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Border issue 'headache and trouble' for bilateral ties: China

Faith and reality are two different things. Reality is China is stronger than India. In the battlefield it would be strategy that would count as both sides won't be able to field much weaponry and it would be a gruesome artillery and infantry battle.

That is a myth. Otherwise, China would have taken their South Tibet long ago. But in reality, our AP is still with us.
Its the question of India's territorial integrity. Do you respect that or not?

Well, Aksai Chin is not under Indian control. So let go of it. Trade it for peace and an end to bogus Chinese claims on Arunachal and fully legitimate territory of India.
That is a myth. Otherwise, China would have taken their South Tibet long ago. But in reality, our AP is still with us.
If India is stronger than China, then you would have taken Aksai Chin long ago. Forget that, you can't even take over Kashmir :rofl:
That is a myth. Otherwise, China would have taken their South Tibet long ago. But in reality, our AP is still with us.

That was due to the 50 years peace deal. If China broke it it would have lost face internationally and that was a time China was working to get where it is today. Arunachal was not a big issue for them. BTW, they did some misadventures in the 80s and were "beaten" back effectively.
Well, Aksai Chin is not under Indian control. So let go of it. Trade it for peace and an end to bogus Chinese claims on Arunachal and fully legitimate territory of India.

So first we let go our territorial integrity, then we let go the Tibetan Govt in Exile, then we let go our dignity and pride. Sorry, can't do that just because AP will become the theater of war in the first phase and some Arunachalis will suffer.

Ḥashshāshīn;3661449 said:
Try to invade Tibet, and watch missiles fall on Delhi... lol

And so will our missiles on major Chinese cities.
If India starts a war, the whole country would suffer. Think over it.

Indian leaders ought to be pragmatic. Ego shouldn't come in way of an everlasting and perpetual peace.
BTW< the very same Indian govt, whose stands you are quoting, doesn't recognise the Tibetan government in exile and contrary to that recognises Tibeta as an integral part of China.
That was due to the 50 years peace deal. If China broke it it would have lost face internationally and that was a time China was working to get where it is today. Arunachal was not a big issue for them. BTW, they did some misadventures in the 80s and were "beaten" back effectively.

Peace deal is a bull$hit. We should have engaged China in constant war. We can't coexist with China because the conflict between India and China is inevitable as it is a conflict of two different civilizations. Lets be pragmatic. As long as China is there, wars will be there.
Peace deal is a bull$hit. We should have engaged China in constant war. We can't coexist with China because the conflict between India and China is inevitable as it is a conflict of two different civilizations. Lets be pragmatic. As long as China is there, wars will be there.

As long as better sense will prevail, there would be no war and unnecessary loss of lives on both sides. China has bigger issues to deal with. Anyway, i am off for dinner. Will see you guys after some time.
&#7716;ashsh&#257;sh&#299;n;3661456 said:
If India is stronger than China, then you would have taken Aksai Chin long ago. Forget that, you can't even take over Kashmir :rofl:

This time we will take it back along with entire Tibet, you will see. Indians are not Chinese.
&#7716;ashsh&#257;sh&#299;n;3661441 said:
Guy seems to think he's some kind of superior race. :rofl:

Even Indians know that China is a stronger military power than India. Enemy, you're just bickering now

Chinese worshiping an Indian King (Buddha) says it all.
Now that we showed Southern Tibet on our passport map, it means our PLA is authorized to unleash all of its arsenal to take it back!

"So you will be the commander of that force who will win the war with your brute power"......OMG...I forgot to brought that movie DVD from block buster that we are discussing here...Anyway next week i will buy and definitely see it....Are you happy now..:yahoo:
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