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Bomb Blast in Pakpattan

Sir I beg to disagree on that

shia and Beralvis and both have suffered at the hands of the narrow minded Salafis for decades.

lashker Jhangvi and Sipah Sahabah are now a 9/11 creation. they go way back for decades. specialising in the killing of Shia community.

if you happen to come across an Ahmedi, do ask him or her how it is like being an outcaste and hated person day and night from school to the working life.

like I said, before 9/11 our majority didn’t have to suffer at the hands of the fanatics. but now its a wholesale of naked brutality.

I am sad and disgusted that hatred and intolerance can be coined in the name of Islam and justify the intimidation & murder of fellow Human beings

Until and unless you go through something, you do not know what it feels like or even know of its existence.

This is the case for a majority of Pakistani's who do not know what some groups have been enduring over the decades.

The same problems and violence that was faced by certain groups in Pakistan are being faced by the whole country today.
It has been evident for a long time now that certain religious centers will be targets. What kind of security apparatus is in place? Epic failure of Pakistani police and security agencies. While there has been loads of protests and support for Kashmir and even India's Babri Masjid issue its sad that people are not questioning why adequate security is not in place even the media in Pakistan has been quiet regarding the security apparatus. Sad to see people are not voicing their support enough in this regard. Sad to see so many places of worship being attacked.
rts to Islam

Lauren Booth holding the VIP Palestinian passport she received during her stay in the Gaza Strip along with other pro-Palestinian activists. PHOTO: AFP
LONDON: The sister-in-law of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has converted to Islam following a visit to Iran, claiming she is a “proud member” of the Muslim community.
Lauren Booth has given up alcohol and pork, prays five times a day and has not ruled out wearing a burqa in the future, she told The Mail on Sunday newspaper.
The 43-year-old journalist and reality television contestant underwent the religious conversion on her return to Britain following a visit to the holy Iranian city of Qom six weeks ago. She said that when she was in Iran, “I sat down and felt this shot of spiritual morphine, just absolute bliss and joy.”
Speaking to the newspaper after a multi-faith Global Peace and Unity Event in London on Saturday, Booth said: “What I wanted to share with you today is that I am Lauren Booth and I am a Muslim. “I always felt that the Ummah (Muslim community) is a very loving, peaceful place and I am proud to be a member of it.”
Booth, who works for the English language Iranian news channel Press TV, has frequently criticised her brother-in-law, accusing the former leader of being biased towards Israel and the United States in his role as Middle East peace envoy. She wrote a scathing open letter in last month’s far-left newspaper Morning Star.
“Personally I’ve never understood this fear of ‘political Islam’,” she wrote. “It seems to me that religious people should always be educated on world events rather than kept in ignorance. Like, say, Midwest Christian Zionists in the US.”
After attending a rally in Iran to mourn Palestinian deaths in cities including Rafah and Nablus, Booth wrote: “Do you recognise these place names, Tony? “As Middle East envoy, you really should. Israel has massacred children in all of these cities. Didn’t you know?” She was refused entry to Israel and Egypt after travelling from Cyprus to Gaza on an activist ship which was protesting the blockade of Palestinian territory.
Religious enlightenment is not unknown in the family with brother-in-law Tony converting to Catholicism in December 2007. Booth is the half-sister of Blair’s wife Cherie, who is a human rights

Tony Blair’s sister-in-law converts to Islam – The Express Tribune

Daily Express News Story

Even though this story is off topic but this is Very good lesson and answer to the people who think that Shrines of AHLEBAYT(A.S) and AOLYA ALLAH are places of shirk and they give you nothing because they are dead(naozobilah).
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Even though this story is off topic but this is Very good lesson and answer to the people who think that Shrines of AHLEBAYT(A.S) and AOLYA ALLAH are places of shirk and they give you nothing because they are dead(naozobilah).

whatever the shrine or place of worship, no one has the right to go and destroy it and murder the people

the family of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH & His Sahabah RA & the Holy Saints RA throughout history have guided us spiritually.
their message is nothing but love & respect and peace. hence you see nonMuslim devotees coming on regular bases

such ritual is just the celebration of those pious & great beings and is in no way threatening or infringing the fundamental concepts & tenants of Islam.

You think of a madressah or a mosque like Lal masjid and a gun totting fanatic hiding his face behind a scarf comes to mind. Contrast it with any sufi shrine where there is peace open acceptance free food and love.
it seems you need to read and know history. We had the Shia, Ahmadi problem for a very long time.

Get your facts right. Way back in 73, the Ahmadi were as per constitution labeled non-muslims. And the Shia thing got prominence in the 80s. and the sectarian clashes started.

And now thanks to Wahabism and its influence on some Deobandis, the inter Sunni sectarianism has started.

but havent seen such attacks etc everyday everynight before 9/11
Readers may find the piece below instructive, it may further their understanding of events and their meaning, even if with a spin:

Extremists winning the mind games
By Syed Saleem Shahzad

ISLAMABAD - The promotion of a progressive intellectual movement in the Muslim world was the brain-child of various American think-tanks as a means to counter radical Islam and al-Qaeda's ideological appeal.

In Pakistan, the regime of General Pervez Musharraf (president from June 2001 to August 2008) adopted the idea and brought forward credible modernist Islamic scholars and their schools of thought.

Another experiment after Musharraf stepped down and his idea fizzled was to launch a Sufi movement to confront radical Islam

Sufism is defined by its adherents as "the inner, mystical dimension of Islam".

However, this creeping modernizing, which attained considerable success, was halted in its tracks, handing the advantage back to extremists, including the Taliban.

The establishment-backed Sufi movement was led by the Brelvi school of thought, but it turned the debate of enlightenment and radicalism into a sectarian debate over Sufis and Salafis (Sunni Muslims in general opposed to both Sufi and Shi'ite doctrines).

Sufis were promoted in Khyber Agency and in the Swat area and other parts of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa province to convince the population to turn against the Taliban. Government-sponsored conferences by the Brelvi school of thought against the Taliban were staged in urban centers.

Militants, though, exploited this sectarian sentiment to such a degree that the whole process of modernization was taken back to square one, and the government had to enlist the help of traditionalists to quell spiraling violence - more than 46 Sufis were killed in Swat in 2009.

Unrest continues, and this year militants have carried out organized attacks on Sufi shrines. The most recent strike was on October 7 against Abdullah Shah Ghazi's tomb in the port city of Karachi in which two suicide bombers killed eight people. This forced the closure of other shrines in Sindh province.

This sectarian strife has further evolved into a battle between radical Islam and moderates, whether they adhere to Sufism or a modernist Islamic school. Hence, articulate and non-aggressive modernist intellectuals have also been drawn into the line of fire.

A prominent Pakistani psychiatrist and religious scholar, Dr Farooq Khan, was among the modernist scholars; he was shot dead by the Taliban after they issued a target list of intellectuals working against their interests.

The main ideologue of the modernist movement, Dr Javed Ghamidi, left the country for Malaysia after learning of this threat, while others went into hiding and dropped out of the public eye.

The attack on the Abdullah Shah Ghazi shrine was the third high-profile incident in the past few months. Militants bombed the shrine of Sufi poet Rahman Baba in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa province, attacked the shrine of Syed Ali Hijwari in Lahore, beside assaults on a number of small shrines across the country. Scores of people have been killed and hundreds injured.

"We simply don't have the police force to guarantee the safety of these shrines which have now become very vulnerable - every day crowds of hundreds go to them," a senior police official told Asia Times Online, adding that there were hundreds of shrines in Punjab alone. "It's not humanly possible to protect them."

Musharraf's gamble

Musharraf's move to launch an intellectual movement against radical Islam was risky as it meant going against centuries-old religious beliefs, in particular the Mavera-un-Nahri traditions of Islam, a promoter of radicalism.

Musharraf's important policy speeches were written by a select group of modernist scholars who harshly criticized traditionalists. One of the most prominent, Javed Ghamidi, was installed as chairman of the Islamic Ideological Council, an official organization for the interpretation of Islamic tenets.

The Ministry of Information sponsored television programs that introduced Ghamidi and his ideological aides, including Khan - who left the country - and Dr Khalid Zaheer.

This intellectual movement emphasized that only a Muslim state could declare jihad (war) and therefore dismissed the Taliban-led Afghan resistance, the Palestinian struggle, the Iraqi resistance and all other Muslim struggles, saying they were not jihad.

Most of these modernist scholars, including Ghamidi, were formerly prominent figures of the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI - a South Asian version of the Muslim Brotherhood, the world's oldest and largest Islamic political group that was founded in 1928 in Egypt.)

The JI has for years been the premier Islamic party in Pakistan and traditionally it has been considered the only intellectual Islamic movement that challenges liberal and secular systems in South Asia. In Pakistan, 80% of opinion leaders are believed to be adherents of the JI.

However, after leaving the JI, Ghamidi started to change the ideological course of the country. While lower cadre in the JI were siphoned off by al-Qaeda, the intellectual cadre were completely, according to a JI leader's own term, "Ghamidized". (See Pakistani students prefer guns to books Asia Times Online, July 27, 2010.)

At the same time, a sizeable number of young intellectuals in the radical camp were turned by the moderates, and these new "recruits" broadcast their newfound views in the media and in books.

Some of them became effective preachers on popular television channels against jihad. These scholars adopted a very moderate approach on other tenets of Islam, such as wearing the veil and music, and they strengthened Musharraf's argument for "enlightened moderation" in Pakistan. They also built up support for a modern syllabus in madrassas (seminaries) that traditional clerics had no choice but to accept.

At this point, Musharraf resigned and the movement lost momentum. The subsequent attempt to induct Sufism as an opposition force against the Taliban has now backfired and rolled back the whole process.

The main ideologue of the Sufi movement, Dr Sarfaraz Naeemi, was killed by a suicide bomber in 2009 and the serious of attacks on shrines this year has effectively closed down the epicenters of Sufism in Pakistan and silenced key leaders.

The government has even removed Ghamidi as chairman of the Islamic Ideology Council and replaced him with a traditionalist, Maulana Mohammad Khan Shirani, a member of the pro-Taliban Jamiat-e-Ulema-s-Islam

Syed Saleem Shahzad is Asia Times Online's Pakistan Bureau Chief. He can be reached at saleem_shahzad2002@yahoo.com
I have had the honor of visiting the shrine a couple of times. Baba Farid was a Khalifa of Hazrat Bakhtiar Kaki and Murshid of Nizamuddin Aulia of Delhi. There is a ‘Baabe Jannat’ or gateway to heaven located in his Shrine.

Wahabi/Salafeen /Taliban consider that Sufis practice shirk. Presence of a gateway to heaven in the Shrine of a Sufi saint would obviously be an abomination to the followers of Imam Ibne Timiyah and Abdul Wahab. Therefore the bombing comes as no surprise to me. I can foresee the time when Multan; known as land on the Saints for the last thousand years will be without one because of Southern Punjab’s love affair with the Wahabiism.

I revere the Saints because thru their exemplary character which portrayed nothing but love for mankind; these Saints were responsible for the conversion of millions of non believers in to the fold of Islam. It is well-known that no one, may he be Muslim of kafir, king or a penniless, black or white, was ever turned away from the doors of their khanqah. This is what tolerance is all about.

On the other hand, I heard JI Chief Munawwar Hassan condemning the attack on the shrines and blamed it on the Zionists, CIA and India. On the one hand he says that he likes Taliban and called “Sufi Mohammed aao hum tumharey saath hein”, with the same breath he also condemns attacks on the shrines. This is what bigotry is all about and what Amerindians called “speaking with a forked tongue”
Is it not ironic that you accuse the “US want our country like Iraq” when the US and Pakistanis are victims of the same injustices that have claimed so many innocent lives and forced our strategic alliance in this war against terror. This is not the first time a Sufi sacred place has been targeted. In the past militants have taken responsibility for bombing the same kinds of shrines, mosques and schools. These crimes against the innocent and righteous are committed by terrorists residing within Pakistan. Because terrorist groups threaten your media, your military, your government and your children, kidnapping and training them to kill unjustly, then it is your national security we are protecting and the terrorists are threatening. Are you not allowing these extremists to manipulate your beliefs and behaviors with the same propaganda they use to justify civilian casualties? Is not this a war with you, the US, and anyone that stands against their extremism? Are not these terrorists blaming others for the violence they themselves have caused? The United States is an ally who promotes a strong and sovereign Pakistan. We will continue assisting the Pakistani military. The United States will not allow the Pakistani military to be undermined by propaganda and we will continue to counter extremists to help make Pakistan a safe places for generations to come. This includes speaking out against those who would defile the sanctity of holy places.

DET, United States Central Command

LCDR, Bill Speaks


News Twin blasts in Clifton Karachi

Triple Blasts in Lahore during procession | Pakistan Politics & Current Affairs | Chowrangi
then it is your national security we are protecting and the terrorists are threatening.

Thanks but no thanks - I do wish you could treat us with a greater measure of respect when discussing the issue - we are not supporters of terrorists or terrorism, we do however, remain cautious with regard to the US claims of alliance even as the US accuses Pakistan and Pakistani armed forces and intelligence of operating against the US presence, now going on 10 years -- So, LCDR, which Pakistan are you talking to, the one you accuse of playing a double game with you or the one which you claim is a ally?

And what kind of ally makes common cause with adversary of the other? A question both US and Pakistan ask each other?

And kind of a Ally is the US who after 10 years continues to use the issue of the Durand line as a hammer against what it choses to describe as aMajor non-Nato ally?

Are you not allowing these extremists to manipulate your beliefs and behaviors with the same propaganda they use to justify civilian casualties? Is not this a war with you, the US, and anyone that stands against their extremism? Are not these terrorists blaming others for the violence they themselves have caused?

Please LCDR, show some small measure of respect, we know just how vile and dysfunctional these extremists are, but we are also aware that they are not the only ones using propaganda, disrespecting the intelligence of forum members - what we are concerned about is what the US is up to in Afghanistan, in Central Asia and in particular how it is that the US has just one role for Pakistan but a deep and prosperous relationship with it's regional adversary??

The Us has a number of regional and global aspirations, even responsibilities, we understand that, but we would appreciate if you could discuss these concerns and it would be helpful if the US could make up it's mind about which Pakistan it has individuals such you, talking to, double game or ally or are we to believe what we read in US papers, namely that US is both friend and enemy to Pakistan?

The United States is an ally who promotes a strong and sovereign Pakistan.

By ensuring instability on on it's Western border and refusing to infuse a measure of sanity on the adversary on the eastern border? What explanation can you offer this development - indeed, since when is such a development charactistic of Major Non-NATO ally of the US?

Pakistanis generally are not confused about who the extremists are nor about what they are - they do though, find it dificult to stomach disrectful and duplitious statements attributed to US officials when speaking about US -Pakistan relations.

So, please to address yourselves to these issues, it may be a more productive line for you.
تاریخ کے اوراق بتاتے ہیں کہ بابا فرید گنج شکر کی درگاہ پر ہی حملہ نہیں ہوا صدیوں قبل خود اُن کی زندگی کو بھی ختم کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی۔ تاریخ کی کتب میں اس حملہ آور کا حلیہ بھی بیان کیا گیا ہے جس نے کوئی آٹھ سو برس پہلے حضرت بابا فریدالدین مسعودگنج شکر کی حیات میں بھی ان پر قاتلانہ حملہ کرنے آیاتھا۔

ماضی کا وہ حملہ آور چمڑے کا لباس اور کان میں بالی پہن کر آیا تھا۔ بابا فرید سجدے میں تھے جب ملزم نے اس نے حملے کا ارادہ کیا لیکن اس سے پہلے کہ وہ حملہ کرتا، با با فرید نے کہا کہ ’میں نے اسے معاف کردیا ہے‘۔

روایت ہے کہ اتنی بات پر وہ لرزہ براندام ہوا اور حملہ کیے بنا ہی بھاگ نکلا۔

تاریخ میں درج ہے کہ اس حملہ آور کو ایک ایسے شخص نے بھیجا تھا جو خود کو مذہب کا ٹھیکے دار سمجھتا تھا اور لوگوں کو کہتا تھا کہ بابا فرید گنج شکر خلاف شریعت کام کرتے ہیں۔

ان پر حملے کرنے اور کروانےوالے کا آج تاریخ میں نام و نشان نہیں ہے مگر بابا فرید گنج شکر کے نام کا ڈنکا پورے ہندوپاکستان میں بج رہا ہے۔

البتہ آج بھی ایسے لوگوں کی کمی نہیں جو مذہبی اور مسلکی اختلاف پر دوسروں کی جان لینے کا کام نیکی سمجھ کر انجام دیتے ہیں۔

بابا فرید حصول علم کے لیے ملتان، قندھار، بدخشان، بخارا اور بغداد بھی گئے۔

وہ عالم دین ہونے کے علاوہ عظیم صوفی اور مبلغ بھی تھے لیکن انہوں نے خواص کی زبانوں عربی، فارسی اور اردو کی بجائے عام لوگوں سے ان کی زبان میں بات کرنے کو ترجیح دی اور بعض مؤرخین انہیں پنجابی کا پہلا شاعر بھی قرار دیتے ہیں۔ انہوں نے عربی، فارسی اور ہندی بھی شاعری کی ہے۔

ان سے منسوب اکثر اشعار قرآن پاک کی آیات کی تفسیر اور احادیث کے تراجم پر مبنی ہیں اور سکھوں کی مذہبی کتاب گروگرنتھ صاحب میں بھی ایسے اشلوک ملتے ہیں جن کے بارے میں کہا جاتا ہے کہ وہ بابا فرید الدین گنج شکر کا کلام ہے اور بابا گرو نانک نے اپنے کلام میں ان کی شاعری استعمال کی تھی۔
با با فریدالدین گنج شکر نے رنگ، نسل اور مذہب سے بالاتر ہوکر ہمیشہ کل انسانیت کی بات کی۔

ایک بار انہیں کسی نے قینچی کا تحفہ دیا تو انہوں نے کہا کہ مجھے قینچی کا نہیں سوئی کا تحفہ دو۔ قینچی الگ کر دیتی ہے اور سوئی قیمت دیکھتی ہے نہ رنگ بس یہ آپس میں ملاتی ہے۔

روایت ہے کہ کابل پر جب چنگیز خان نے حملہ کیا تو بابا فرید کےدادا ہجرت کر کے قصور میں قیام پذیر ہوئے تھے۔

خود بابا فرید نے بادشاہوں کی قربت والی جگہ سے بے زار ہوکر پہلے دلی اور بعد میں ہانسی کو چھوڑا اور دریائے ستلج کے کنارے اس وقت کے اجاڑ علاقے اجودھن میں ڈیرہ لگایا جو آج پاکپتن شریف کے نام سے مشہور ہے۔

بابا فرید الدین گنج شکر کے مزار پر حملہ بظاہر ان حملوں کے سلسلے کی ایک کڑی ہے جس کے تحت ملک بھر میں مزارات کو دھماکوں کانشانہ بنایا جا رہا ہے۔

مبصرین کا کہنا ہے کہ جس طرح مسلک سے اختلاف کرنے والوں کو علی ہجویری کے مزار کو داتا کا دربار کہنے پر اعتراض ہے اسی طرح حضرت بابا فرید گنج شکر کے بہشتی دروازے پر بھی وہ معترض ہیں۔

یہ جنوبی دروازہ ان کے عرس پر کھولا جاتا ہے اورہزاروں کی تعداد میں لوگ اس دروازے سے گزرنا چاہتے ہیں کیونکہ روایت ہے کہ حضرت نظام الدین اولیا نے وجد کے عالم میں تالی بجا کرکہا تھا کہ جو اس دروازے سے گزرے گا وہ امن پائے گا۔

حملہ آوروں نے امن کے خواہشمندوں کو غم و غصے میں مبتلا کیا ہے لیکن خود با با فرید گنج شکر کہتے ہیں کہ:

فریدا برے دا بھلا کر غصہ نہ من ہنڈا

دیہی روگ نہ لگیے، پلے سب کچھ پا

(فرید تو برے سے اچھا سلوک کر تاکہ غصہ کہیں تیرے دل پر قابض نہ ہوجائے، اگر تم اپنے آپ کو روگ نہیں لگانا چاہتے تو غصہ والی تمام چیزوں کو سمیٹ لو)

دوست کو بھیجیں
?BBC Urdu? - ????????? - ?’ ???? ??? ?? ???? ??‘?
I don't know why but I don't think that explanations given by people on this forum about the attack on baba fareed's sharine are right... It's not a war of maslaks aur firqas its a war between Pakistanis and their enemy... Terrorists choose such places just to initiate sectarian violence....
Is it not ironic that you accuse the “US want our country like Iraq” when the US and Pakistanis are victims of the same injustices that have claimed so many innocent lives and forced our strategic alliance in this war against terror. This is not the first time a Sufi sacred place has been targeted. In the past militants have taken responsibility for bombing the same kinds of shrines, mosques and schools. These crimes against the innocent and righteous are committed by terrorists residing within Pakistan. Because terrorist groups threaten your media, your military, your government and your children, kidnapping and training them to kill unjustly, then it is your national security we are protecting and the terrorists are threatening. Are you not allowing these extremists to manipulate your beliefs and behaviors with the same propaganda they use to justify civilian casualties? Is not this a war with you, the US, and anyone that stands against their extremism? Are not these terrorists blaming others for the violence they themselves have caused? The United States is an ally who promotes a strong and sovereign Pakistan. We will continue assisting the Pakistani military. The United States will not allow the Pakistani military to be undermined by propaganda and we will continue to counter extremists to help make Pakistan a safe places for generations to come. This includes speaking out against those who would defile the sanctity of holy places.

DET, United States Central Command

LCDR, Bill Speaks


News Twin blasts in Clifton Karachi

Triple Blasts in Lahore during procession | Pakistan Politics & Current Affairs | Chowrangi

Thanks for sharing Bill! But i have question with both US. and Pakistan authority . Why they both are failed to stop the terrorist warlord Saudia arabia to financed them and sponsoring their madresas, even though both(US. & Pakistan) know that very well.?
Thanks for sharing Bill! But i have question with both US. and Pakistan authority . Why they both are failed to stop the terrorist warlord Saudia arabia to financed them and sponsoring their madresas, even though both(US. & Pakistan) know that very well.?

sickness means requirement of Doctor

requirement of Doctor means earning of money.
this earning means not only earning for doctor but also for pharmist and others involve in treatment
I don't know why but I don't think that explanations given by people on this forum about the attack on baba fareed's sharine are right... It's not a war of maslaks aur firqas its a war between Pakistanis and their enemy... Terrorists choose such places just to initiate sectarian violence....

bingo. First it was Shia sunni now its becomming Deobandi/Salfi against brelvi and Shia.
a civil war between sects benifits whom, I think we all know.

In iraq both shia and sunni were fighting occupation but after introduction of Zarqavi element civil war started benifiting occupiers.

Is this the same case... we have to think
btw a common man is not intrested in this secterian bull ****. Govt has the advantage and can use it against the terrorists

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