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Bomb Blast in Pakpattan

The only sufi shrines i know via Pakistani serials got attacked this year. First Data Darbar now Pakpattan. Shame..on radicals and security.
Whats with this shrine targeting. New sitting duck for TTP??
Why blame the US?? It is your countrymen and your co-religionists who are orchestrating all the violence between Shias and Sunnis, both against Ahmadiyas, and so on. How is the US responsible? Very convenient to always blame some external factor for your own troubles!

kid we dont have any issue like Ahmadiyas, Shia, Suni before 9/11 so stop your bullshit!!!!
kid we dont have any issue like Ahmadiyas, Shia, Suni before 9/11 so stop your bullshit!!!!

it seems you need to read and know history. We had the Shia, Ahmadi problem for a very long time.

Get your facts right. Way back in 73, the Ahmadi were as per constitution labeled non-muslims. And the Shia thing got prominence in the 80s. and the sectarian clashes started.

And now thanks to Wahabism and its influence on some Deobandis, the inter Sunni sectarianism has started.

Please use google. You will realize that Pakistan has had the Ahmadiya-Shia-Sunni problem from decades.

The US has made many mistakes and has caused a lot of harm to Pakistan, directly or indirectly. However, to blame them for such internal troubles is laughable. It is as funny as Indians blaming the British for caste system!!!
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it seems you need to read and know history. We had the Shia, Ahmadi problem for a very long time.

Get your facts right. Way back in 73, the Ahmadi were as per constitution labeled non-muslims.

Technically Ahmadis are non-muslims but I'm not going to get into that. There have been no Ahmadi killings in the 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's though. Even today its very rare.

And the Shia thing got prominence in the 80s. and the sectarian clashes started.

Yes it was, but then the sectarian clashes became less prominent in the 90's, 2000's, and even today it happens rarely.

And now thanks to Wahabism and its influence on some Deobandis, the inter Sunni sectarianism has started.

Wahabis and Salafis are also schools of thought. They've been Pakistanis who believed in those schools of thoughts before the sectarian clashes, although they are a minority and most Pakistanis believe in the Hanafi school of thought.

TTP is a suspect but foreign hands can't be ruled out especially when the enemies of Pakistan think they can take advatage of the buray halat in Pakistan.
Technically Ahmadis are non-muslims but I'm not going to get into that. There have been no Ahmadi killings in the 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's though. Even today its very rare.

I am not talking about technicalities, i am talking about the issue which has been there for decades. And may be there were no killings previously, but the stage has been now set with the lahore attacks as well as the suicide attack in mardan, more will follow if we did not controlled the extremism in our ranks.

Yes it was, but then the sectarian clashes became less prominent in the 90's, 2000's, and even today it happens rarely.

Well the killings kept happening through out those decades, prominent figures used to be killed. And as for now, you are mistaken, the bombings have increased in recent years, seen from the Isb, Peshawar, Karachi, D.I.Khan blasts to name few and more numbers of them have been killed in recent years compared to past, and again if not controlled it will grow out of hand.

Wahabis and Salafis are also schools of thought. They've been Pakistanis who believed in those schools of thoughts before the sectarian clashes, although they are a minority and most Pakistanis believe in the Hanafi school of thought.

Yes there were, but now other sects namely mostly from the Deobandi school of thought have gotten influenced and these attacks are their doings.

TTP is a suspect but foreign hands can't be ruled out especially when the enemies of Pakistan think they can take advatage of the buray halat in Pakistan.

They have many other ways to take advantage of the buray halat, striking shrines does not helps them at all, rather it helps the internal ones who have hatred for these shrines and have been influenced by the Wahabism.

here check below their record of destroying the Islamic sacred sites, the Masjid-e-Nabwi is their next target and in few years time you are not gonna see the Green dome of the Masjid.

Destruction of sites associated with early Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look at what was written in 1953 (from Justice Munir-Kiyani report):

“Instances have occurred where Muslim members of various sects have indulged in objectionable propaganda against, each other calculated to hurt eachother’s feelings and leading, in its extreme cases, to personal violence. Anillustration of this type of agitation is the Ahmadi-Ahrar controversy in the Punjab. The Central Government consider that while the legitimate rights of any community or sect to propagate its religious beliefs should not be unduly restricted, and no discrimination should be made between the protagonists of differing views, religious controversies should be confined to reasonable limits and should not be allowed to reach a point where the public peace and tranquillity may be endangered. Militant or aggressive sectarianism should, in the opinion of the Central Government, be suppressed with a heavy hand.

“2. Shia-Sunni differences have been reported from different parts of the Province.

The incident at village Shahpur Kanjra, where a child of 3 and a woman were killed, was, however, the first incident in which Shias became the victims of communal violence.

3. At Gujranwala, sectarian tension existed between the Sunnis and the Wahabis. The difference arose over the number of travih which should be read in the month of Ramazan.

4. The immediate problem is to deal with the Ahrar. A warning has already been issued and I suggest that if this warning is not heeded, firm action should be taken. Government must also do everything to promote amity between Shias and Sunnis”.

The guidance was always there, we just did not follow it. Here is one the most harrowing sentence from the report.

If Pakistan is to develop as a democratic and progressive State, sectarian activities must be put down with firmness; otherwise Pakistan will become a medieval and reactionary State.
The Wahabi plus some Wahabi influenced Deobandi ones think Shrines to be not places for visit. Or in other words they say this is shirk and lot of stuff that goes on there is shirk, so now they are targeting it.

in simple words in aTaliban/ Al Qaida Ideology everyone is a legitimate target whether Muslim or nonMuslim if that person doesn’t follow or accept their ideology
they consider themselves "purified Sunnis" based on the principles of Abdul wahab, Saudi Scholar back in the 17th Century. He institutionalised the radicalism & intolerance in Islam and formed the bases of a ruthless cult according to which Shia, Sufi and beralvi sunis are all heretics.
Taliban/ Al Qaida of today took it to next level by declaring the murder, intimidation and destruction of Sufis, Beralvis, Shia as a mandatory and duty of a Muslim to confirm the place in heaven along with 72 virigins.

The prime target of these fanatics are shia, sufi or Beralvi sunnis, once done with them anyone else will do. Hence they never hesitate in inflicting mass civilian casualties in public places which can have their sympathisers because they use their own carnage and murder to their advantage by blaming it on Zionists, Pak Army’s role in War on terror and the American presence in Afghanistan. A point to note is that these people have been murdering shia’s and Ahmedis for decades even before the war on terror. But since that didn’t affect the general public so there was almost an indifference on the part of the public and the state.

Encouraged by that and having their roots well established they are brave enough to take on the majority of the moderate sunni majority Pakistan hence we will continue to see these incidents. When we have over 3 million weapons stolen from police warehouses in Punjab province, where the chief minister calls himself a brother of Taliban and asks them not to target Punjab because he supports their ideology, when Punjab interior minister openly attends the outlawed religious terrorist rallies then once should be surprised to see such tragedies from happening.

Expect a scripted response from terrorist spokesmen and their sympathisers accusing CIA, RAW, Mossad and the Aliens for this blast.

untill and unless the open & covert funding of these fanatics is not stopped there is no way we can see a closure of these anytime soon.
kid we dont have any issue like Ahmadiyas, Shia, Suni before 9/11 so stop your bullshit!!!!

Sir I beg to disagree on that

shia and Beralvis and both have suffered at the hands of the narrow minded Salafis for decades.

lashker Jhangvi and Sipah Sahabah are not a 9/11 creation. they go way back for decades. specialising in the killing of Shia community.

if you happen to come across an Ahmedi, do ask him or her how it is like being an outcaste and hated person day and night from school to the working life.

like I said, before 9/11 our majority didn’t have to suffer at the hands of the fanatics. but now its a wholesale of naked brutality.

I am sad and disgusted that hatred and intolerance can be coined in the name of Islam and justify the intimidation & murder of fellow Human beings
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What people fail to overlook is the fact that this problem was slowly gaining ground in Pakistan for a long time, the killing of Shia and Ahmadi notables started in the late 70's and reached its absolute peak in the 80's.

The people from other sects or ones who had moderate and tolerant views were being pushed out from power circles as the others gained power slowly over the decades.

Now they can exert total control over a number of institutes and that is why these group continue to operate even with so much opposition and condemnation.

Though a great purge ensued during Musharrafs time, I am sad to say that it was just the tip of the iceberg.

According to the constituentcy of Pakistan, the sovereignty of our nation lies in the hands of Allah.

Seems like its only Allah who can save us now.

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