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Born in India, will die in India

A lie often repeated by the Hindutva lot and now parroted by their Assamese serfs...

Facts Don't Back The Argument That Most Indian Muslims wanted Partition
Go spread your gospel to someone else, 85% of the muslim reserved seats were won by the party who fought the polls in '46 with an agenda to partition India. 90% of Indian muslims were in favour of it.

In my state, that Bangladeshi scum Sadullah was ready to include Assam into East Pakistan, when the miyas were just a minority in the state. It took our first CM Shri Gopinath Bordoloi to convince Sardar Patel and Gandhiji otherwise.

Now, did all those muslims go back to Pakistan after voting overwhelmingly for partition. NO!!

The progeny of the miyas now are using the same old tactics of misinformation. Just a couple of days back a memorandum was submitted to the Clause 6 committee that all the Assamese tribes were invaders and the miyas are the sons of the soil. Yes you heard it right, the Bangladeshi miyas, and they are now claiming ST status.

You can no longer fool people with your pathetic propaganda.
Go spread your gospel to someone else, 85% of the muslim reserved seats were won by the party who fought the polls in '46 with an agenda to partition India. 90% of Indian muslims were in favour of it.

In my state, that Bangladeshi scum Sadullah was ready to include Assam into East Pakistan, when the miyas were just a minority in the state. It took our first CM Shri Gopinath Bordoloi to convince Sardar Patel and Gandhiji otherwise.

Now, did all those muslims go back to Pakistan after voting overwhelmingly for partition. NO!!

The progeny of the miyas now are using the same old tactics of misinformation. Just a couple of days back a memorandum was submitted to the Clause 6 committee that all the Assamese tribes were invaders and the miyas are the sons of the soil. Yes you heard it right, the Bangladeshi miyas, and they are now claiming ST status.

You can no longer fool people with your pathetic propaganda.
Your long rant won't change shit about history. The happenings of history are well documented and I've posted credible sources to support my claim. Now carry on with your moans as it won't change the fact that this country also belongs to its muslim citizens and you lindus can cry a river over it...

Unki Junta se poocho, mujhe kya pata.. didn't follow that conflict.. don't want them here though.
Same here, don't want the Bangladeshis or Pakistanis here either... Our country is already overcrowded.

dunno, maybe if he falls in love with a Jamila ? :P
Or it could even be a Sandhya but then again she will prefer an Italy over a basti in Aamchi Mumbai...

growth rates

of course they're higher within a dwindling super minority (2-3%?) than the super majority

itni basic statistical debunking mat karvao, don't have time to explain the very simple math behind it right now.

facts: they're basically on their way to 0 in Pak etc,
Please explain, how a growing population will eventually become Zero?

while Indian Muslims, numbering in your 100s of millions, have GROWN and THRIVED.
As said previously, Sachhar committee states otherwise

but it's not launched yet !

only the CAA is in effect, the other 2 are in chintan and charcha mode. We have hysteria, not any real info right now on it.. wait.

demoni@%$n was a disaster, agree.

but then the siasi/rajneetik winds blew in their favour, they made good with them. So it was a choice between 'dilute AFSPA, shackle our guys'


'one Nation, one constitution' 'nukes not for Diwali'

aam aadmi desh bhakt hai, aap bhi ho... but this is a kareley alu ki sabzi vs chocolate ice cream with sprinkles choice in a General..

I'm interested to see how the left/opposition tries to counter the nationalist narrative, it's a very formidable opponent. To defeat the nationalists, calling them names only strengthens them.

The Congress will be FORCED to adopt a (softer/without baggage) brand of "nationalism" if they are to survive.

and no one will be denied statehood, nor will their citizenship be stripped off, and nobody will be marched to the tandoors or anything of the sort.
I am not debating its political benefits that BJP is going to reap, I am speaking about it will affect the citizens of this country.

Local Police know who they are better than anyone else..

random Indian Muslims are in no way just going to be arbitrarily deported or anything.

you appear to be a reasonable person, please don't tell me you believe that garbage.
Yeah I know, so why spend thousands of crores over something which is anyways being dealt by local police...
Now carry on with your moans as it won't change the fact that this country also belongs to its muslim citizens and you lindus can cry a river over it...
You katwas can only claim victimhood after using vile language against us. This country is for Indians alike irrespective of their religion and those Hindus/Buddhists/etc outside India who have faced muslim tyranny. NOT FOR THE BANGLADESHI MIYA LEECHES whom you consider your long lost brothers. Go join them in Bangladesh or Pakistan if you so desperately want to live with them.
Same here, don't want the Bangladeshis or Pakistanis here either... Our country is already overcrowded.
I don't entirely disagree but this is being done on humanitarian grounds given their situation in Pak, BD and Af.

Or it could even be a Sandhya but then again she will prefer an Italy over a basti in Aamchi Mumbai...
I'd have no problems. Two consenting adults, not my business who they might be or what they might get up to.. 'azadi'

Please explain, how a growing population will eventually become Zero?
Zero bole to, an irrelevant statistical figure from where it'll be next to impossible to regain any sort of meaningful strength in numbers.

Like the Parsis here, those guys and their culture will not last. Good thing most of them are quite well to do.

If you have just 1 couple of X denomination people in a country of five hundred. Should that couple have 2 kids, statistically it would mean a 100% growth rate but they will still only be 4 individuals in a country of 500.

Hindus etc have essentially been wiped out Pak, BD, Af.

As said previously, Sachhar committee states otherwise
What did they say, link ?

Anyway, societal and social problems plague virtually every nation on earth, it's the human condition. There is no state oppression of the muslims in India.

and I suspect a lot of those wounds are also self inflicted. Those who have the will to achieve, can achieve. From high political and bureaucratic offices, to the corporate world, to the sciences, to sports, entertainment, and the arts. We have muslim representation everywhere.

The Armed forces are the only place where we see a slight under representation though.. wonder why.

I am not debating its political benefits that BJP is going to reap, I am speaking about it will affect the citizens of this country.
It will not affect citizens of this country. Apart from say, instances where people are employing illegal labour.

JNU ke bacchon ki weed situation tight ho jayegi :P

Yeah I know, so why spend thousands of crores over something which is anyways being dealt by local police...
but it's NOT being dealt by the local police... "chalta hai" attitude.

hopefully now and in the near future with the implementation of these new policies, they'll get to work and start sending the illegals back.


Also, kind of done with this thread now. bohot hua :sick:

butt heads when the roll out the UCC and Population Regulation thing is rolled out. UCC probably comes first, then PRB/A next year.

things are just fine, or as good or bad as they've ever been, no need for any alarm, no cause for concern.

don't spread fear, have a good day ! :enjoy:
You katwas can only claim victimhood after using vile language against us. This country is for Indians alike irrespective of their religion and those Hindus/Buddhists/etc outside India who have faced muslim tyranny. NOT FOR THE BANGLADESHI MIYA LEECHES whom you consider your long lost brothers. Go join them in Bangladesh or Pakistan if you so desperately want to live with them.
Vile language? You lindus derogatarily call muslims as Miyas and other such terms and now claim victimhood, Old habit I guess. Why do you chinki lindus want to eat from everyone's plate and then cry over here "Oh our culture, our land" LOL... You Cow piss drinking lindus have literally annihilated buddhists from its land of birth, mistreat your own aka dalits, burn your women, kill your female babies, breed like rats, massacred minorities yet claim victimhood. Faak off lindu, drink some cow piss and forget about we going anywhere, you can go back to China...
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Vile language? You lindus derogatarily call muslims as Miyas and other such terms and now claim victimhood, Old habit I guess. Why do you chinki lindus want to eat from everyone's plate and then cry over here "Oh our culture, our land" LOL... You Cow piss drinking lindus have literally annihilated buddhists from its land of birth, mistreat your own aka dalits, burn your women, kill your female babies, breed like rats, massacred minorities yet claim victimhood. Faak off lindu, drink some cow piss and forget about we going anywhere, you can go back to China...
Your pathetic self imploding kat mollahs in Assam have a TFR almost twice than us Assamese natives and other Hindus(and even Assamese muslims) and yet have the galls to lecture us on population control. GTFO off India if you don't intend on following the responsibilities of dutiful citizens.

Listen katwa, your turd gobbling Bangladeshi miyas in NE are the root source of all evils here. If you truly care for the country, which i very much doubt, join us in driving them away to BD instead of all these fake posturings about CAA/NRC.

As said by another poster, we are bringing in UCC, Population Control and Anti Conversion Bills. The honeymoon for you fcuking rabid hordes will be over very soon.
Your pathetic self imploding kat mollahs in Assam have a TFR almost twice than us Assamese natives and other Hindus(and even Assamese muslims) and yet have the galls to lecture us on population control. GTFO off India if you don't intend on following the responsibilities of dutiful citizens.

Listen katwa, your turd gobbling Bangladeshi miyas in NE are the root source of all evils here. If you truly care for the country, which i very much doubt, join us in driving them away to BD instead of all these fake posturings about CAA/NRC.

As said by another poster, we are bringing in UCC, Population Control and Anti Conversion Bills. The honeymoon for you fcuking rabid hordes will be over very soon.
LOL... You Cow piss drinking lindus are quite opportunistic, When it suits you, you become Assamese, else you are a stinking lindu batting for your fellow lindus. Now own up your filthy lindus who breed like rats. Its you chinki lindu who need to fcuk off to China and stop preaching others.

Look Lindu, I remember the terrorists of yesteryears, they weren't Bengali Miyas but you chinki lindus who spilled the blood of our soldiers. So stop giving sermons lindu terrorist sympathizer.

LOL... Now you become "WE", We who? You and fellow Cow piss drinking lindus from Cow belt? You can't do shit about UCC? Population control? Says the Lindu who bred like rats LOL. Sure, this is a question of our existence. So bring it on...
Please provide references for the highlighted section. I believe that provision exists only in WhatsApp University.

Here are the requirements to prove citizenship in India (note that this is likely to be different than the NRC)


100 % True. All my school friends and classmates, save one, have all gone over to the dark side. These are all people with high education and credentials, and holding high positions in India/US/UK. All are rabidly anti-Muslim and believe all the lies being spread by WhatsApp, as long as it is anti-Muslim.
The logic is simple. Hindus equals Hindutva equals RSS.
Rest we want to be free.

Your long rant won't change shit about history. The happenings of history are well documented and I've posted credible sources to support my claim. Now carry on with your moans as it won't change the fact that this country also belongs to its muslim citizens and you lindus can cry a river over it...

Same here, don't want the Bangladeshis or Pakistanis here either... Our country is already overcrowded.

Or it could even be a Sandhya but then again she will prefer an Italy over a basti in Aamchi Mumbai...

Please explain, how a growing population will eventually become Zero?

As said previously, Sachhar committee states otherwise

I am not debating its political benefits that BJP is going to reap, I am speaking about it will affect the citizens of this country.

Yeah I know, so why spend thousands of crores over something which is anyways being dealt by local police...
Lindus lol. Good one.

Vile language? You lindus derogatarily call muslims as Miyas and other such terms and now claim victimhood, Old habit I guess. Why do you chinki lindus want to eat from everyone's plate and then cry over here "Oh our culture, our land" LOL... You Cow piss drinking lindus have literally annihilated buddhists from its land of birth, mistreat your own aka dalits, burn your women, kill your female babies, breed like rats, massacred minorities yet claim victimhood. Faak off lindu, drink some cow piss and forget about we going anywhere, you can go back to China...
I call them Gauputras or Ibn e Bakra. Lolz.
I remember the terrorists of yesteryears, they weren't Bengali Miyas but you chinki lindus who spilled the blood of our soldiers. So stop giving sermons lindu terrorist sympathizer.
Seems like you are stuck in a perpetual flaccid state of your nervous system too along with your rudimentary vestige, katwa. Your Bangladeshi miyas have been involved in countless acts of terror in Assam, feel free to go through the archives.

As for others, they were sheltered, trained and provided arms in Bangladesh by the then government. By the same Bangladeshis whom you are supporting today.
You can't do shit about UCC?
Aww, how cute, katwa:rofl:. UCC is Gandhiji's vision and we are going to bring it to fruition. You can't do jack shit about it.
Seems like you are stuck in a perpetual flaccid state of your nervous system too along with your rudimentary vestige, katwa. Your Bangladeshi miyas have been involved in countless acts of terror in Assam, feel free to go through the archives.
Aww.. Mr Lindu Lora is trying to sound sophisticated LOL.. Sure countless acts of terror!!! Says the terrorist lindu who gave no quarter to Indian army jawans while brutally killing them.

As for others, they were sheltered, trained and provided arms in Bangladesh by the then government. By the same Bangladeshis whom you are supporting today.
Same Bangladeshis? I've thought that Bangladeshi state has a friendly government for India, Are they supporting terror against India:cheesy:...

Look junglee lindu, stop lying. We know that your lot has always fomented trouble for India, Now suddenly acting coy because a lindu government is at centre.

Aww, how cute, katwa:rofl:. UCC is Gandhiji's vision and we are going to bring it to fruition. You can't do jack shit about it.
Aww... Gandhiji, Lindus are getting orgasmic over his name:lol:... Go suck the willy of Godse. Aren't you his progeny??

As I said... bring it on junglee lindu:cheers:
Says the terrorist lindu who gave no quarter to Indian army jawans while brutally killing them.
Dear imbecile katwa, it was us Assamese common citizens who broke the back of China and Bangladesh supported insurgent groups in Assam, so much so that they are irrelevant in the present scheme of things. We broke the back of your devious plans to carve a Greater Bengal out of NE.
I've thought that Bangladeshi state has a friendly government for India, Are they supporting terror against India
Sucking on the phallus of Tipu in your wet dreams has obscured your reasoning ability and memory. Bangladeshi scums prior to Hasina's BAL actively fomented trouble in NE. You have got to be a madrassa-chap troglodyte to be not able to be aware of this simple fact.
Lindus are getting orgasmic over his name
Why not, we will make the vision of our father of the nation come true after 7 odd decades. You should rejoice, katwa.
Dear imbecile katwa, it was us Assamese common citizens who broke the back of China and Bangladesh supported insurgent groups in Assam, so much so that they are irrelevant in the present scheme of things. We broke the back of your devious plans to carve a Greater Bengal out of NE.
Look Chinki Lora lindu, you Assamese lindus supported terrorists who killed Indian soldiers and it was Bangladesh which helped India cull you lindu terrorist scum... So stop lying ugly lindu...

Bangladesh launches major crackdown on ULFA
Top ULFA leaders arrested in Bangladesh
Bangladesh Cooperates on Terror: Can India translate it into success

Sucking on the phallus of Tipu in your wet dreams has obscured your reasoning ability and memory.
Says the lindu who sucks and worships Phallus:lol:... Which size have you taken in today;)

Why not, we will make the vision of our father of the nation come true after 7 odd decades. You should rejoice, katwa.
Keep dreaming chinki lindu, your father of nation:rofl:, you meant Godse, your lindu idol? Go drink some Cow piss and dream on...
Look Chinki Lora lindu, you Assamese lindus supported terrorists who killed Indian soldiers and it was Bangladesh which helped India cull you lindu terrorist scum... So stop lying ugly lindu...

Bangladesh launches major crackdown on ULFA
Top ULFA leaders arrested in Bangladesh
Bangladesh Cooperates on Terror: Can India translate it into success
Bangladeshi scums prior to Hasina's BAL actively fomented trouble in NE. You have got to be a madrassa-chap troglodyte to be not able to be aware of this simple fact.
Did someone drop you by your head in the madrassa? Comprehension and reasoning evades the icteric katwas.
Did someone drop you by your head in the madrassa? Comprehension and reasoning evades the icteric katwas.
Abey Shaka bred Lindu, ULFA gained prominence only in the late 90's. And Hasina came to power during the same period. So try harder lindu, you chinki lindu terrorists were always an enemy of Indian state and it was Bangladesh which came to India's aide...

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