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Bollywood to make film on Pakistani Burqa Avenger ?

now it has become a sari-cum swimwear

It is a versatile costume and it depends on who wears(like Marathi,Kannada,Tamil, Telugu, Bengali.....) it and how she wears.

Some old traditions are conservative but modern trends are revealing much skin these days :angel:
and what about Salwar Kameezes so tight it that leave nothing to imagination.

You can stick to yours I have no issue but this animated cartoon series is aimed at educating kids and spreading support for women education so we don't see any room for sexy outfits :)
And what about Huri Puttar ??? :P they even landed in copy rights violation if I am not wrong?
lol.....i, too , have heard abt these hari puttar thingy.......its shameful.....but thats long gone and now we try to see them as something which tickles our sense of righteousness.....
For muslims may be? because saree shows a woman's face and arms.

It doesn't matter what the dress is, i just wanted to make a point that in a world of different cultures, we need to respect each other's opinions to coexist peacefully. Hypothetically If my sister/daughter/mother observes Burqa by choice, i'm bound to get offended, if someone comes up and tags it a 'symbol of oppression', so would those who's family may observe saree as part of the culture. We have to find a middle ground to avoid conflicts, as there is no such thing as a 'uniformed opinion'.

It doesn't matter what the dress is, i just wanted to make a point that in a world of different cultures, we need to respect each other's opinions to coexist peacefully. Hypothetically If my sister/daughter/mother observes Burqa by choice, i'm bound to get offended, if someone comes up and tags it a 'symbol of oppression', so would those who's family may observe saree as part of the culture. We have to find a middle ground to avoid conflicts, as there is no such thing as a 'uniformed opinion'.


First of all, I do not agree that Saree is the muslim equivalent of burqua. burqua is something a woman wears on top of her dress to not look attractive to other men. it is a very different purpose. So your argument isn't valid.
Why not something like the "Turban man" or the "Mao Suit Avenger"? :D
First of all, I do not agree that Saree is the muslim equivalent of burqua. burqua is something a woman wears on top of her dress to not look attractive to other men. it is a very different purpose. So your argument isn't valid.

Its not, but has to be viewed from the broader spectrum of culture.
Indian copying anything famous...were these the same lot criticizing the BURQA ...all they saw was the BURQA not the msg!!
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