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Border issue 'headache and trouble' for bilateral ties: China

We have started stamping visas official maps of india on those passports. That is good enough.

And, India can't match China. We are well capable to defend our positions but we cannot mount an offensive into the Chinese held regions.

Please don't demoralize our army. We are Aryans and we will win. In the history of the planet, it is always the Aryans who won the battles against Anaryans.
Aksai Chin is part of India and any suggestion that we should give up Aksai Chin is against Indian National Security and can be considered as an act of treason.

Aksai Chin is long gone and we can't get it back. Better sense should prevail.
That reminds me of a guy with a toothbrush moustache. Haha

Aryans my @$$.

I didn't expect that from you. Visit the nearby Army barrack and see what is written on the gate.

Ḥashshāshīn;3661404 said:

Start a war with China? do you want to lose Assam to China as well?

I guess, China will lose Tibet to India instead.
When the Govt and Army say Aksai Chin is part of India, no questions should arise, no doubts.

We as responsible citizens have every right to question each Govt or Army statement. Thats our right
I didn't expect that from you. Visit the nearby Army barrack and see what is written on the gate.

Sorry for that. Heat of emotion. I apologise.

I once saw a stone marker in tawang, erected by Chinese. It marked distance of Lhasa, Shigatse, Beijing and a few other cities from tawang.

and i pass a lot of army barracks while going home, as a matter of fact i was born in an army camp : dahung to be precise.
You have no faith on our armed forces?

Faith and reality are two different things. Reality is China is stronger than India. In the battlefield it would be strategy that would count as both sides won't be able to field much weaponry and it would be a gruesome artillery and infantry battle.
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