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Bomb Blast in Purani Anarkali - Lahore

inna lillahi wa innâ ilay-hi raji'oon
"Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.""
I have always blamed them. ISI is the most pathetic and incompetent agency in my view. But why not blame the holy judiciary? What have they done to solve this menace. How many terrorists have been acquitted by your judiciary? You know that? What exactly has Iftikhar chaudhry done to resolve this issue. Did he asked or persuaded govt to do something about it? All this time after his restoration he has worked as a personal servant of Nawaz Sharif and PML(N) not as a chief justice of Pakistan.

Karachi jail is full of Terrorist who have been awarded death sentence by judiciary. But it wasn't carried out cause piece of sh.it Zardari had signed a memorandum putting a temporary ban on death sentence cause of amnesty international.

so once again blame lies with bastard politicians
I have always blamed them. ISI is the most pathetic and incompetent agency in my view. But why not blame the holy judiciary? What have they done to solve this menace. How many terrorists have been acquitted by your judiciary? You know that? What exactly has Iftikhar chaudhry done to resolve this issue. Did he asked or persuaded govt to do something about it? All this time after his restoration he has worked as a personal servant of Nawaz Sharif and PML(N) not as a chief justice of Pakistan.
The point is that Judiciary doesn't have the executive powers. Judicial activism is born when administration become inactive. We always trust conspiracy theories and word of mouth more than underlying reality. Even with perfect co-ordination among the agencies and LEAs, when there exists a terrorist organization committed to her cause, a breach here and there would always be expected. This is because terrorists live within us, have support from within us...So while a foreigner will always be susceptible to being identified and monitored easily, it is not possible when locals are operating against the locals. Can CJ's ruling to stop terrorism stop this menace? Answer is a plain No. Secondly these groups operate freely because they have breathing space and No go areas where they train and breed with impunity. Plus of course the ample amount of funding being channeled to them both externally and internally. And of course the violence of Karachi which carries a mix of ethnic,sectarian and political content has become a plague. Unless we don't address these issues, we will keep collecting bodies every now and then. My dear friend Judiciary is a watchdog, not an executioner.

Here is a very nice analysis by Najam Sethi sb. Especially his analysis of anti-insurgency policy dynamics between India and Pakistan.
Sad incident ....scary too...INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAY HI RAJEOON...

Pata nai kaysay muslims hain panoun ko mar mur rahay hain ...ONLY GOD KNOWS under what Shariah they are killing their own?! :cray:

I would like to draw attention to EVERY Indian on PDF (esp @Ayush @arp2041 @KRAIT)...ab mat poochna no one taunts/ enjoys whenever someone dies in Pakistan....

I hope mods take notice of this.. @WebMaster @Awesome @nuclearpak @Zakii

Dont close the thread just remove the person....

nope,i never said no one does it,but it is rare. and i have noticed it more from the other side

The point is that Judiciary doesn't have the executive powers. Judicial activism is born when administration become inactive. We always trust conspiracy theories and word of mouth more than underlying reality. Even with perfect co-ordination among the agencies and LEAs, when there exists a terrorist organization committed to her cause, a breach here and there would always be expected. This is because terrorists live within us, have support from within us...So while a foreigner will always be susceptible to being identified and monitored easily, it is not possible when locals are operating against the locals. Can CJ's ruling to stop terrorism stop this menace? Answer is a plain No. Secondly these groups operate freely because they have breathing space and No go areas where they train and breed with impunity. Plus of course the ample amount of funding being channeled to them both externally and internally. And of course the violence of Karachi which carries a mix of ethnic,sectarian and political content has become a plague. Unless we don't address these issues, we will keep collecting bodies every now and then. My dear friend Judiciary is a watchdog, not an executioner.

Here is a very nice analysis by Najam Sethi sb. Especially his analysis of anti-insurgency policy dynamics between India and Pakistan.
if u don't mind,do u have an english link to this..or maybe if possible can u summarise it shortly..
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And what more "evidences" they need when the guy himself is confessing to plan a bomb blast that killed 14 people and still gets acquitted. What the judge of Islamabad high court himself is a lawyer of Lal IMasjid thugs then you just can't expect judiciary to work against terrorists.

Instead of answering your long rant. Let me ask you a question.

What exactly your favorite cheap justice has done to eliminate corruption in session and lower courts and to provide swift and early justice to the people?

A rhetorical question, no doubt, that does not take into account that this thread is about a bomb blast and its aftermath. A desperate attempt to avoid the obvious fallacies in your twisted tale. I am not taking this stupid bate. If you want to continue this conversation, then you'd better stick with explaining the shortcomings of your narrative. Calling my post a 'rant' does not make it irrelevant. It just shows how the arrow has hit the mark. An indirect acknowledgement that is most appreciated.

Just to pander you, the answer to your way-ward question is "more than others before him".
A rhetorical question, no doubt, that does not take into account that this thread is about a bomb blast and its aftermath. A desperate attempt to avoid the obvious fallacies in your twisted tale. I am not taking this stupid bate. If you want to continue this conversation, then you'd better stick with explaining the shortcomings of your narrative. Calling my post a 'rant' does not make it irrelevant. It just shows how the arrow has hit the mark. An indirect acknowledgement that is most appreciated.

Just to pander you, the answer to your way-ward question is "more than others before him".

So apparently you don't have the answer. Fair enough!!!
Karachi jail is full of Terrorist who have been awarded death sentence by judiciary. But it wasn't carried out cause piece of sh.it Zardari had signed a memorandum putting a temporary ban on death sentence cause of amnesty international.

so once again blame lies with bastard politicians

Then what? Zardari is b@stard Yes. As a nation we have a consensus on this. But if things aren't working and people are dying then where is the famous suo moto of Mr Chaudhry? Why doesn't he ask govt on this issue. If it can take suo moto on Samosa prices then who not on this issue. He took suo moto on Karachi issue. What exactly he did about that? Karachi is still burning. Daily people are dying. Did he ask govt again to what they have done on this issue. He again and again says he will support this corrupt govt in case of martial law. Then why not also ask govt to protect the lives of its citizens? The alliance of this corrupt govt with the judiciary is another major reason behind the destruction of this country.
The point is that Judiciary doesn't have the executive powers. Judicial activism is born when administration become inactive. We always trust conspiracy theories and word of mouth more than underlying reality. Even with perfect co-ordination among the agencies and LEAs, when there exists a terrorist organization committed to her cause, a breach here and there would always be expected. This is because terrorists live within us, have support from within us...So while a foreigner will always be susceptible to being identified and monitored easily, it is not possible when locals are operating against the locals. Can CJ's ruling to stop terrorism stop this menace? Answer is a plain No. Secondly these groups operate freely because they have breathing space and No go areas where they train and breed with impunity. Plus of course the ample amount of funding being channeled to them both externally and internally. And of course the violence of Karachi which carries a mix of ethnic,sectarian and political content has become a plague. Unless we don't address these issues, we will keep collecting bodies every now and then. My dear friend Judiciary is a watchdog, not an executioner.

Here is a very nice analysis by Najam Sethi sb. Especially his analysis of anti-insurgency policy dynamics between India and Pakistan.

CJ's ruling might not stop the menace of terrorism completely but at least it would send a message that those people who are involved in the massacre of Pakistani nation would be caught and eliminated by the Pakistani judicial system. Today terrorists have complete confidence in the judiciary of Iftikhar chaudhry that they would be acquitted in most cases if they ever get caught. Despite losing 40000 Pakistanis in last ten years, not even a single person has been hanged for being involved in terrorism. The truth is judiciary is as responsible for this situation as much as the army, intelligence agencies and the politicians are.
CJ's ruling might not stop the menace of terrorism completely but at least it would send a message that those people who are involved in the massacre of Pakistani nation would be caught and eliminated by the Pakistani judicial system. Today terrorists have complete confidence in the judiciary of Iftikhar chaudhry that they would be acquitted in most cases if they ever get caught. Despite losing 40000 Pakistanis in last ten years, not even a single person has been hanged for being involved in terrorism. The truth is judiciary is as responsible for this situation as much as the army, intelligence agencies and the politicians are.
And as if they fear being trailed? They don't even fear our military machine, let alone judicial system.
Punjabi terrorists have bleeded Karachi for long long time.....Now the Punjabis will understand how painful it is when a bomb blast takes place

You enjoying act of terrorism against civilians are you that evil.

Police identified two of the dead as a six-year-old girl named Sadia and a 20-year-old boy named Fahad Tasleem.

Only evil or terrorist will celebrate the death of civilian never mind the children.You are a disgusting human being.If you can be qualified to be called human.
So apparently you don't have the answer. Fair enough!!!

Hey wait and read my post before you cut and run. But then the question remains - why do you not have a response to my post? Why did you decide to ask an irrelevant question and run without reading my response?
Then what? Zardari is b@stard Yes. As a nation we have a consensus on this. But if things aren't working and people are dying then where is the famous suo moto of Mr Chaudhry? Why doesn't he ask govt on this issue. If it can take suo moto on Samosa prices then who not on this issue. He took suo moto on Karachi issue. What exactly he did about that? Karachi is still burning. Daily people are dying. Did he ask govt again to what they have done on this issue. He again and again says he will support this corrupt govt in case of martial law. Then why not also ask govt to protect the lives of its citizens? The alliance of this corrupt govt with the judiciary is another major reason behind the destruction of this country.

So the one person who consistently abuses CJP & judiciary wants a suo moto! Wow. CJP has said more than once that if the parliament does not draw suitable laws, judiciary would continue to be hamstrung. Do you still need a suo moto from him? He is already under fire for not respecting parliament. What would happen if he takes a suo moto about absence of suitable laws from parliament?

He took suo moto about Karachi, and it did not solve the problem, because as people have said again and again - judiciary has no executive powers. But you do not understand that. You are convinced that CJP is a villain because he is not taking suo moto notice of militancy. Then you are equally upset about him taking suo moto (about Karachi) and it having no apparent effect. So you want your cake and eat it too, and then feel free to complain. You are one of a kind...

You are upset that CJP would not support a Martial law. You choose to twist his support for constitution as support of what you call "this corrupt government". So this is your problem with CJP. You are upset that he would not support a Martial law. That is exactly the reason why he is appreciated by educated Pakistanis. We are all very sick and very tired of martial laws. No more Army rule. Period.

You are fond of martial law? Drop Pakistani identity and get Egyptian citizenship. And stop bugging the rest of us with rubbish theories. It is not our problem that you do not understand the importance of following a constitution, the importance of peaceful transfer of power, the structure of government and its functioning, and above all - the value of an independent judiciary.
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