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Born in India, will die in India

You can bla bla bla all you want. I can see why you lot have no answer to the questions.

Keep deflecting, people are exposing your inherent stupidity. Keep protesting over your imagined prosecution.
LOL I can see, who is deflecting here. Oh you want people to decide, good for me then. You saved my time by chosing to not continue with your foolish arguments. The world can see if the ongoing Hindutva bloodthirst is "imagined" or if its for real, Sanghi paplus can live in denial as always...

Anyways you carry on with your idiotic rants. I still remember your 20 year old "Kid" analogy;), so you won't be missed by me.
LOL I can see, who is deflecting here. Oh you want people to decide, good for me then. You saved my time by chosing to not continue with your foolish arguments. The world can see if the ongoing Hindutva bloodthirst is "imagined" or if its for real, Sanghi paplus can live in denial as always...

Anyways you carry on with your idiotic rants. I still remember your 20 year old "Kid" analogy;), so you won't be missed by me.

CAA protesters FORCED to chant "Vande Mataram" when public shouted "Modi , Modi" to them :lol:

LOL I can see, who is deflecting here. Oh you want people to decide, good for me then. You saved my time by chosing to not continue with your foolish arguments. The world can see if the ongoing Hindutva bloodthirst is "imagined" or if its for real, Sanghi paplus can live in denial as always...

Anyways you carry on with your idiotic rants. I still remember your 20 year old "Kid" analogy;), so you won't be missed by me.
Can't answer simple questions like "cutoff dates of NRC that's being implemented throughout India (according to you Amit Bhai said he will implement it don't know anything else)". Comes back calling names:lol:

Amit Shah said it's coming. Modi said it's coming. We Muzlims are getting stateless, we don't have documents.
(Sad BGM) Then does secular protest saying "there is no god but Allah". And wants Freedom (Azaadi).

CAA protesters FORCED to chant "Vande Mataram" when public shouted "Modi , Modi" to them :lol:

That's the thing I love about it.
Whatever the protest be, mullahs are waving Indian flags, singing Vande matharam, saying Bharat Mata ki jai.:enjoy:
Can't answer simple questions like "cutoff dates of NRC that's being implemented throughout India (according to you Amit Bhai said he will implement it don't know anything else)". Comes back calling names:lol:

Amit Shah said it's coming. Modi said it's coming. We Muzlims are getting stateless, we don't have documents.
(Sad BGM) Then does secular protest saying "there is no god but Allah". And wants Freedom (Azaadi).

لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله
Can't answer simple questions like "cutoff dates of NRC that's being implemented throughout India (according to you Amit Bhai said he will implement it don't know anything else)"
Yes, isn't the statement more than enough. And he has repeated it good number of times. Is he not a man to be take seriously? This Tadipaar controls India's Home affairs and literally is the second most powerful man in the country right now. So what do you expect when he makes statements like these.

Comes back calling names:lol:
I am just reciprocating. I always repay in kind:D

Amit Shah said it's coming. Modi said it's coming. We Muzlims are getting stateless, we don't have documents.
So you are saying that Indians shouldn't take the statements of Tadipaar and his moronic Saheb who happen to rule this country seriously?

(Sad BGM) Then does secular protest saying "there is no god but Allah". And wants Freedom (Azaadi).
Didn't secular Gandhi used terms like "Ram Rajya" to define the free India, Ram Rajya is secular:undecided:. Don't the Indian soldiers use terms like "Ram Ram", "Jai Mata Di", "Har Har Mahadev" etc in their daily greetings and war cries? Aah.. they must be secular chants. Only "La ilaha illala" can be deemed communal:(

And what is wrong with Aazadi... Listen this out:yahoo::yahoo:

That's the thing I love about it.
Whatever the protest be, mullahs are waving Indian flags, singing Vande matharam, saying Bharat Mata ki jai.:enjoy:
And Hindutva lodus suddenly developed love for Indian flag while the history is replete with these chomus insulting Indian flag:lol::lol:

Patel asked RSS to accept Tricolour - The Hindu

The RSS and the tricolour

Tri-colour hoisted at RSS HQ after 52 yrs

Hoisting Tricolour, Bhagwat Settles RSS' Flag Dilemma

Yes, isn't the statement more than enough. And he has repeated it good number of times. Is he not a man to be take seriously? This Tadipaar controls India's Home affairs and literally is the second most powerful man in the country right now. So what do you expect when he makes statements like these.

I am just reciprocating. I always repay in kind:D

So you are saying that Indians shouldn't take the statements of Tadipaar and his moronic Saheb who happen to rule this country seriously?

Didn't secular Gandhi used terms like "Ram Rajya" to define the free India, Ram Rajya is secular:undecided:. Don't the Indian soldiers use terms like "Ram Ram", "Jai Mata Di", "Har Har Mahadev" etc in their daily greetings and war cries? Aah.. they must be secular chants. Only "La ilaha illala" can be deemed communal:(

And what is wrong with Aazadi... Listen this out:yahoo::yahoo:

And Hindutva lodus suddenly developed love for Indian flag while the history is replete with these chomus insulting Indian flag:lol::lol:

Patel asked RSS to accept Tricolour - The Hindu

The RSS and the tricolour

Tri-colour hoisted at RSS HQ after 52 yrs

Hoisting Tricolour, Bhagwat Settles RSS' Flag Dilemma
Is that Shehla Rashid beside that blue sweater guy?
Yes, isn't the statement more than enough. And he has repeated it good number of times. Is he not a man to be take seriously? This Tadipaar controls India's Home affairs and literally is the second most powerful man in the country right now. So what do you expect when he makes statements like these.
Yeah, statements of Amit shah is now official notification. According to these lot, when Amit Shah repeats something n - times, it becomes law.
Sounds stupid. Please, enlighten us of the official cut off dates. If you don't know, then bugger off. Don't come back saying Amit shah said NRC manthra.
I am just reciprocating. I always repay in kind:D
How much did Yogi asked? :lol:

So you are saying that Indians shouldn't take the statements of Tadipaar and his moronic Saheb who happen to rule this country seriously?
NPR and NRC will happen, hopefully. Government has every right and authority to know who all are it's citizen.
Go challenge it in SC and see what happens.
I'm saying, these protesting donkeys should go home wait for NRC to be implemented nationwide, see if any Indians with valid documents loss citizenship.

The following is quite expected from you. Let me break it down for you.
Didn't secular Gandhi used terms like "Ram Rajya" to define the free India, Ram Rajya is secular:undecided:.
Haha how dumb one can be. Did Gandhi said he want Hindu rashtra? Ram rajya is a nation were all it's citizen was treated equally, rulers ruled according to wishes of public, non violence way to treat violence, swift justice and so on. That's what Gandhi said.

Ram rajya from Hindu philosophies is nothing but an ideal nation and a ruler be like lord Ram. Call it an Indian ideal nation.
Only "La ilaha illala" can be deemed communal:(
Army members are allowed to have any war cry they want based on the beliefs of their regiment members or you. You are welcome not to chant it. It's not an enforced code in army to chant war cry. Coming to them.

Ram ram = name of god.

Har har Mahadev = Praise to lord Shiva

Jai mata di = victory to mother goddess.

All these sound simple chants. It doesn't say, one true god Ram, Shiva, Durga...

You can believe there is no god but allah, but when you shout out at a Hindu, and as a protest against government, then hell yeah, its communal.
Oh I missed those edits. :enjoy:

And Hindutva lodus suddenly developed love for Indian flag while the history is replete with these chomus insulting Indian flag:lol::lol:

You mean insulting Indian flag like this?

True, how could he do that in a Darul Islam!


RSS did had their own ideas about Indian flags. A Saffron flag. These are many such disagreements in the inception of the nation. Should Hyderabad be still blamed for being disloyal to India during 47 and that patel had to 'slap' sense into them?
Bullshit. Until 2002 flag code do not permit private institution and citizens from hoisting national flag.
It was amended and then RSS hoisted national flag on top of the HQ.
Wonder where is national flag on top of AMIM HQ. Is that a green flag?
images (1).jpg

RSS don't sport Jinnah's image as it's founding fathers, or eminent persons, nor do RSS have party constitution barring non - Hindus from pracharak positions. But we have secular parties allied with congress showing such blatant communal rules in its party constitution. No but lets teach RSS, nationalism and secularism.
Yeah, statements of Amit shah is now official notification. According to these lot, when Amit Shah repeats something n - times, it becomes law.
Sounds stupid. Please, enlighten us of the official cut off dates. If you don't know, then bugger off. Don't come back saying Amit shah said NRC manthra.

Ohh so the words of taklu tadipaar won't matter... His brayings are to be ignored? Cut off dates are only a technicality. I am speaking about the law in its entirety. So come back when you can say that idea of NRC doesn't exist else buzz off...

How much did Yogi asked? :lol:
Every Dog has his day, Yogi will have his;)

NPR and NRC will happen, hopefully. Government has every right and authority to know who all are it's citizen.
Go challenge it in SC and see what happens.
LOL... At one point you say that NRC is not even being discussed and then here you claim that NPR and NRC will happen, "hopefully".

When the Government issues an election ID card or a passport to a resident, that automatically implies that the said resident is a citizen. Simple maths there...

I'm saying, these protesting donkeys should go home wait for NRC to be implemented nationwide, see if any Indians with valid documents loss citizenship.
Yeah... its like asking the German Jews of the early 20th century to wait till their names are finalized for a free entry into gas chambers. Your logic is amazing...

The following is quite expected from you. Let me break it down for you.

Haha how dumb one can be. Did Gandhi said he want Hindu rashtra? Ram rajya is a nation were all it's citizen was treated equally, rulers ruled according to wishes of public, non violence way to treat violence, swift justice and so on. That's what Gandhi said.

Ram rajya from Hindu philosophies is nothing but an ideal nation and a ruler be like lord Ram. Call it an Indian ideal nation.

Army members are allowed to have any war cry they want based on the beliefs of their regiment members or you. You are welcome not to chant it. It's not an enforced code in army to chant war cry. Coming to them.

Ram ram = name of god.

Har har Mahadev = Praise to lord Shiva

Jai mata di = victory to mother goddess.

All these sound simple chants. It doesn't say, one true god Ram, Shiva, Durga...

You can believe there is no god but allah, but when you shout out at a Hindu, and as a protest against government, then hell yeah, its communal.
Awww... So subtly explained. Let me also try something similar from my end...

To invoke Allah or to not: Secular Islamophobia and the protesting Indian muslim

Indian liberals missed the mark yet again by protesting "La ilaaha illallah" in CAA debate

If our Kalima offends you, so does your stone/idol worshipping offends us. If we never expressed our displeasure, I expect the same from the other side.
Oh I missed those edits. :enjoy:

You mean insulting Indian flag like this?

True, how could he do that in a Darul Islam!

View attachment 600030
Aww... Tadipaar's Saheb holding the national flag. You must have worked real hard to find it? Not sure, what he was planning to do? Burn it like his fellow ideologues do with Indian constitution?

RSS did had their own ideas about Indian flags. A Saffron flag. These are many such disagreements in the inception of the nation. Should Hyderabad be still blamed for being disloyal to India during 47 and that patel had to 'slap' sense into them?
RSS has its ideas about Indian flag, so does SIMI and Indian mujahideen have their own ideas of India and its flag. Can we discuss their ideas...LOL

Hyderabad state was an independent Kingdom, a nation unto itself , so where does this question of loyalty creep in? Indian forces invaded and forcibly merged it into India.

Bullshit. Until 2002 flag code do not permit private institution and citizens from hoisting national flag.
It was amended and then RSS hoisted national flag on top of the HQ.
Wonder where is national flag on top of AMIM HQ. Is that a green flag?
View attachment 600034
LOL... Your lies are too weak and are already busted

Did governmental regulations prevent RSS from hoisting national flag for 52 years?

RSS don't sport Jinnah's image as it's founding fathers, or eminent persons, nor do RSS have party constitution barring non - Hindus from pracharak positions. But we have secular parties allied with congress showing such blatant communal rules in its party constitution. No but lets teach RSS, nationalism and secularism.
Yeah... RSS doesn't support Jinnah, it only supported its British masters LOL

RSS bars no non - Hindus from pracharak positions??? Forget about RSS having non-Hindus as pracharaks, first have Dalits as Pracharaks. The rest can be discussed later..

Will a dalit become RSS chief or Shankaracharya?

We analysed 1,000 BJP leaders & found the party remains a Brahmin-Baniya club

Talk like this will get you lynched!!!

How are things on the ground?

You, family, friends... everyone safe?
You already read about a masjid being vandalized and muslim homes being burnt in our Province by Hindu extremists. Apart from that, Hyderabad has been mostly peaceful.

Communal tensions escalate in Telangana's Bhainsa town, 18 houses set on fire
If you got something to say, use English. I don't read or speak those languages.

Exclusively for you...since you are a nice guy:

देवाशिवाय कोणी देव नाही
Ohh so the words of taklu tadipaar won't matter... His brayings are to be ignored? Cut off dates are only a technicality. I am speaking about the law in its entirety. So come back when you can say that idea of NRC doesn't exist else buzz off...
Not just Amit Shah, BJP ran for election and won it with NRC in their manifesto? Did those dummies thought about it then?

Cutt off date is the most important matter in NRC, there is not even a guidelines for how it will be implemented, what all documents are required. Absolutely no information on it.

Amit shah said NRC will be implemented. Donkeys started protesting, 'mu mu people gonna loss citizenship'.
Try to make sense sometimes.

Every Dog has his day, Yogi will have his;)
Dogs did pay back for the damages done.

LOL... At one point you say that NRC is not even being discussed and then here you claim that NPR and NRC will happen, "hopefully".

When the Government issues an election ID card or a passport to a resident, that automatically implies that the said resident is a citizen. Simple maths there...
Then what are you protesting about? :lol:

Yeah... its like asking the German Jews of the early 20th century to wait till their names are finalized for a free entry into gas chambers. Your logic is amazing...
Never knew these are rocket science for these lots. :disagree: I tried...

Awww... So subtly explained. Let me also try something similar from my end...

To invoke Allah or to not: Secular Islamophobia and the protesting Indian muslim

Indian liberals missed the mark yet again by protesting "La ilaaha illallah" in CAA debate

If our Kalima offends you, so does your stone/idol worshipping offends us. If we never expressed our displeasure, I expect the same from the other side.
True lets make it our national motto. :enjoy:

I'll give my take, given you don't have your own opinion but needs opeds to defend.
You are free to believe whatever god you want, no problem. You can say, there is no god but allah to yourselves but, when you shout out to a Hindu like Shashi taroor, who worships idols, you're directly questioning his belief.
I can't be secular if I ask say to you, there is no god but Brahma. Would you consider me secular? I couldn't consider myself secular if I shout that out to you.
This protest turned to be an Islamists protest, tomorrow if you recite quran worse that says things about idols, should that be called secular too? Wait you already said similar things.
All idols will be removed only allahs name will remain.

Now I know the similie and metaphor in the faiz poem but India is not Pakistan and it's not Zia's rule. Wonder why you consistently get things wrong, discredit and mock Hindus and Hindu symbols. But then I see who are protesting. Oh well...

images (2).jpg

Exclusively for you...since you are a nice guy:

देवाशिवाय कोणी देव नाही
That's a stupid thing to say. Relevance???
Aww... Tadipaar's Saheb holding the national flag. You must have worked real hard to find it? Not sure, what he was planning to do? Burn it like his fellow ideologues do with Indian constitution?
Quite the contrary it's a famous photograph. Prolly you must have seen it first time in your Darul Islam J&K. Perhaps you wished he burns it there, but alas he hoisted it in 1992 defying terror threats. late

RSS has its ideas about Indian flag, so does SIMI and Indian mujahideen have their own ideas of India and its flag. Can we discuss their ideas...LOL

Hyderabad state was an independent Kingdom, a nation unto itself , so where does this question of loyalty creep in? Indian forces invaded and forcibly merged it into India.
Yeah, but RSS was never a national security threat. I don't remember hearing any of those organizations like SIMI, IM etc... marching past along with Indian army like RSS did. Did you wish to see it?

Apply same analogy to a group who had disagreements with ruling party over some issues. They are not alone it, many parties in India had different opinions on how nation state should be. Communist party of India declared independence day as black day and wanted communist revolution in India. There were quite a lot of such disagreements which were then solved by patel or subsequent governments.
Yeah... RSS doesn't support Jinnah, it only supported its British masters LOL

RSS bars no non - Hindus from pracharak positions??? Forget about RSS having non-Hindus as pracharaks, first have Dalits as Pracharaks. The rest can be discussed later..

Will a dalit become RSS chief or Shankaracharya?

We analysed 1,000 BJP leaders & found the party remains a Brahmin-Baniya club
There are countless Dalit pracharaks and karyavahaks for RSS. LOL! Talk about ignorance.

A Dalit can become RSS chief when senior leaders passes, most senior leaders are upper caste Hindus, and RSS chiefs are selected on few conditions neither of which involves caste. Upper caste Hindus were politically active, I could list freedom fighters in India. You can see the Brahmin - Baniya club there. Do check sometimes.

Besides RSS is not a political party. You're comparing supposed secular IUML party to a NGO.
RSS don't like to play caste card, their idea is to make Hindus caste less and unify them under Hinduism, as it works better for them that way. One of the main reason BJP won is rupture in caste specific votes.

So, now RSS didn't like national flag because they didn't hoist it on National days. Big crime lol.

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