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Bomb Blast in Crowded Daata Darbar (Shrine), Lahore

no one claimed about bombing yet, ttp is highly suspected but no news regarding this so far.. Today is friday, and huge Jumma gathering is expected at Darbar Mosque today, so authorities are i think focusing to secure Jumma prayer.. perhaps Darbar hosts biggest Jumma prayer in Lahore every week..

RIP to all martyrs..
and no one will. you should know the game by now, every time they (ttp or other wahabi organization) target a pure civilian populace they back down from owning it. leaving mass public wondering who could really be behind the attack then utilizing their sympathisers in the media and the political domain they help give birth to conspiracy theories and misdirect public attention elsewhere, all so they can exist and carry out their henious terror activities. It's all part of their mind games, bro. These people are not dumb or stupid. They know what they are doing. The question is how long are people going to be fooled by them.
The Data Ganj Bakhsh shrine on Thursday night, killing at least 40 people and injuring 170 others.

Oh what a beautiful shrine ? felt very sad,whoever is behind this act are real BSTRDZ, who have no soul..let them rot in hell,whether destroying a mosque or temple.
RIP to poor worshippers
I pray to god whoever he is to please provide moksha to these dead people who were innocent and were killed by cowardly bastards. May there be peace upon their souls and their bereaved kin.

This is very sad time for people of pakistan and i pray for our neighbours that they can get courage in this hard times and root out this menace once and for all. May god bless you.

I am really angry :angry: at some members who are making this thread too a fighting and trolling one. This is time to pray not fight. May god bless us all.
It is just a few days more when the debate about this blast will continue. And then the things will become normal again. Punjab govt would start fighting with Governor Punjab on sasti roti scheme. Rehman Malik would be busy appeasing the other allies in the govt specially MQM. President Zardari would be busy giving strange statements about judiciary. Judiciary would be busy wasting time of the nation. Media would start talking about FIFA world cup and who would be the winner. Nawaz Sharif would be warning Govt to not to conspire against the judiciary. Many would be busy cursing Zia ul Haq and 80's era for all this mess. Many would be busy targeting a particular sect.

And the things would go on in the same manner till the next blast. Nobody would try to make a suitable counter terrorism policy for our country. Nobody would try to make necessary amendments in the law to trial and punish the terrorists as soon as possible. Nobody would try to learn from the security lapses and mistakes from this incident. Only the loved ones of those poor 40 martyrs would remember them.
☪☪☪☪;968846 said:
I think Pakistanis need to learn the hard truth ie
You reap what you sow.We used Arab money and built terror organizations which we thought would be a asset against India (instead of investing more on education and improving our economy which would have been greatest asset against India in reality )but it is biting their own masters now - You cant trust snakes.There is no one to blame except us.

U've hit the bulls eye..now how to get out of this mess ??
Pakistan will get out of the mess - Pakistan has been in far deeper mess and got out so to speak.The great mufti muneeb has blamed this attack on drone attacks and CIA and America.
☪☪☪☪;969059 said:
Pakistan will get out of the mess - Pakistan has been in far deeper mess and got out so to speak.The great mufti muneeb has blamed this attack on drone attacks and CIA and America.

It's really sad to see so many people still having their heads buried way deep in the sand. There's no doubt who our main enemy in this war is our population needs to get their heads out of the sand and support PA in eliminating them.
They have their heads buried not in sand but in their own *****.Few days later Mullahs will declare the attack was staged by Americans and that no muslim can do this.
A prayer for all those innocents who died...................
Please find those who did this, and punish them.
Inna Lillah wa Inna Alaih Raji'oon

May Allah Kareem bless the Shuhdaa at Data Gunj Shakar Sahab Blasts and do Justice to the criminal brutal Terrorists and their aides. Ameen Ya Rabul Alameen.

May Allah Kareem save Our beloved Pakistan from all the Evils. Ameen. Sum Ameen.

Pakistan Paindabaad
from Past 1000 years no Invader weather british, sikh or hindu dared to touch roza of DATA saab.
Data saab is respected by all faiths because he was blessing for humanity. he tought us love , compassion and forgiveness

those who comitted such a crime against humanity cannot stop us loving Data Saab.
there is some thing special about DATA saab that since his arrival in Lahore people are visiting him to give respect.

DATA saab is loved and will be loved till qayamat but these terrorists will end up like Abo jahal, Pheroh and nimrood
Prayers for the dead....May the RIP. May the pakistani authorities catch and bring them to justice.

from Past 1000 years no Invader weather british, sikh or hindu dared to touch roza of DATA saab.
Data saab is respected by all faiths because he was blessing for humanity. he tought us love , compassion and forgiveness


Sorry to point out at this hour -- there has been no hindu or sikh invader in the sub continent history. Invaders have been greek , muslim and to some extent persian emperors. Thanks , dont spread misinformation.
RIP to dead, so sorry to read about this tragedy.
Ye darinde kissi ko bhi nahi baksh rahe, inka na hi koi deen hai na koi imaan.
Ab Babba bhi inhe kya sajja de, jo khudh hi tabha ho gaye.
Oopar waala bhi badhi hairani se ye sab tammasha dekh raha hooga, mujhe lagta hai insaaf hooga jaroor hooga.

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