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Border Guards of Bangladesh denies influx to northeast from Bangladesh

1. There is no illegal immigration to Assam from Sylhet, and I know that personally as I am from the north-east of Sylhet i.e. from the north-east section of Bangladesh's north-eastern "province" (division).

2. Sylhetis are concerned about going to London, the Gulf, USA, Canada, Malaysia but not poverty stricken Assam.

3. This is merely regurgitating propaganda from right-wing Hindu supremacist parties who have dubbed every Bengali-speaking Muslim in India as a "Bangladeshi".

You are talking about the small-cream of your region who can speak English and have good education background and afford expensive flight ticket. But the people who are pole vaulting into India are the hungry Bangladeshis who don't know what a passport is and looking for menial job like domestic help or construction worker in India.
1. There is no illegal immigration to Assam from Sylhet, and I know that personally as I am from the north-east of Sylhet i.e. from the north-east section of Bangladesh's north-eastern "province" (division).

2. Sylhetis are concerned about going to London, the Gulf, USA, Canada, Malaysia but not poverty stricken Assam.

3. This is merely regurgitating propaganda from right-wing Hindu supremacist parties who have dubbed every Bengali-speaking Muslim in India as a "Bangladeshi".

1. Completely False

2. False, but unfortunately for you, some Arab countries have banned you from entering, and US/Canada dont exactly want an unlimited supply of immigrants, just a few thousand from all over the world every year to suit their economic condition

3. Lets assume for a second that your ret*rded statement is true, then it begs the question why isnt Bangladesh taking these citizens as you guys are supposedly formed as a Muslim Bengali nation? Why should India carry the burden of them, when these very same ungratefuls asked for a separate country? Do we look like fools to you, to get backstabbed, and still feed you? You Bangladeshis have either killed or thrown out most of your Bengali Hindus, why should these Muslim Bengalies get special treatment?
@Hammer-fist, you have to understand Indians think their people eat gold and drink honey and sleep on Makhmal. But, you have shattered their dreams by saying that it is indeed a begger country. India wants a delaying process to implement Teesta and other Treaties including swapping of Chitmahal territories. So, the BoI sent this BSF team to complain about illegal immigrants. When Singapore is asking our womwnt to work as housekeeper at $480/month, how it is possible for our people to go to India where people defecate in the open? Only those people go and come back who were partly Assamese and partly bangladeshis.

Mind ur language buddy, if half of the people of India defecate in open than u defecate on PDF, India is not a beggar country, we don't cross illegally into any other country for the sake of employment or better living, yes we go to America & EU but with full legality & with a valid VISA, i don't think u know the meaning of a VISA since u just cross into our side of the border as if u are walking in the park, i tell u what a VISA is, it is the legal document that lets u travel to other country without the fear of BSF bullets hitting ur chest while crossing or hitting ur back while running.

This is the facts of West Bengal (or the better Bengal as u like to call it):

Population - 9+ crore.
Area - 88000 sq. km.
Density - 1000/sq. km
GDP - $ 108 billion
GDP per capita - $1,273

While these are the facts for Bangladesh:

Population - 16+ crore.
Area - 1,50,000 sq. km.
Density - 1033/sq. km
GDP - $ 113 billion (nominal)
GDP per capita - $ 700

Do you understand my point?? A state of India roughly half the size of Bangladesh both in terms of land as well as population is nearly earning the same as the complete Bangladesh per year, this is just the figure of 1 of the 28 states in India & i haven't talked about whole India yet, this is the reason why u people take advantage of incomplete fencing on borders with India & just cross over to earn that $ 500 more per year per capita while u have to apply for a VISA to go to the great land of Singapore.

+ U can always celebrate thinking about becoming second largest economy in SA after India but it is not ur economy that is really shining but the more people added with nearly the same GDP per capita.
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You are talking about the small-cream of your region who can speak English and have good education background and afford expensive flight ticket. But the people who are pole vaulting into India are the hungry Bangladeshis who don't know what a passport is and looking for menial job like domestic help or construction worker in India.

No Sylhetis do not speak English and do not have better education than anyone else, in fact if anything Sylhetis are often criticized at being poor at Bangla (Sylheti is basically Assami or Assami is basically Sylheti, and Sylhet was never historically part of Bengal but Assam).
1. Completely False

There is no mass migration from Sylhet to Assam as Sylhetis go to the Gulf, London, Europe, North America etc, rather than even Dhaka or Chittagong let alone poverty stricken and land locked Assam which has no major industry of note.

2. False, but unfortunately for you, some Arab countries have banned you from entering, and US/Canada dont exactly want an unlimited supply of immigrants, just a few thousand from all over the world every year to suit their economic condition

Sylhetis (I being a Sylheti will know) have goals of working in the US/Canada which are wealthy countries and not landlocked, poverty-stricken Assam. Also the recent restriction on Bangladeshis by one or two GCC states are temporary and are partially caused by displeasure at the pro-Indian Awami League government. I am a Sylheti, was born in Sylhet, have physically been to a region which most here have never even set foot on and are yet making comments about.

3. Lets assume for a second that your ret*rded statement is true, then it begs the question why isnt Bangladesh taking these citizens as you guys are supposedly formed as a Muslim Bengali nation? Why should India carry the burden of them, when these very same ungratefuls asked for a separate country? Do we look like fools to you, to get backstabbed, and still feed you? You Bangladeshis have either killed or thrown out most of your Bengali Hindus, why should these Muslim Bengalies get special treatment?

To answer your question will take time but Bengali Muslims are not as communal or as intolerant as certain other races in South Asia. The main factor in causing Bengali Muslims to be the leaders in creating a separate Muslim East Bengal and then a separate Muslim Pakistan was fear of Hindu domination and subjugation including by the oppressive Hindu landowning class. Once Pakistan was created it was created but Hindu Bengalis inside East Pakistan were still viewed as fellow Bengalis and played an important role in our intellectual and cultural life, in fact west Pakistanis disliked the fact that we did not have their overexaggerated false pride in chest-beating our "Muslimness" and an accompanying disdain for Hindus (we are simply not that type of race, Bengalis be we Muslim or Hindu are far calmer, softer than northern Indians be they Muslim or Hindu).

However India became officially a secular state all of whose citizens are as Indian as anyone else including India's millions of Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs and others. Gandhi was in fact killed by a Hindu supremacist who disliked his attitude towards non-Hindus. So these Assamese Muslims are just as Indian as any other Indian, just as a Bangladeshi Hindu is just as Bangladeshi as me.

We have neither killed or throw out most of our Hindus. I am Sylheti for example, so are Iajdani, Luffy, Al-Zakir and some others and in Bangladesh there are more Hindus than Sylhetis. The captain of our national soccer side is Hindu. We have Hindu police officers, Hindu cabinet ministers, Hindu ambassadors, Hindu cricketplayers. The percentage of the population which is Hindu in Bangladesh has gone down due to a higher Muslim growth rate and other things. The percentage of Zoroastrians in India for example has gone down but not due to being "killed" or "thrown out".

If Hindu extremists chose to view India as an exclusively Hindu nation and Indian Muslims as traitors who should be expelled and ethnically cleansed to foreign countries as you are suggesting then this is a recipe for disaster and the Pakistanization/Lebanonization of India which would break up with India's head of government, Manmohan Singh even saying a few months back India's "unity" was "at stake".

I have responded to the above post in bold.
Mind ur language buddy, if half of the people of India defecate in open than u defecate on PDF, India is not a beggar country, we don't cross illegally into any other country for the sake of employment or better living, yes we go to America & EU but with full legality & with a valid VISA, i don't think u know the meaning of a VISA since u just cross into our side of the border as if u are walking in the park, i tell u what a VISA is, it is the legal document that lets u travel to other country without the fear of BSF bullets hitting ur chest while crossing or hitting ur back while running.


5,000 illegal (INDIAN) labourers from Tamil Nadu set to return from UAE

CHENNAI: Several Indians, including at least 5,000 workers from Tamil Nadu, who went to work in the UAE and stayed on as illegals are set to return home. The UAE ministry of interior on Tuesday announced an amnesty for illegal residents, allowing them to leave the country without any penalty within two months starting from December 4 or face legal punishment, including imprisonment and fines.
Most of the illegal Indians were from Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, M K Lokesh, India's ambassador to the UAE, told TOI from Abu Dhabi, adding that more than 40,000 Indians benefited from the 2010 general amnesty.While Lokesh said exact numbers was not immediately available, activists working among labourers said more than 5,000 Tamil Nadu residents could be among those set to return.

"After the pardon period for illegal residents to leave the country without penalty ends on February 4, there will be no extension. This will be their last chance to leave the country with dignity," major-general Nassir Al Awadhi Al Menhali, assistant undersecretary for naturalisation, residency and port affairs at the Ministry of Interior of the UAE, was quoted as saying.

Major-general Al Menhali also clarified that those who had overstayed would be allowed to stay back if they were able to change their legal status before the general pardon period expired. He said those going for residency amendments before the deadline expired can do so by paying the fines (dirhams 25 or 375 a day for overstaying) and other charges for the documentation process.

Welcoming the move, ambassador M K Lokesh said Indian diplomats would soon have a meeting to develop a mechanism for the fast and efficient process of documents to allow illegal Indian residents to return home without any trouble under the amnesty. All the consular staff members will be advised to expedite services during this period, he added.

The amnesty exercise at the Indian embassy in Abu Dhabi and the Indian consulate in Dubai is a big exercise requiring the assistance of volunteers in filling up the forms of the applicants, most of whom are illiterate.

Middle men, touts and brokers make a killing during this period, promising applicants the required "out-pass" within a few days with the help of their 'connections.' (An out-pass is a one-way travel document issued to illegal Indians to leave the UAE).

5,000 illegal labourers from Tamil Nadu set to return from UAE - The Times of India

5,000 illegal (INDIAN) labourers from Tamil Nadu set to return from UAE

CHENNAI: Several Indians, including at least 5,000 workers from Tamil Nadu, who went to work in the UAE and stayed on as illegals are set to return home. The UAE ministry of interior on Tuesday announced an amnesty for illegal residents, allowing them to leave the country without any penalty within two months starting from December 4 or face legal punishment, including imprisonment and fines.
Most of the illegal Indians were from Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, M K Lokesh, India's ambassador to the UAE, told TOI from Abu Dhabi, adding that more than 40,000 Indians benefited from the 2010 general amnesty.While Lokesh said exact numbers was not immediately available, activists working among labourers said more than 5,000 Tamil Nadu residents could be among those set to return.

"After the pardon period for illegal residents to leave the country without penalty ends on February 4, there will be no extension. This will be their last chance to leave the country with dignity," major-general Nassir Al Awadhi Al Menhali, assistant undersecretary for naturalisation, residency and port affairs at the Ministry of Interior of the UAE, was quoted as saying.

Major-general Al Menhali also clarified that those who had overstayed would be allowed to stay back if they were able to change their legal status before the general pardon period expired. He said those going for residency amendments before the deadline expired can do so by paying the fines (dirhams 25 or 375 a day for overstaying) and other charges for the documentation process.

Welcoming the move, ambassador M K Lokesh said Indian diplomats would soon have a meeting to develop a mechanism for the fast and efficient process of documents to allow illegal Indian residents to return home without any trouble under the amnesty. All the consular staff members will be advised to expedite services during this period, he added.

The amnesty exercise at the Indian embassy in Abu Dhabi and the Indian consulate in Dubai is a big exercise requiring the assistance of volunteers in filling up the forms of the applicants, most of whom are illiterate.

Middle men, touts and brokers make a killing during this period, promising applicants the required "out-pass" within a few days with the help of their 'connections.' (An out-pass is a one-way travel document issued to illegal Indians to leave the UAE).

5,000 illegal labourers from Tamil Nadu set to return from UAE - The Times of India
@Andromache, Firstly my reply was to a person who was insulting my country without having any knowledge as to what he was talking about. Secondly, is it really ur reply?? I mean comparing just 5k illegal labourers to nearly 2-3 crores illegal Bangladeshis settled all around India & changed the demographics of certain states of NE??

I m not saying India is not a poor country & people here doesn't do anything illegal, it's just that the secret lies in nos.
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2-3 CRORE ILLEGAL BANGLADESHI IN INDIA?dada kichu k0m hoe gelo na? Eto bhodrotar ki dorkar? There are 20 crore illegal Bangladeshis in india...
@Andromache, Firstly my reply was to a person who was insulting my country without having any knowledge as to what he was talking about. Secondly, is it really ur reply?? I mean comparing just 5k illegal labourers to nearly 2-3 crores illegal Bangladeshis settled all around India & changed the demographics of certain states of NE??

I m not saying India is not a poor country & people here doesn't do anything illegal, it's just that the secret lies in nos.

1. 5,000 will be deported from UAE while 40,000 already benefited from amnesty. On the other hand EU is influxed with illegal Indians and all. anyway

2. your own indian politicians have a role in presence of thousands of Bangladeshis for vote bank. you need to look within and solve it
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I have responded to the above post in bold.

1. I dont know which sub group of Bangladeshis migrate to India, whether they are from Sylhet or Dhaka or whatever, but I do know that there is a phenomenon of illegal migration of Bangladeshis in India. Its something you can just see in your everyday life, kind of like Mexicans in USA, but not to such a large scale. West Bengal and Assam are very highly affected, but you can see Bangladeshi workers in cities like Delhi and Mumbai too.

2. As I mentioned, the Bangladeshis that dont get visas to US/UK/Gulf/Singapore, the poorer leftovers do infiltrate into India. There is proof everywhere, from a portion of whom get shot while trying to infiltrate the border, to the ones that enter and get fake ration cards. I even posted a documentary how Bangladeshis are even running prostitution in cities of India, far away from Indo-BD border.

Here is the video if you want to watch it, if you claim these women are all lying about their roots in Bangladesh and coming to India illegally, then there is not much I can say:


We as India have been taking in non-Muslim refugees from Pakistan and Bangladesh continuously for the last 65 years. Whether it is the continuous flow of Hindu and Sikh refugees even to this day from Pakistan, or the Hindus who came from erstwhile East Pak when their properties got taken away by the Enemy Property Act where 75% of Hindu lands were grabbed because they were seen as enemy of the state (Vested Property Act (Bangladesh) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), or the millions of Hindu and even Muslim refugees we took in 1971. Now we have a case where we have to deal with not only the people Pak/BD were supposed to look after, so I am very much in favour of a population swap of non-Muslins in Pak/BD with pure so called Muslims of India, especially the ones in Punjab/Bengal.

It did India no good with Gandhi's idea, in the end of the day, Gandhi and secularization is what broke India, so I personally am not his biggest fan. I actually am an Atheist, but a hardcore Indian nationalist and I dont support a so called Hindu-State for India, but I do know that if Muslim population is going to reach a tilting point, then these people will ask for a separate nation like they did before and just like some of them are currently doing in Kashmir, therefore breaking up India. I don't mind the Muslims so much from other Indian states, but the Muslims from Bengal/Punjab/Sindh living in India have a separate state dedicated to them, so I feel they should move.

To conclude, I am anti-breakup of India, and if I have to expel Hindus/Christians/Atheists/Muslims/Sikhs from India to achieve it, I will support it. However, I am not going to resort to expulsion like Hindus in Pak and BD have been subject to, I am simply going to a population swap where equal numbers of non-Muslims and Muslims get traded between India and Pak/BD...
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your own indian politicians have a role in presence of thousands of Bangladeshis for vote bank. you need to look within and solve it

Thanks, atleast u agree that there is a problem, yes i totally agree with ur point, but there is an issue from the BD side as well, as they raise the issue of BSF personnel killing BD people as well as they oppose the border fencing, since Indian media is very strong these news reaches every Indian & in turn to the world in no time & b'coz India is seen as a Democratic & tolerant country in this world these types of measures taken by the Indian Govt. hit the image of India vis-a-vis world so all the steps taken by GOI to stop this influx goes into back burner resulting in more influx.

+ I would like to know from the BD members just 2 things:

1. If there is no illegal immigration than why oppose border fencing??
2. If there is no illegal immigration than why oppose killing of those people by BSF that crosses the border??

isn't the above two measures taken by every country in this world?? than why oppose when India do it??
I dont know which sub group of Bangladeshis migrate to India, whether they are from Sylhet or Dhaka or whatever, but I do know that there is a phenomenon of illegal migration of Bangladeshis in India. Its something you can just see in your everyday life, kind of like Mexicans in USA, but not to such a large scale. West Bengal and Assam are very highly affected, but you can see Bangladeshi workers in cities like Delhi and Mumbai too

I am talking specifically about Sylhet (Bangladesh) to Assam (India) and know for an absolute fact that Sylhetis do not go to Assam.

To be honest with you we Sylhetis semi-jokingly (more serious than jokingly) refer to Assam as the land of black magic and the Kamruk kamaika and speak of how people have often gone there never to return, that is how we view Assam whereas the UK, the Gulf and elsewhere are seen as places of jobs and earning money.

Note I am not making any comments about West Bengal or any other Indian state in this thread because I have never personally been there. However I have personally been to the India-BD (Sylhet-Assam) border in Sylhet on at least 2 different fronts and know thousands of Sylhetis directly or indirectly and know no one is going to Assam for work in the same way no one from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh is going to Assam for work.

Instead people from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh would aspire to go to Mumbai, other parts of India, the gulf and the west for work but not Assam and this is the same with Sylhetis.

As for preserving the integrity of the Indian state and communal harmony, good luck with that noble endeavour. We in Bangladesh have our own severe set of problems to deal with which includes poverty and fundamentally wish for a stable India whom we can be great trading partners with.
Thanks, atleast u agree that there is a problem, yes i totally agree with ur point, but there is an issue from the BD side as well, as they raise the issue of BSF personnel killing BD people as well as they oppose the border fencing, since Indian media is very strong these news reaches every Indian & in turn to the world in no time & b'coz India is seen as a Democratic & tolerant country in this world these types of measures taken by the Indian Govt. hit the image of India vis-a-vis world so all the steps taken by GOI to stop this influx goes into back burner resulting in more influx.

+ I would like to know from the BD members just 2 things:

1. If there is no illegal immigration than why oppose border fencing??
2. If there is no illegal immigration than why oppose killing of those people by BSF that crosses the border??

1. Even Bangladeshis accept there is a problem. We all object only to the uncalled soultiuon of killing people by Indians.
2. solve the border disputes with BD.

3. With a Pro-India govt in BD why you Indians failed to have a system to deport "illegal" Bangladeshis ? because you are still divided over their nationality so before abusing Bangladeshis first get your own facts rights
1. Even Bangladeshis accept there is a problem. We all object only to the uncalled soultiuon of killing people by Indians.

What is "Uncalled for" in ur understanding?? what should BSF do, catch the illegal entrant just to see cases pending in court for years & when proven that he is a BDian even than his govt. just rejects the claim & refuse to take him back?? I don't think BSF immediately shoots the person while crossing, i m sure they give him 2-3 warnings before taking a shot (just my assumption, u can always prove me wrong). What would had Pakistan done if they saw me entering there side of border illegally??

Also i found this link (completely BD source not Indian):

http://www.odhikar.org/Upload statistics/Border.pdf

which claims that BSF has killed some 3600 Bangladeshis illegal entrant in the last 12 years. Now i value human life & i m not at all undermining it, but given the total no. of illegal immigration which runs into crores, killing of only 3600 people is very very less figure (i m again saying i hold human life dear, just stating it to get the facts straight).

2. solve the border disputes with BD.

There is no border dispute on the scale that with either China or Pakistan, just the case is of few enclaves which are in the process of getting settled.

3. With a Pro-India govt in BD why you Indians failed to have a system to deport "illegal" Bangladeshis ? because you are still divided over their nationality so before abusing Bangladeshis first get your own facts rights

No we are not divided, it's just that there govt. refuse to take them back & rejects the claim that he is a Bangladeshi, plus whenever govt. takes the steps for deporting, it becomes a communal issue & the secular credentials of any govt. (state as well as center) are tested.
Thanks, atleast u agree that there is a problem, yes i totally agree with ur point, but there is an issue from the BD side as well, as they raise the issue of BSF personnel killing BD people as well as they oppose the border fencing, since Indian media is very strong these news reaches every Indian & in turn to the world in no time & b'coz India is seen as a Democratic & tolerant country in this world these types of measures taken by the Indian Govt. hit the image of India vis-a-vis world so all the steps taken by GOI to stop this influx goes into back burner resulting in more influx.

+ I would like to know from the BD members just 2 things:

1. If there is no illegal immigration than why oppose border fencing??
2. If there is no illegal immigration than why oppose killing of those people by BSF that crosses the border??

isn't the above two measures taken by every country in this world?? than why oppose when India do it??

1. I know there is no mass illegal immigration from Sylhet to Assam as a personal fact as my family personally live there. As for other regions of Bangladesh migrating to other parts of India I cannot definitively say, but I am sceptical due to the fact that a lot of this seems to be motivated by Hindu supremacists.

If however there is illegal immigration to Bangladesh, yes it is something that both countries should sit down, talk about and try to find both short-term and long-term solutions.

Short-term: Policing measures, co-operation etc

Long-term: Both states having regional connectivity, amicable relations and flourishing trade. India and China both have nukes pointed at each other but yet they are heading for $100 billion trade. Why can't we?

I don't oppose fencing btw, I actually welcome it. Also in the future with continued Bangladeshi economic growth there may be major immigration to Bangladesh (there are already around 1/2 million illegal Indians in Bangladesh already) and fencing helps to deal with that problem. Bangladesh may be poor now, but in 20 years time it will be wealthier than many Indian states.

2. a: BSF has no right to murder unarmed civilians who maybe "illegal immigrants" (which is questionable). Illegal immigration does not carry a death sentence.

b: The BSF often attack Bangladeshi civilians for fun. Many BSF thugs are Tamils, Sikhs and others far away from their families, lonely and bored. They carry a gun 24-7 and after months of months of carrying a gun and boredom they decide to "have a bit of fun" and murder someone.

c: BSF thugs have gone in to Bangladesh villages and attacked villagers.

d: Some of those killed are cattle smugglers, but even then cattle smuggling does not carry the death sentence.

The BSF are a terrorist organization that are out of control.

To prove that I am not being partisan, around 80+ Indian Tamil fishermen have been killed by Sri Lanka in the past ten years, now for me this is murder, because even if they are trespassing in to Sri Lankan waters (which is debatable) going in to another countries maritime territory is not something you should be killed for.

The BSF have been condemned by the Indian media and by western human rights organizations, they are terrorist thugs that need to be reined in otherwise karma will strike a severe blow against the BSF and the terrorists in New Delhi who run them.
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