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Bomb blast in Khyber bazaar Peshawar.

yeh they are going to launch an operation in waziristan but Agno the real cause will remain the same as long as US is in our backyard spreading terrorism you are going to face this.

i wonder when it will start in South Punjab the people will cry loud

It will likely start in South Punjab (and by extension all of Punjab - you know if it starts in Punjab Lahore is going to be a prime target). We know the groups involved can act in Punjab given the various attacks in and around Lahore.

Will the Punjab government then crackdown on these groups? The terrain in Punjab is nowhere close to what it is in Waziristan, so I don't think the government will face as many issues in destroying the groups there as it will in FATA, but the real danger will not come from the organized groups and their headquarters, but from small cells hiding in the populace.

To destroy the small cells you need effective police work and cooperation from the citizens, you need to clamp down on the sources of explosives or the ingredients used to make them. That is not an easy challenge to face.

Making civilians aware of their responsibilities in cooperating and reporting suspicious activity - we need a major public awareness campaign coupled with effective law enforcement that does not automatically vilify and thrash suspicious individuals which would in turn make people reluctant to report suspicious activity to the police.

Our journalists can play a major role in raising awareness.

But allowing these people an entire agency to pan, plot and organize really exacerbates the issue.
Those who are doing this will be paid in the same coin.India i highly doubt would be behind this as they do know if they do this they will be also at receiving end.It must be TTP's work.
US has officialy shifted the so called Afgan counter terrorism to active insurgency against Pakistan. US is not so naive that it will let India do what ever it wants in Afganistan and not be a party to it.

While bombs are exploding and people are dying both in Afganistan and Pakistan Barkie recieves a Nobel Peace Award for not stoping any wars and surging the number of troops further undermining the security of the region i.e Operation Enduring Termoil

Only solution for the problem is that US and Nato should pack up and leave asap.

My prayers go out for the victims and there families as they are paying the real price of politics.

May Allah help us.:pakistan:
Its a cowardly act. Be it Kabul or Peshawar. May God give strength to those who lost relatives and friends , quick recovery to injured.

Just find the real culprits and book them according to law.
Those who are doing this will be paid in the same coin.India i highly doubt would be behind this as they do know if they do this they will be also at receiving end.It must be TTP's work.

I disagree with you it is Indian/Afghan joint venture responsible for these type of bomb blast , during Afghan Russian Jehad same type of bomb blast happened in many cities.
Persuasion tactics may be? Blasts in Islamabad and Peshawar in quick succession after a lull in terrorist attacks. May be just a reminder for the army and those opposing the Kerry Lugar bill that not submitting to the US would have unpleasant consequences.
typical pakistani response.
My dear you are killing ttp men on daily basis and they are avenging their mens' death. Where does the india or indian embassy factor come to it.

Its not your fault. You were expected to reply the way you did. :azn: Hit us another time and see something in Mumbai... and that would be result of hmm... Naxals making their presence or SIMI..? Kashmires? :pop:
So long as we think like this we shall remain where we are . We need to realise that it does not matter where he may be a terrorist remains the same.

He follows the same agenda, follows the same modus operandi, and thrives on distrust.

We cannot gloat when a blast takes place on the Indian embassy in Kabul and expect to be insulated from the same.

I dont think Terrorism is bad for the countries (at least how countries take it), it is only worse for the people who suffer from it. Look at America how much he is able to expand and penetrate where it could never have only because 9/11 happened. And since Osama and Aimen-Alzawahri exist, it can chase them anywhere, even in Kashmir, Moscow or Shanghai if it helped America someday.

Coming to Blasts, every foe country including India and Pakistan has its dirty forces in action against each other. You will not accept us and we will not accept you. No matter how much we sprinkle love in public, we are what we are inside. You hate us, we hate you. You are Kafir enemy of ours, we are Muslim enemy of yours. This is the same story written on both sides of the paper.

This will keep trolling until we have all issues resolved or one eliminated the other completely. Anyway, this discussion is not going to lead us anywhere that would be mutually acceptable. So keep caring and protecting your National Interests, I am looking for mine.

Very tragic, and situation saw in Kashmir was was also very bad. My mates, u got a beautiful country, plz keep it safe, If Germans had such a country we wouldmake it paradise, but the Asian people have to learn some things,seriously, then they will succeed
The thread is full of conspiracy theories about who could be involved and maybe they're right to some extent but maybe they're not. Because sometimes things are just like what they appear on surface without any grand plan behind them. We know qari hussain and hakimullah just recently threatened attacks and they've accepted responsiblty for one already, they might be reluctant to accept this one cuz of massive civilian casualty but it's quiet cut and dry-their strategy-they kill and torture and terrorize on one hand and want to gain public sympathies on the other hand by blamming the govt and the army. All I'm saying is we have recognized our enemy in the name of TTP and in the face of it's Taliban, we know where they operate and hatch their evil schemes from, we also know it causes them great deal of pain when we strike them there and talk about intensifying further action, and we're seeing the worst of their reaction, we shouldn't loose focus now in erdicating these devil's spawns.
Its not your fault. You were expected to reply the way you did. :azn: Hit us another time and see something in Mumbai... and that would be result of hmm... Naxals making their presence or SIMI..? Kashmires? :pop:

you are saying that gop was involved in mumbai attacks!!
Btw the whole scenario must be enquired before coming to any conclusion. So please enquire first and then say anything about someone's involvement
well this was expected...taliban has already vowed to take revenge against pakistan army and federal govt...so pakistan army's mission is far from over.
May the suffered RIP.
May the PA succeeds in clamping down these militants in south waziristan.

What would be the totall operational time frame once the PA launches the operation in south Waziristan . And would that be as much successful as the Malakand ops was ? .
Such BombBlasts in crowded public demoralizes the public support .
I think it has more to do with a blast in Afghanistan a day before rather than with WoT.
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