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Bomb Blast in Crowded Daata Darbar (Shrine), Lahore

These guus are from cities or villages, the last major attack had people who were from Karachi or southern Punjab.
Then, from your point of view, it must be the their lack of education. Again, Islam is not to be blamed. I'm just trying to say that people should stop saying Islam is a violent religion, or other people say the militant's version of Islam is not the true version of Islam.

I'm just trying to show that its something deeper then just merely a single religion. I'm not trying to offend anybody, or anyone who has died. I'm just trying to say that it has a more complex problem, might it be their perceived injustice from the PA, or their lack of education.
Both of you above are uninformed as well as inept at assessing a situation, most of the terrorists are not from FATA or from an any place where PA is currently engaged in. These guus are from cities or villages, the last major attack had people who were from Karachi or southern Punjab.

So this alone shows you that they are not avenging the deaths of people in FATA, even the reasons provided have notng to with the situation in FATA. These people are targeting innocents just becuase they differ from them.

All this bs about people dying in some part of the country and these militants avenging their deaths is nonsense.

That is more confusing, if they are not from those areas then the reason you provide is not as big to start bombing.

If they are doing it because of reason you listed then why where they not doing before? Before WOT?

No it's just a matter of being brainwashed at the hands of extremist clerics who spew out hatred and instil these youngsters with a penchant for some sort of violent offence.

It's not lack of education or actions of some military, it's merely use of brainwashing method whereby religion is used as a means of political gain by the religious clergy.

Deen-e-Kaafir Fikro Tadbeer-e-Jihad
Deen-e-mullah Fisabi-lilahi Fasad
This certain ideology of islam is vehemently opposed to the FALSE teachings of shirk.

RIP the innocent, dont push just leave it to that

Ahhhhh a suicide bomber showed people they were doing shirk waiting for a meal they could or could not afford yes you are right your created by devil himself wahabisum is a true religion.

1= You are not a Muslim if others are not safe from you.
2=Suicide is haram in Islam.
That is more confusing, if they are not from those areas then the reason you provide is not as big to start bombing.

If they are doing it because of reason you listed then why where they not doing before? Before WOT?

Who says they were not doing this before WOT, sectarian violence and killings occurred before WOT too. But with war in your neighbourhood that has religion as an important theme. Such groups feed off the alignment of many extremist and become more resourceful.

The weapons being used, the training and increased funding is due to the war in Afghanistan through which all extremists are able to work more efficiently.

Now they have access to more funding (foreign and local), support from their followers and sympathisers and of course the help of other groups.
They bomb the Shias, they bomb the Ahmadies, they bomb the Sunni's, the way this is going there will be none left to target.
The only solution is to align against this menace together and completely cut it off. Anyone who is familiar with this network will know how they work, where they are coming from and the seminaries they attend.

They probably dont even think on these lines.. They just attack civilians. The sect, religion etc is all incidental.. RIP to the dead.
They probably dont even think on these lines.. They just attack civilians. The sect, religion etc is all incidental.. RIP to the dead.

It is not incidental, the attacks are carried out in order to achieve something more, that is civil unrest. Play one sect against the other by inciting suspicion and hatred between two different sects.

You would notice another thing that the civilians who are attacked usually are the ones who appose the thinking of these extremists.
It is not incidental, the attacks are carried out in order to achieve something more, that is civil unrest. Play one sect against the other by inciting suspicion and hatred between two different sects.

You would notice another thing that the civilians who are attacked usually are the ones who appose the thinking of these extremists.

I dont disagree there.. But what I was trying to say was, that the target selection is not ideological. These mofos go for maximum impact and alignment to their objective of creating chaos and whatever target does that best, gets blown up. So religion, sect etc are just parameters in their calculations and not ideological drivers..

just my 2 cents....
And the madness continues. What we need is low-level special forces ops in both Karachi and Punjab to flush out the terrorists who have escaped operations in FATA. RAW handlers of some of the terrorists groups need to be targeted in Afghanistan as well. This cancer is obviously causing serious problem for our country and the sooner we get tough on these animals the better.

And you then blame Indian media for juping to ISI whenever something goes wrong in India..
I dont disagree there.. But what I was trying to say was, that the target selection is not ideological. These mofos go for maximum impact and alignment to their objective of creating chaos and whatever target does that best, gets blown up. So religion, sect etc are just parameters in their calculations and not ideological drivers..

just my 2 cents....

Read the post below from a terrorist sympathizer and then you will understand the reason.

Originally Posted by EgO Boy
This certain ideology of islam is vehemently opposed to the FALSE teachings of shirk.
Read the post below from a terrorist sympathizer and then you will understand the reason.

Originally Posted by EgO Boy
This certain ideology of islam is vehemently opposed to the FALSE teachings of shirk.

Over at ummah.com they are saying it is the victims fault that they are always present at the shrine as someone has to eventually demolish it................... stay away people.

PS not everyone there is a nut job but even 0.1% being retards makes a lot of people unsafe.
RIP to all who have died at the hands of killer zombies, Data Darbar is a very special place, I have been many times to Data Darbar especially when I visit Lahore.

The deobandis who are associated with Wahhabism have no place in Pakistan, these are the people who just dont care about innocents as long thier ****** backward mission is completed.

These ****** deobandis need to be exterminated as soon as possible before they cause any more carnage.
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