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Bomb Blast in Crowded Daata Darbar (Shrine), Lahore

what we need buddy is that man in the white pagri on your pic LOL

Do not under-estimate the man in the white pagri in the pic.
He has his feet on the ground at all times, has no time to spout hot intellectual gases, is very 'painfully clear' about his life and has unusual resilience; that is how he still survives in spite of so much adversity.
If we are wise, this man in the white pagri can be 'engine of change'. If we only can understand how to involve him. Change is not going to flow out of keyboards and mouses/mice.

please stop your games!!! india has been facing "terrorism" due to its policies! you reap what you sow!

this statement applies to israel,india,russia & pakistan!

I am not here to blame or to argue or to discuss about Indian or Pakistani or Israeli policies.
Fire breathing clerics call for revenge


Addressing a charged protest demonstration outside the Data Darbar on Friday, with over 3,000 emotional participants, the leaders of the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) openly advocated violent revenge.

Several SIC members vowed to ‘seek revenge’ for ‘the attack on Sunni honour’ and urged violence against those responsible. Instigating the cheering and vulnerable mass of participants, Allama Abdul Tawab Siddiqi questioned, “Are you a devotee of the saint in name only or do you want to seek revenge and prove your allegiance?”

Tempers and emotions ran high as the protestors raised their hands in unison, heeding the call and promising to prove their loyalty. Allama Siddiqi then administered them a collective oath.

A masked gunman fired a round from the midst of the crowd to mark the end of Allama Siddiqi’s speech and as a symbolic gesture of the crowd’s respect and agreement.

Raghib Naeemi then took the stage and read out a list of demands for the government. He said that all the individuals responsible for the Thursday night’s suicide attack should be arrested and publically hanged preferably in front of the Data Darbar. He demanded that all literature spewing hatred against Sunnis should be destroyed and banned.

Raghib urged the government to protect the lives and properties of the Sunni community. He suggested that Rana Sanaullah should be dismissed from his position as law minister for his alleged links with terrorist organisations.

Moreover he demanded that Abdul Rehman Jullendhari (member Wafaqul Madaris Qari Hanif) and Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi (member Sipah-i-Sahaba) should be named in the FIR.

Other speakers alleged that the Punjab government and the Auqaf Department were equally responsible for the attack on the saint’s shrine by failing to ensure its security.

Qari Zawar Bahadar claimed that the government was promoting terrorism by continuing to finance various factions. He said that the government had banned various militant organisations owing to international pressure but had continued to support them under new names. He said that the government needed to give up its duplicity on terrorism.

The council announced a shutter-down strike for Saturday in a joint meeting at Jamia Naeemia.

Despite the public declarations and incitement, the protest was not interrupted and the police superintendant present at the scene made no move to arrest any of the leaders or the participants or to stop them.

Fire breathing clerics call for revenge – The Express Tribune
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nope no sect here!! these are paid assassins i don't think ANY religious sect legalizes bombings!

the problem with pakistanis is they "blame" sects!! no muslim "sect" tries to justify bombings!

i can smell another conspiracy theory happening sorry buddy wake up please ... and for no sects justify bombings or killing , you really sound like that you dont know much go google sectarianism in pakistan you will get your answers . All these sectarian parties openly justify killing and murdering of civilians
The upwardly mobile upper middle class is guilty of all these crimes, not just by association but rather by direct involvement. They are the apathetic wealthy elite. They are the ones who initiated the destruction of the public education sector with their kickbacked residentially housed private schools, they are the ones who run the industries and factories that churn out arensic and mercury into our drinking water, they are the ones who man the offices of the state that receive kickbacks, they are the bankers who oversee Loan Recovery Officers or as they are normally called goons who threaten and beat up and torture people in debt, they are the ones who evade all forms of taxation, they are the ones who are the new aristocracy, the new landed elite by virtue of their association with the state (both the colour Khaki and the GOR bureaucratic elite).

Marxist mumbo jumbo. Bankers should just give money & not collect it back?

This country does not need the novel "educated" elite. This country needs the rule of its true heirs, the working class of Pakistan. I personally hate the class where I was born in, and continue to hate my presence in it. It is a class of shameless apathetic people who label the problems of the country on others when they are the ones who create its problems.

Yeah, Pol Pot thought the same and we all know how that turned out. What's this? A Khmer Rouge Part II?

There is no easy way out.No magic wand, no miracles, just a long slow slog to becoming a better democracy. Joe got it right with this post.

Dear Sir,

I could not disagree more.

Enough 'ruthless' dictators have come and gone (half of Pakistan's existence was taken up by them) and done nothing useful. None of their stunts have worked.

With respect the only medicine - a long-drawn out therapy, one which may take decades, and needs to be given that time - is democracy. You may start with a corrupt, spineless, obsessed with intrigue set of feudals and carpetbaggers, but as the people realise that they have the power, really, truly have power, they will move steadily and increasingly with confidence towards setting the direction.

Then, and only then, will positive things happen.

There are no short-cuts, no silver bullets.

Fire breathing clerics call for revenge[/SIZE]



A move towards more anarchy.

You may label us Indians as much of an enemy as you want, but no one would want a turbulent, unstable neighbor.
The true enemy lies with in your society, the sooner you realize this the better it would be for you.
These are just sensible advices, otherwise you are the masters of your own destiny.
It’s darbar as usual at Data Sahib

LAHORE: Undeterred by the suicide bombings, devotees from the city and outstations continued to throng the shrine of Lahore’s patron saint Data Gunj Bakhsh to pay homage and to offer Friday prayers.

People were sombre and angry over what they said the dastardly act of sacrilege. But they were not intimidated as they attended the Friday prayers in numbers described by many as more than routine.

“I have come from Faisalabad to pay homage to Data Sahib and to offer Juma prayers at his shrine,”
Muhammad Irfan, a businessman of Faisalabad, said.

He was accompanied by his family members and friends and said that the act of terrorism prompted them to visit the shrine of the saint whom his ancestors had revered the most.

A majority of devotees and residents of the surrounding localities did not blame any sect for the act of terrorism.

They did, however, blame the government for what they said lack of security at the shrine, and said the suicide bombers or their handlers were not Muslims.

“No Muslim can dare attack the shrine of Data Sahib.

This is a conspiracy which cannot deter the devotees,” said Suleiman who regularly visits the shrine to pay homage to the saint.

He said he could not visit the place on Thursday because he was ill but he had decided to offer Friday prayers there come what may.

Outside the shrine, workers of Jamaat Ahle Sunnat, Tahafuz-i-Namoos-i-Risalat and other groups of Sunnis held demonstrations throughout the day.

They blamed followers of a certain sect for the attack and even raised slogans against the Sharif brothers, Law Minister Rana Sanaullah and President Zardari.

They damaged the hoardings of the Sharif brothers.

The guard of a religious leader fired in the air amidst slogans against the government and the terrorists.

Shops in the area remained closed like those in major markets in the city in mourning and as a mark of respect for Data Sahib.

People held demonstrations everywhere in the city to condemn the attack and demand elimination of the terrorists.

The Qaumi Tajir Ittehad announced three-day mourning.

People reportedly misbehaved with PML-N local leaders Khawaja Salman Rafique and Bilal Yasin when they reached the shrine.

Following the incident and continuous sloganeering against the Sharif brothers, no significant leader or official of the provincial government turned up.

The devotees started thronging the shrine since early morning. A large number of them offered Fajr

The number swelled for Juma prayers and people, including women, were seen entering the shrine in long queues after frisking by police at the two front gates.

Khateeb of the mosque and Sahibzada Fazle Karim in their sermons condemned the attacks and said the terrorists were villains who killed innocent people at the shrine of a saint.

Emotional scenes were witnessed during the prayers as devotees cried over what they said the desecration of the shrine.

Prayers were held for those who lost their lives or were injured in the attack.

There were people who criticised the government for lack of security at the shrine despite warnings of terrorism there.

Some residents of the area surrounding the shrine condemned the appointment of security guards on the basis of favouritism “Anyone showing the chit of an influential figure is appointed as a security guard.

They include even children and handicaps. They become guard by wearing grey shalwar kameez to get a salary of Rs 6,000 per month and offerings (langar) every day,” said Mian Bilal.

He claimed that the guards had no formal training but still they were detailed at the shrine as a
personal favour rather than for security.

DAWN.COM | Lahore | It?s darbar as usual at Data Sahib
Man, with all due respect, would indian members stop posting in this thread. You have expressed your sorrow and have made the prayers and have condemened the attack, now go. I'm not saying you guys shouldn't be on the forum but this issue esp this incident, is not understand by you and doesn't concern you and yet you guys keep on posting irrelevant and off topic stuff that many like me have to scroll through.
Man, with all due respect, would indian members stop posting in this thread. You have expressed your sorrow and have made the prayers and have condemened the attack, now go. I'm not saying you guys shouldn't be on the forum but this issue esp this incident, is not understand by you and doesn't concern you and yet you guys keep on posting irrelevant and off topic stuff that many like me have to scroll through.

that is a very bad excuse to tell people not to post in a specific thread. let them post here if they want.
These bloody clerics should preach people for calm, they are instead promoting circle of violence. shame on these so called clerics.
absolutely, i cant understand why civilians should have guns at all? gun is for the police and army.
Because of the fact that our police never reaches on time and emergency line15 always stay busy Weapons should be allowed but in limit and with full interogation. Like one of the guy is holding Assault rifle. WTF. Maximum 9mm pistol for selfdefence. nothing more.
absolutely, i cant understand why civilians should have guns at all? gun is for the police and army.

It doesn't matter if you ban civilians from owning guns. People will manage to kill other people with other means. Case in point: Britain banned guns in public, as a result knife crimes shot up.

There should be a background check of any civilian applying for a gun license.
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