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Bomb Blast in Pakpattan

bingo. First it was Shia sunni now its becomming Deobandi/Salfi against brelvi and Shia.
a civil war between sects benifits whom, I think we all know.

In iraq both shia and sunni were fighting occupation but after introduction of Zarqavi element civil war started benifiting occupiers.

Is this the same case... we have to think
btw a common man is not intrested in this secterian bull ****. Govt has the advantage and can use it against the terrorists

u r rite
Well that certainly combines a large number of topics that might have been better served by dealing with each in depth -- but I must say I am not following your take on these blasts. Sorry for being thick, but I don't think I get it.
We will continue assisting the Pakistani military. The United States will not allow the Pakistani military to be undermined by propaganda and we will continue to counter extremists to help make Pakistan a safe places for generations to come

Dear Sir - thanks for posting.

if you really believe what you say, then start writing to your congressman and senator and support a massive military sales program for our military like the US$60B deal being proposed to the KSA and not the offer of US2B spread over 5 years!!!

further pls dont stop payments of US$2.5B of CSF for 'services rendered' already last year.

and finally, pls do keep posting, we welcome your views!

Lets be realistic though, Pakistan has been spared the billionaire princes and unaccounted reserves in US treasuries - plus the US has a strategic relationship with Pakistan's adversary -- and really politically in Pakistan, a relationship with a US at war with Islam and Muslims, is just a non-starter - now before we have someone jump with US is not at war with Islam and Muslims, please don't tell us that, tell Fox news, tell CNN, tell US newspapers, tell ordinary Americans -- when the US government cannot stand to defend her own citizens who are Muslims, how credible are their assertions that they just want to get at terrorists, or that ythey will stand with us, like they stood with Iraq? or Afghanistan? - so what the hell have they been doing for the last nine years?

I used to think that the idea that the US policy and bhaviour actually spawns terrorism, to be barren - but I must say, this idea has merit, I really think US military or US civilian government types really don't understand that they cannot win Jack in Muslim majority countries -- I mean how can they even hope to sway opinion with the kind of fluff the poor LCDR had to post, with out dealing with a single issue of concern - yeah, terrorists bad, check, got it, American Ally, yeah, sure, can you blame people for focusing on the $$, it's the only real thing when it comes to interacting with these US mil or Civ Gov types.
bingo. First it was Shia sunni now its becomming Deobandi/Salfi against brelvi and Shia.
a civil war between sects benifits whom, I think we all know.

In iraq both shia and sunni were fighting occupation but after introduction of Zarqavi element civil war started benifiting occupiers.

Is this the same case... we have to think
btw a common man is not intrested in this secterian bull ****. Govt has the advantage and can use it against the terrorists

Their has no Shia-sunni conflicting that lead to fighting occupation even in the past. Yes their are some belief differences which has use to exploited by both side mullahs.
Terrorist activities of deobandi/salfi against bralvi and Shia had been started in regime of zia with sponsor of wahabi ale saud. anjuman sipah shaba ,lasker jhangvi had been introduce to spread a hated campaign against shia by exploiting their belief difference about some Kahlifas.They openly declared shia kafir and start killing them.
Sorry to say that nation and media don't care that because this killing operation is only against one sect.They had killed not only ulema are shia organization members, hundred of doctors and professionals on Top designation had also been targeted.No govt. or security agency had care this massacre.In reaction one shia org. "Sipah Mohammed" had tried to give feeble response.
911 had changed the scenario of the world and also the first time Govt. have to fight against these sectarian terrorist org. who are also allies of al qaeda and taliban.
Scenario in Iraq is quite different from here.In Iraq Shias are in majority but in saddam rule thousand of shias had been killed.
zarqavi was alqeda agent who had targeted more shia than Americans.In Iraq security of Shrines is under Shia volunteers organization. You have to pass through dozens of security checking to finally reach the Shrine.

One thing is very clear that alqeda,taliban and all wahabi has more fear with shia than any American or Nato forces. So they are targeting shia is every part of world.Recent US-Saudi $60 Billion weapon deal is another evidence. Saudi has only panic of neighboring Shia Iraq and Iran,else their has no enmity with any other nation.
They are looking for next Nuclear weapon deal with US. against Iran nuclear program.They had already offer a free air space for Israel air force to destroy Iranian Nuclear sites.
One thing is very clear that alqeda,taliban and all wahabi has more fear with shia than any American or Nato forces. So they are targeting shia is every part of world.Recent US-Saudi $60 Billion weapon deal is another evidence. .

you didnt mention Hizbullah which is the only organised Palastinian force that is effectively conffronting Israel and received the praise of all Arabs for its resitance against the Israeli agression recently.

sadly the Deobandi / Salafi sect has been only busy in declaring all nonwahabis as heretics and kafirs and as if that wasnt enough they have been killing particularly shia and modrate sunnis

Sipah Sahabah back in the days during 80s and 90s used to brag about turning to Beralvis after clearing Shias off the face of Pakistan. no one paid attention then and sadly the days are upon us when the majority of peace loving Pakistanis are at the mercey of they hate mongers.

you might recall that these same deobandi Mullahs used to call Qaid e Azam kafir e Azam (because he was an Ismali Shia) and jamaat Islami (the taliban terror deniers) used to arrogantly call Pakistan Napakistan. but desipte this you might be pleased to know that Pakistans creation was blessed by Allah and by His Allmightly Will, many Sufis and saints helped the foudning fathers of Pakistan, I will quote a famous Sufi Saint Pir Syed Jamaat Ali Shah (RA) he was a Sunni and was very active in support of Quaid e Azam he once replied to the wahabis that if you are not going to give your daughter to Jinnah then why do you care if he is a shia? she is our advocate and he will get us Pakistan.

I just wanted to highlight that our country is Blessed by Allah and His Beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH & His Family and Allah's Saints

these taqfiris might raise jannat Al baqi, they may attack the shrines in Pakistan & Iraq, they may desicrate our saints's bodies in Swat but they are condemned to hell by Allah's Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

some deluded people blame it on Black water and RAW etc and buy the blatant lies of Jammat Islami and TTP spokesperson yet they seem to forget the public desicrations of graves by TTP beasts in Swat where they destroyed shrines and dug out the graves of the Sufi saints. I mean how sick one has to get to do that. Muslims? they are not even human yet some people continue to blame the shadows when these very fanatics are sitting among us distributing hate literature, making videos and declaring everything which doesnt suit them as sin and Kuffer. the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH said that these taqfiris will have big beareds and marks on their foreheads due to prayers, they will recite and quote Holy Quran but it wont go down their throats and they will spill the blood of the Muslims like water.

I hope to live and see the day when these najadi Taqfiris are removed from this world

finally I pray for the innocent loss of life. I have gone beyond the sect , race and religion. I pray for the safety for all humanbeings even these mistaken ( but non- violent salafis) may Allah help us to rid us of this menace

you didnt mention Hizbullah which is the only organised Palastinian force that is effectively conffronting Israel and received the praise of all Arabs for its resitance against the Israeli agression recently.

sadly the Deobandi / Salafi sect has been only busy in declaring all nonwahabis as heretics and kafirs and as if that wasnt enough they have been killing particularly shia and modrate sunnis

Sipah Sahabah back in the days during 80s and 90s used to brag about turning to Beralvis after clearing Shias off the face of Pakistan. no one paid attention then and sadly the days are upon us when the majority of peace loving Pakistanis are at the mercey of they hate mongers.

you might recall that these same deobandi Mullahs used to call Qaid e Azam kafir e Azam (because he was an Ismali Shia) and jamaat Islami (the taliban terror deniers) used to arrogantly call Pakistan Napakistan. but desipte this you might be pleased to know that Pakistans creation was blessed by Allah and by His Allmightly Will, many Sufis and saints helped the foudning fathers of Pakistan, I will quote a famous Sufi Saint Pir Syed Jamaat Ali Shah (RA) he was a Sunni and was very active in support of Quaid e Azam he once replied to the wahabis that if you are not going to give your daughter to Jinnah then why do you care if he is a shia? she is our advocate and he will get us Pakistan.

I just wanted to highlight that our country is Blessed by Allah and His Beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH & His Family and Allah's Saints

these taqfiris might raise jannat Al baqi, they may attack the shrines in Pakistan & Iraq, they may desicrate our saints's bodies in Swat but they are condemned to hell by Allah's Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

some deluded people blame it on Black water and RAW etc and buy the blatant lies of Jammat Islami and TTP spokesperson yet they seem to forget the public desicrations of graves by TTP beasts in Swat where they destroyed shrines and dug out the graves of the Sufi saints. I mean how sick one has to get to do that. Muslims? they are not even human yet some people continue to blame the shadows when these very fanatics are sitting among us distributing hate literature, making videos and declaring everything which doesnt suit them as sin and Kuffer. the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH said that these taqfiris will have big beareds and marks on their foreheads due to prayers, they will recite and quote Holy Quran but it wont go down their throats and they will spill the blood of the Muslims like water.

I hope to live and see the day when these najadi Taqfiris are removed from this world

finally I pray for the innocent loss of life. I have gone beyond the sect , race and religion. I pray for the safety for all humanbeings even these mistaken ( but non- violent salafis) may Allah help us to rid us of this menace


Nice post Brother! i want to clear one thing here that Quaid e Azam was not Ismaili . He was belong to Khoja Shia community, his Janaza and Ghusal had also performed earlier in Khoja community before Janaza going into public .
Nice post Brother! i want to clear one thing here that Quaid e Azam was not Ismaili . He was belong to Khoja Shia community, his Janaza and Ghusal had also performed earlier in Khoja community before Janaza going into public .

Actually he was an Ismaili as he was born into an Ismaili family and he later converted to a Khoja Shia.

Also his public funeral was held first where a number of people did not pray behind Shabbir Ahmed Usmani and later prayed in the family funeral which was according to Khoja Shia beleifs.
One finds that popular interpretations of Islam have changed with time. In addition to Shiites, there have been Khaarjites. M’utazalites, Ashaarites etc over the years. New practices are revived on the basis of lesser known Hadith and scholars who were considered heretic at one time become in vogue in later times. Similarly, established beliefs are challenged and sometimes forced out thru bloodshed. IMO this has nothing to do with what is right or wrong, it has more to do what those who are in control think is the correct interpretation. After all Safavis managed convert a largely Sunni Iran to Jaafri Shiites in a matter of one hundred years.

The most glaring example:

Adbul Wahab.

A little know scholar of the Najd region, contrary to the practices at that time leveled the grave of Hazrat Zaid ibne al Khattab (RA) one of the Sehabas on the grounds that it was shirk. He also orderd an adulteress to be stoned to death whereas in the holy Quran it is clearly mention in that sentence of ‘Zina’ is 100 lashes. This was on the basis of a lone incident relating to a Jewish family where the holy Prophet (PBUH) reportedly ordered stoning of a woman. For most people word of Allah takes precedence but not for Abdul Wahab. Abdul Wahab was however banished from him hometown.

It so happened that two princes of the House of Saud had been students of Abdul Wahab and he was given protection by the House of Saud in 1740. It was this time that Salaafis or Wahabis as they came to known forced their version of Islam on the population of Najd and its environ thru the use of sword and ‘qitaal’. In 1802 Shia Holy city of Najaf was raised to the ground and Karbala sacked.

Following House of Saud occupation of Mecca and Medina in 1803, Wahabis claimed their version to be the purest form of Islam. Does that mean that Muslims from the time of Almamun (M’utazilites) until foundation of the House of Saud in 1740 were misguided?

Even though Wahabis were expelled from Hijaz in 1812 after being defeated Mohammed Ali Pasha of Egypt; most of Najd remained under the control of House of Saud. Saudis eventually succeeded in retaking Hijaz in 1925.

Imam ibne Timiyah was until the rise of House of Saud a little known Syrian scholar of the 13th Century. He was born when most that area was under the non Arab Mamlukes. He was highly partisan to Arabs and Ibne Batuta reportedly considered him mentally unbalanced. Ibne Timiyah was dead against the Sufi philosophy of Ibne Al Arabi.

Ibne Timiyah started the Salafin maslak meaning that Muslims(he meant Arabs because sehabaas were not aslaaf of the Mamluks/Mongols) have lost out to non Muslims/non Arabs because they have forsaken the teachings of their aslaaf (referring to companions of the Prophet PBUH) and anything not practiced by the aslaaf; for example celebration of the birth of Prophet was considered heresy and forbidden because it was not celeberatd during early Islam.

Ibne Timiyah was tried in Cairo by a court consisting mostly of Shaafii scholars and imprisoned on the charges of treating Allah as if he was human (Literal interpretation of Quran whereby “Yadullah” means hand of Allah).

What it boils down to is that Salafin/Takfiris were not considered part of main stream Islam and had very few adherents until the late 18th Century where sword of the House of Saud gave them support. As a student of Islamic history, it is very difficult for me to accept that world had to wait until the rise of Abdul Wahab and the House of Saud to go back to pure Islam of the 7th Century.

Many Deobandis and followers of Taliban would obviously disagree with me. I am however certain that some other scholar will surface in a generation or two who will denounce Salafiism/Wahabiism as heretic and many be a new interpretation of Islam will come to light. However until such time we have to live with the people who would dig up graves of the Saints and denounce their followers as kaffirs.
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Amazing belief of wahabis,.
On one side they said Don't ask for help except ALLAH, and on other side they ask Help from US. to fight their own war against Saddam.
Which is shirk , can anyone justify?

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