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Boeing Wants Washington To Clear F-15EX Pitch To India

F 16 block 70 vs F 15 EX. Seems India has a lot of money to spend. It is interesting to see which one that is going to win over this program.
i personally like f 15 but india is trying to get the best by showing off their money, graphican already mention its gonna be a mess from french to russian then french again and now american it takes decades to be an expert of one type of jet and india have many many types their Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman who suppose to be the best one cudnt handle the jet they have practiced from decades imagin if monkey will get matches.
US is shooting itself in the foot. So what will happen if US sells F-15 to india and they are shot down like the 20th Gen Galactic plane SU-30MKI?? No one is going to buy any more US made fighter jets!! :omghaha:
A Greek Mirage 2000 shot down a Turkish F-16 in 1996. Did this incident ruin reputation of the F-16 brand at large?

Russian jets do not live up to their hype around the world. American jets continue to prove their mettle on the other hand.
Is India becoming Egypt with platforms from too many different countries? Might turn into a logistics nightmare.
Why is India suddenly on an arms mass scale acquisition, including fighter jets? Wouldn't the Rafales be sufficient for their defense needs?
F15 EX with EW Suite - EPAWS -Eagle Passive/Active Warning and Survivability System, and a new Radar APG-82 by Raytheon.
images - 2020-02-12T160951.154.jpeg
images - 2020-02-12T160958.720.jpeg
Having too many different jets will make things worse. More Rafaels are the only logical options for India since it's already gone through the contender process and selected. Its also a carrier capable jet and makes sense for India's new aircraft carriers.

What Indian's are doing by having a re do of the competition is a pressure tactic on France to squeeze out a better deal. No way the F-15EX or F-18E would be cheaper to buy and integrate. If they really want something better than Rafael they should push US for F-35s.

Only possibility I see F-15EX being bought by India would be as a replacement fighter for SU-30s and they don't have the spare money to do that.
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BREAKING: Boeing Wants Washington To Clear F-15EX Pitch To India
Shiv Aroor. Feb 12, 2020 2 47 pm


Confirming a thread that has long been speculated upon in Indian defence circles, Boeing today confirmed to FlightGlobal’s Asia Managing Editor Greg Waldron that the company was seeking clearance from the U.S. Government to make a formal offer of the F-15EX fighter to India. This would be for an upcoming contest in which India is looking to build at least 110 fighters in country as part of a ‘Make in India’ effort. Boeing’s F/A-18 Block III Super Hornet, a long-standing contender for Indian fighter requirements, has already been pitched by Boeing as part of the 110 jet contest.

The FlightGlobal piece quotes a Boeing executive as saying, “While awaiting further definition on the Indian air force’s requirements, we have requested a license for the F-15 so that we’re ready to share the full spectrum of potential solutions across our fighter portfolio when appropriate. We continue to offer the F/A-18 Super Hornet to both the Indian navy and Indian air force, and our F-15 is experiencing a resurgence in interest in the US and around the world.”

The Indian government is expected to detail next steps in the ambitious fighter buy-and-build project later this year. If Boeing receives clearance to add the F-15EX to the mix, the list of prospective contenders would swell to 8: apart from the two Boeing jets, the Indian government will also be considering the Rafale, Lockheed Martin F-21, Eurofighter Typhoon, Gripen E, MiG-35 and Su-35.

The F-15EX is the latest iteration of the highly successful Eagle program, with a raft of improvements.

Boeing’s tryst with the Indian fighter acquisition program began in the mid-2000s when the F/A-18 became a surprise entrant into the then M-MRCA (medium multirole combat aircraft) contest — an endeavour that spiralled into oblivion and finally saw the Indian government contract for a fraction of the intended 126 jets and settle for 36 French Rafales. The F/A-18 has hovered around India’s twisting and turning acquisition program, and now sees itself as a frontrunner for both the Indian Air Force’s 110 jet build program as well as the Indian Navy’s hunt for 57 new generation carrier deck fighters.

The F-15EX pitch is, in many ways, unsurprising. The F-15 program is currently headed by Pratyush Kumar, who took over the reins of the program after a very successful stint as Boeing’s country head in India. Under Kumar, Boeing scored a list of significant contracts for military aircraft, including the AH-64E Apache, CH-47F Chinook, C-17 and P-8I.


Good for India if it does indeed select the F-15EX fighter. As a fact, the Eagle has never lost in air-to-air combat.
US never offered F 15 to Pakistan, it never would.
This is a serious machinery, doing its work effectively for few decades now, with impressive record.
Just 6 F-15s in PAF color would force india to buy 40 more Rafales, believe me, this machine is really something else.

Just as an example tho. Forget such beauties for us
Realistically, I feel that India may not be able to afford Rafael or F15 in such numbers. F21 or Griphen may be the defacto contenders. Russian fighters have proven to be a nightmare at keeping fleet availability up.

5% growth rate with a debt servicing that takes 18% of the budget does not allow much room. This is a sad reality :undecided:
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