like Turkey has a Kashmir fund program which UAE does not contribute to.

You are neither a secularist nor a nationalist. An opportunist at best and a vulture at worst

Lmao, you missed my thread maybe. I was never for mass feeding Ertugrul.

its because you don't like the religious undertone which you are now using yourself as legit politics.

we no playing. get another game
Its not like Turkey has a Kashmir fund program which UAE does not contribute to.

What does this line even mean?

its because you don't like the religious undertone which you are now using yourself as legit politics.

we no playing. get another game

I am so confused. Either way, keep up the strawmanning, good to know you literally have no idea what you're talking about.
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