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Bomb Blast in Crowded Daata Darbar (Shrine), Lahore

Lahore police nabs Ahmedi mosques attack masterminds, 17 other terrorists

LAHORE: The Lahore police has claimed nabbing 17 wanted militants, including the masterminds of the terror seige of the two Ahmedi mosques, from

various parts of the city.

According to reports, the two masterminds were arrested while they were returning from the restive North Waziristan's Datta Khel area.

Separately, security officials also recovered a huge cache of arms and ammunition during raid in various parts of Lahore.

Over 20,000 kilogrammes of explosives, 100 assault rifles and 18 suicide jackets were recovered, The Daily Times reports.

Seven more terrorists were arrested from Raiwind during a search operation.

Sources said 20 suicide jackets, police uniforms, detonators, explosive material and automatic weapons were seized terror suspects.

Atleast some of these bastards are being arrested, it's best to hang them as quickly as possible because their sympathisers in the government would let em loose again.
surprised to hear that no terrorist groups are taking responsibility for this henious crime!!? TTP said NO , Pujabi Taliban said NO than who is it ?
ssp , smp ,lashkar e jhangvi , jundulla .....??
EU condemns Lahore blasts

The European Union has condemned the suicide attacks at the Sufi shrine in Lahore that killed over 40 people.

'The deadly attack on the Data Darbar Sufi shrine is yet another vivid example of the scale of the terrorist threat and extremism in Pakistan,' EuAsiaNews quoted EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashtonh as saying.

'Such attacks represent an assault on moderate believers everywhere in Pakistan and on everyone who does not share the perpetrators' fanatical views,' Ashtonh said in a statement.

EU condemns Lahore blasts
surprised to hear that no terrorist groups are taking responsibility for this henious crime!!? TTP said NO , Pujabi Taliban said NO than who is it ?
ssp , smp ,lashkar e jhangvi , jundulla .....??

This is becuase they want our idiot pakistani's to blame the wrong people for fuhrther destabilization and problems.

The perpatrators of this gruesome act are these groups you mentioned, specifically the punjabi Taliban from the southern belt.
surprised to hear that no terrorist groups are taking responsibility for this henious crime!!? TTP said NO , Pujabi Taliban said NO than who is it ?
ssp , smp ,lashkar e jhangvi , jundulla .....??

You will continue to be surprised if you do know the objectives of this sort of bombings. Someone claims responsibility when there is something for glory or something that will lever public support. This sort of bombing deliver neither of those mentioned above. The true objective is to spread chaos and confusion to the maximum extend while keeping public imagination open to all sorts of possibilities including foreign hands.
Pakistan PM visits scene of shrine bombing

By Waqar Hussain (AFP)

LAHORE, Pakistan — Pakistan's prime minister Saturday visited the scene of a double suicide attack in the eastern city of Lahore as angry protesters around the country demanded action against extremism.

Police said they had "apprehended" several people in Lahore in their investigation into Thursday's bombings, which killed 43 and left a trail of carnage at a packed Sufi shrine, but have made no formal arrests.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani visited the shrine and vowed to defeat extremists, saying he had convened a special law enforcement meeting to work out a solution.

"We have to be united to defeat terrorism and have appealed to the international community to help us enhance the capacity of our law enforcement agencies," Gilani said.

Shops and offices were closed in a number of cities and towns on Saturday in a strike protesting against Thursday's attacks.

Raghib Naeemi, a leader of a Sunni Muslim council that called the strike, said a major rally was planned for Saturday evening and urged the government to step up its efforts against extremism.

"We will continue our protest till the government takes some concrete actions to curb terrorist activities," he said.

The council's chief Sahibzada Fazal thanked Pakistanis for observing the strike and for holding protests.

"Today's successful strike shows that people hate those who do terrorist acts in the name of religion. People have completely rejected these hired assassins," Fazal said.

Rallies were held in Lahore, Karachi, Rawalpindi and several other cities on Saturday, with demonstrators shouting slogans against terrorism and extremism.

"We reject massacre in the name of religion," read one banner at a rally in the southern port city of Karachi.

Television footage showed enraged protesters burning tyres and shouting slogans against the government, criticising it for not improving security.

Protests erupted on Friday blaming Taliban extremists for the latest bloodshed in Lahore, a major military, political and cultural hub and Pakistan's second-largest city.

An AFP reporter said markets were closed on Saturday and roads deserted in the otherwise bustling city. Schools are already closed for the summer holidays.

Investigators said they had yet to identify the two suicide bombers who blew themselves up among crowds of worshippers at the shrine to Sufi saint Data Ganj Bakhsh in Lahore, capital of Punjab province.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility and the Pakistan Taliban, which has been blamed for a wave of bloody attacks over the past three years, denied it was involved.

Police also said they had uncovered 20 suicide bombing vests and two dozen police commando uniforms during a raid in Lahore late Friday.

Investigators said it may take some time to identify the bombers, who were caught on camera in dramatic closed-circuit television footage of the bomb blast and the carnage and chaos that ensued.

"We quizzed the family of a man we suspected to be one of the suicide bombers, but he turned out to be one of the victims. His body has been handed over to the family," a senior investigator told AFP.

About 700 people attended the man's funeral Saturday outside Lahore with mourners insisting on his innocence.

"This gathering condemns terrorism. We are peaceful people. Terrorists should stop this bloodbath," prayer leader Asghar Farid said at the funeral of 27-year-old Mohammad Rafiq.

Pakistan has been hit by a wave of Islamist militant attacks over the past three years which many attribute to Islamabad's alliance with Washington and the US-led war against the Taliban in neighbouring Afghanistan.

In May, gunmen wearing suicide vests storm two mosques belonging to the minority Ahmadi sect in Lahore, killing at least 82 people.

The United States led Western condemnation of the Sufi shrine attack, which US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described as a "brutal crime" and vowed to support Pakistan against militants who wish to "destabilise" the country.

AFP: Pakistan PM visits scene of shrine bombing
The state of denial continues.... :tsk:

I think you need to calm down a little and cut these people a slack here. There is not much, if any, state of denial in the statement you quoted. They were referring to the attackers and their organization non-Muslim, despite having Muslim names, and belonging to wahabi sect, now it's the newspaper's fault for chickening out and not mentioning the sect the protestors were blaming.

They are right into thinking it can't be anyone from ihle-Sunna, having so much love and respect for Allah's beloved o-leia-s and then go and do something like this in the holiest of the shrines which even the Sikh and brithsh invaders did not touch, in fact showed respect for.

Then who it is who dislikes these holy shrines of buzer-gane-deen and o-leia-ikrams, not only in Pakistan but India and Iraq as well. Who thinks that Sunnis are doing shirk by going to these shrines and their biggest myth and misconception that Sunnis na-auz-bila worship these shrines and the saints buried there, and who continues to show disrespect for them. Tell you what, Wahabis come to mind.

The protestors of Sunni ithad in Pakistan today they know who they are calling non-muslims and which sect they are blaming, they are not stupid or in a state of denial, they are blaming the shrief brothers and raiwind for a reason.
You will continue to be surprised if you do know the objectives of this sort of bombings. Someone claims responsibility when there is something for glory or something that will lever public support. This sort of bombing deliver neither of those mentioned above. The true objective is to spread chaos and confusion to the maximum extend while keeping public imagination open to all sorts of possibilities including foreign hands.

spreading chaos can be done by bombing public places and markets so i dont really agree with this theory..... targeting religious shrines esp when sucide bombers blows emself up is for a sane mind is nothin but an expression of sheer hate if we look at the series of events happnening around this is a certain sect who wants to spread their version of religion by force. In Iraq we have witnessed similar events where suciders went in shrines and blow em up.
spreading chaos can be done by bombing public places and markets so i dont really agree with this theory.....

This was a public place regardless of the religious nature. Have you ever had chance to arrest or interrogate these guys ?
India condemns Lahore terror attack- Hindustan Times

India on Friday strongly condemned the terrorist attack in Lahore that killed 42 people in a Sufi shrine.

"The government strongly condemns the terrorist attacks on Data Darbar in Lahore and expresses sympathies to the families of the bereaved," external affairs ministry spokesperson Vishnu Prakash said in New Delhi.

At least 42 people were killed and 175 injured as synchronised suicide bombings ripped through the Data Ganj Baksh shrine when it was packed with worshippers gathered for the traditional Thursday prayers.
This was a public place regardless of the religious nature. Have you ever had chance to arrest or interrogate these guys ?

sir in our part of the world a mosque or shrine is called is a religious place and its understood to be overcrowded .... public places are malls , high streets , food streets etc i can see where you coming from dont turn this into this another kfc , raw ,mosad conspiracy theory let me save you lot of energy its not!!

What a sad, sad, sad day here. :(
incomprehensible that in almost a thousand years, for the first time the holy shrine of Hazrat Daata Ganj Baksh is attacked and by who? someone who calls himself a true Muslim and fighting Allah's jihad. What disgusting and dispicable.............

And ironically, look at the sad case of affairs, the shrine is in Pakistan, a Muslim country regarded as "Islam ka qila", a nuclear power and worlds 5th largest army, and even publically a mass majority of Sunni believers and followers, you would think the shrine couldn't be any more safer any place else or during any other time period. After all the region was invaded by numerous civilazation from other religions, where you would think these mizaars would have been the most voulnerable. haha but no, the attack happens at the peak of Muslim era. What irony, I still can't fathom and wrap my mind around what has happened, where we have landed and what we have become. Truly, a sad, sad, sad day here.
Indians had been suffering and taking such bomb attacks since decades and we know how much is the loss. These terrorists attacks are always condemned by India!! We support Pakistan.
spreading chaos can be done by bombing public places and markets so i dont really agree with this theory..... targeting religious shrines esp when sucide bombers blows emself up is for a sane mind is nothin but an expression of sheer hate if we look at the series of events happnening around this is a certain sect who wants to spread their version of religion by force. In Iraq we have witnessed similar events where suciders went in shrines and blow em up.

nope no sect here!! these are paid assassins i don't think ANY religious sect legalizes bombings!

the problem with pakistanis is they "blame" sects!! no muslim "sect" tries to justify bombings!


please stop your games!!! india has been facing "terrorism" due to its policies! you reap what you sow!

this statement applies to israel,india,russia & pakistan!

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