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Bomb Blast in Crowded Daata Darbar (Shrine), Lahore

Again show respect....
what kinda forum is this??? All Aliens....

You've posted eight times, mostly irrelevant trolls like this.

Learn to respect the forum and the members, otherwise leave. We have too many of your kind roaming around on a daily basis on the forum.

@Emo:- Perhaps you misinterpreted his post. As far as I can see he labeled the terrorist as committing shirk, not the shrine devotees. Stop the religion-bashing. Suspension will follow.

@bill Longley :- I seriously hope what I stated above is what you meant. I wouldn't tolerate any other.
So... who is going to support the country wide strike?

Won't it just be working for the terrorists, since their aim was to create civil unrest?
Who are you to force me to respect someone?

You brought in your Hadith to justify what? The people Who died there

i support you on this. no one can force anyone to do anything.
Religious killing is a shame (whether in the name of ram or rahim) Like I earlier mentioned. god does not need humans to protect him. only humans need god (if there is a god, because I am agnostic)
These Believers really don't stop amazing me, Even Ahamdis are not blessed here, now we can simply add Ahamdis to Axis of Evil, haaa!!

Pakistanis blame US after shrine attack kills 42

LAHORE, Pakistan — A pair of suicide bombings that killed 42 at a popular Sufi shrine in Pakistan's east stirred outrage among many in this terror-scarred nation Friday. Several blamed the U.S. presence in Afghanistan for spurring the attacks, while some faulted a minority sect that itself was viciously targeted just weeks before.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but Islamist extremist groups consider Sufism to be heretical, and they have previously struck non-Sunni sects.

Still, several Pakistanis interviewed Friday said the real root of the problem was the U.S. presence in Afghanistan and its missile strikes against militants in Pakistan's tribal regions. "America is killing Muslims in Afghanistan and in our tribal areas, and militants are attacking Pakistan to express anger against the government for supporting America," said Zahid Umar, 25, who frequently visits the shrine. Pakistanis are suffering because of American policies and aggression in the region, said Mohammed Asif, 34, who runs an auto workshop in Lahore. He and others said the attacks would end if the U.S. would pull out of Afghanistan.

Several others interviewed blamed the Ahmadis, a minority sect that has long faced discrimination in Pakistan. On May 28 in Lahore, gunmen and a suicide squad targeted two Ahmadi mosques, massacring at least 93 people. "I think the Ahmadis were behind the attack" on the Sufi shrine, said Lahore resident Mohammad Amir, accusing the minority sect of seeking revenge. He offered no evidence to back up his claim.

The Associated Press: Pakistanis blame US after shrine attack kills 42
^^ This was my exact thinking. I mean, we didn't suffer these attacks until we started to go in around 2007-present on behalf of the US.
^^ This was my exact thinking. I mean, we didn't suffer these attacks until we started to go in around 2007-present on behalf of the US.

who really cares, what was the past, when our future is at stake? Can't we all stop living in the past :undecided:
Ahmedis die & everyone turns and blames the non ahmedis! now that people in data darbar died everyone turns around & blames those same ahmedis for revenge!!

and ofcourse US is thrown in the middle too!!


so those people who blew themselves up in data darbar are neither muslim nor ahmedis nor christians! they are plain simple terrorists! NO ONE CAN JUSTIFY THE KILLING OF INNOCENT HUMANS even if they "believe" their belief is wrong!!
I don't know which masjid you go but where ever I went I saw these Mullahs condeming these acts of terrorism......

But why they are supporting Afghani Taliban is because they think they are freedom fighters of Islam..... Why Pakistani Population is not very much against Afghani Taliban because they have never heared or seen any wrong doing of Afghan Taliban in Pakistan... Why would they declare them terrorist just because of America??

and about TTP no Mullah except some political Mullah is in their favor... They condemn them as you condemn them.. They do not consider them Muslims even..... These jamaati thugs they just support TTP because they like thugs...

refer to the bolded parts: dont you think it is a hypocracy by those pakistanis who consider afghani taliban as good just because they didnt kill pakistanis? but these taliban have killed us by tens of thousands and destroyed our houses, cities and villages!!! where is the Ummah attitude in here? if there is Ummah, then you should care about people of afghanistan and feel sorry for them because they are suffering due to the crimes of afghani taliban. what a doulbe standrds.
refer to the bolded parts: dont you think it is a hypocracy by those pakistanis who consider afghani taliban as good just because they didnt kill pakistanis? but these taliban have killed us by tens of thousands and destroyed our houses, cities and villages!!! where is the Ummah attitude in here? if there is Ummah, then you should care about people of afghanistan and feel sorry for them because they are suffering due to the crimes of afghani taliban. what a doulbe standrds.


Quran in Surah Baqara says " One who unjustly killed a single human is like a man who killed all humanity"

these buggers are barbarians not muslims. Takfir is anti thesis of Islam
It’s darbar as usual at Data Sahib

By Intikhab Hanif
Saturday, 03 Jul, 2010


LAHORE: Undeterred by the suicide bombings, devotees from the city and outstations continued to throng the shrine of Lahore’s patron saint Data Gunj Bakhsh to pay homage and to offer Friday prayers.

People were sombre and angry over what they said the dastardly act of sacrilege. But they were not intimidated as they attended the Friday prayers in numbers described by many as more than routine.

“I have come from Faisalabad to pay homage to Data Sahib and to offer Juma prayers at his shrine,”
Muhammad Irfan, a businessman of Faisalabad, said.

He was accompanied by his family members and friends and said that the act of terrorism prompted them to visit the shrine of the saint whom his ancestors had revered the most.

A majority of devotees and residents of the surrounding localities did not blame any sect for the act of terrorism.

They did, however, blame the government for what they said lack of security at the shrine, and said the suicide bombers or their handlers were not Muslims.

“No Muslim can dare attack the shrine of Data Sahib.

This is a conspiracy which cannot deter the devotees,” said Suleiman who regularly visits the shrine to pay homage to the saint.

He said he could not visit the place on Thursday because he was ill but he had decided to offer Friday prayers there come what may.

Outside the shrine, workers of Jamaat Ahle Sunnat, Tahafuz-i-Namoos-i-Risalat and other groups of Sunnis held demonstrations throughout the day.

They blamed followers of a certain sect for the attack and even raised slogans against the Sharif brothers, Law Minister Rana Sanaullah and President Zardari.

They damaged the hoardings of the Sharif brothers.

The guard of a religious leader fired in the air amidst slogans against the government and the terrorists.

Shops in the area remained closed like those in major markets in the city in mourning and as a mark of respect for Data Sahib.

People held demonstrations everywhere in the city to condemn the attack and demand elimination of the terrorists.

The Qaumi Tajir Ittehad announced three-day mourning.

People reportedly misbehaved with PML-N local leaders Khawaja Salman Rafique and Bilal Yasin when they reached the shrine.

Following the incident and continuous sloganeering against the Sharif brothers, no significant leader or official of the provincial government turned up.

The devotees started thronging the shrine since early morning. A large number of them offered Fajr

The number swelled for Juma prayers and people, including women, were seen entering the shrine in long queues after frisking by police at the two front gates.

Khateeb of the mosque and Sahibzada Fazle Karim in their sermons condemned the attacks and said the terrorists were villains who killed innocent people at the shrine of a saint.

Emotional scenes were witnessed during the prayers as devotees cried over what they said the desecration of the shrine.

Prayers were held for those who lost their lives or were injured in the attack.

There were people who criticised the government for lack of security at the shrine despite warnings of terrorism there.

Some residents of the area surrounding the shrine condemned the appointment of security guards on the basis of favouritism “Anyone showing the chit of an influential figure is appointed as a security guard.

They include even children and handicaps. They become guard by wearing grey shalwar kameez to get a salary of Rs 6,000 per month and offerings (langar) every day,” said Mian Bilal.

He claimed that the guards had no formal training but still they were detailed at the shrine as a
personal favour rather than for security.

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