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Boeing displays manned "sixth-generation" F/A-XX concept jet


Feb 7, 2009
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By Stephen Trimble

Boeing Phantom Works has released a new concept image for a "sixth-generation" fighter to replace the F/A-18E/F fleet after 2025.

The two-seat, twin-engined tailless concept jet is being offered for F/A-XX, a notional US Navy strategy that has not yet become a formal requirement. Although the image shows a tandem cockpit, Boeing says the aircraft could be manned or unmanned "depending on the missions assigned and technology maturity".

Boeing's latest concept image for F/A-XX

The new image features a blended wing and a conventional fighter shape from the cockpit area to the nose. An older Boeing concept drawing for F/A-XX released in June 2008 featured a tailless flying-wing design. The USN revealed last year that it is considering both manned and unmanned aircraft for F/A-XX, with subsonic cruising speed and up to 50h endurance.

The Northrop Grumman X-47 selected for the naval unmanned combat aircraft system demonstrator programme has also been proposed for F/A-XX.
it looks like a fusion between F-22 and B-2...what a concept...

when we will be getting our 5th gen planes...americans will be inducting 6th gen..just like it happened in case of cRAPTOR..:agree:

Well they were always ahead and spend so much on defence so they kind of deserve this superiority...
Don't buy into this generation rubbish, it's a ploy invented by US arms manufacturers in order to sell their kit before they change the rules again (like Lockheed trying to say that an aircraft must be capable of M1.5 without reheat to be considered capable of supercruise... idiots)

In 20 years time when next gen radars are being created and the VLO designs of machines such as F-22 and F-35 are negated will they still be called 5th generation even though they're no longer "stealthy"? it's all marketing and no substance I'd love to hear what Boeing has decided makes an aircraft 6th generation:angry:
Don't buy into this generation rubbish, it's a ploy invented by US arms manufacturers in order to sell their kit before they change the rules again (like Lockheed trying to say that an aircraft must be capable of M1.5 without reheat to be considered capable of supercruise... idiots)

In 20 years time when next gen radars are being created and the VLO designs of machines such as F-22 and F-35 are negated will they still be called 5th generation even though they're no longer "stealthy"? it's all marketing and no substance I'd love to hear what Boeing has decided makes an aircraft 6th generation:angry:
There is no committee sitting around creating criteria for these 'generations' classifications. So take a deep breath and then a chill pill. However, whenever there is an aircraft whose characteristics, not necessarily performance, is clearly different than others, such as the F-16's fly-by-wire system when it debut, those who are in the business will have no choice but to create these 'official' unofficial classifications. These people ranges from journalists to military officers, active duty and retired, to engineers and to pilots from all over the world. All of them cannot be in the pay of the manufacturers.
Americans r 1 step away from rest of the world

lol they always are, while we are all busy trying to get to the 5th generation platform, they are busy on the 6th generation already, amazing.
Our government stated years ago after the induction of the F-22 Raptor that it would be the last manned generation aircraft. Their were already plans on designing a 6th generation aircraft. I see Boeing is taking on the challenge, I wonder what LockHeed-Martin will try to do, not only that our government awards defense contracts to the best hardware from certain firms namely Boeing and LocHeed, rather then lose 10's of billion of dollars on the next generation fighter from two separate defense companies why not have a joint collaboration bring in the best platforms,avionics, from both sides.
Don't buy into this generation rubbish, it's a ploy invented by US arms manufacturers in order to sell their kit before they change the rules again (like Lockheed trying to say that an aircraft must be capable of M1.5 without reheat to be considered capable of supercruise... idiots)

In 20 years time when next gen radars are being created and the VLO designs of machines such as F-22 and F-35 are negated will they still be called 5th generation even though they're no longer "stealthy"? it's all marketing and no substance I'd love to hear what Boeing has decided makes an aircraft 6th generation:angry:

there are still more advances to be made in the area of stealth. Such as Meta materials which are currently being experimented with. They can make render objects completely invisible to all radar. And even bend light around an object making it invisible to the naked eye.

Dual polarised wideband metamaterial radar absorbing screen based on resistive Hilbert curve array
Electron. Lett. -- 15 January 2009 -- Volume 45, Issue 2, p.130–131

A novel thin metamaterial wideband radar absorber formed by two layers of resistive Hilbert curve arrays is reported. HFSS simulations reveal a reduction in the monostatic radar cross-section of more than 10 dB from 8 to 18.8 GHz (81% fractional bandwidth) for Ex and 9.1 to 20.7 GHz (78% fractional bandwidth) for Ey polarisations, respectively. This bandwidth is significantly wider than those reported so far for space filling curve array based absorbers. The structure has a thickness of only 0.17lambda at fo (14.2 GHz). The lateral dimensions are only 0.2lambda×0.2lambda per unit cell at fo, which is several times smaller than that of recently reported circuit analogue absorbers operating in the similar frequency band, thus suppressing diffraction effects.
History: Received 13 November 2008; published online 13 January 2009
Permalink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/el:20093279


Optics & Physics of Metamaterials & Invisibility
Optical Physicists Research Ways To Cloak Objects To Be Invisible

Invisibility has a long tradition in the fantasy and science fiction genres of literature and movies. Harry Potter used an invisibility cloak to fight the evil Lord Voldemort. In the Star Trek series, cloaking devices render star ships invisible. The first example is attributed to magic, the second to science and advanced technology.

Science fiction writer, Arthur C. Clarke, however said that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Optical physicists and engineers have taken the first tentative steps for invisibility's journey from the realm of magic to the realm of advanced technology.

The military has stealth aircraft, which while not invisible to human eyes, are partially invisible to radar. On very small laboratory size scales, better optical invisibility is starting to become reality. Physicists have used metamaterials for small scale invisibility.
What are Metamaterials?

Physicists and engineers who work with metamaterials do not agree on exactly what metamaterials are. In a 2007 review article published in the inaugural edition of the journal Metamaterials, Ari Sihvola discusses the definition of metamaterials. Metamaterials are artificially made structures having electromagnetic properties that scientists observe in neither their constituent materials nor naturally occurring materials.

Light, microwaves, and other types of radio waves are all forms of electromagnetic waves. Hence metamaterials with electromagnetic properties not found in nature also have optical properties not found in nature.

Read more at Suite101: Optics & Physics of Metamaterials & Invisibility: Optical Physicists Research Ways To Cloak Objects To Be Invisible http://atomic-molecular-optical-phy...s_of_metamaterials_invisibility#ixzz0lE6K7EdH
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The machine looks amazing , US never disappoints on the looks

SO i finally think i know what makes a 6th generation fighter.

A 6th generation aircraft , is a 5th generation aircraft(with obvious improvements) that can both manned and unmanned. Meaning it sports new ultra modular design
What do you guys think ?

Lockeed martin also showed of its 6th gen concept the

"Lockheed Martin Saber Warrior"

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how can they even conceptually desgn a plane when the F-22 and f-35 are not a great success

i should say, a plane depicted in the movie stealth can be a reality in the form of sixth generations aircrafts
how can they even conceptually desgn a plane when the F-22 and f-35 are not a great success

i should say, a plane depicted in the movie stealth can be a reality in the form of sixth generations aircrafts

You do realize that if your saying the F-22 and F-35 are not a great success. Then the T-50 would not be as well..........

And what do you base those assumptions?
as what said in discovery chanel program 'future weapons' that the f-22 and the f-35 are the last maned aircraft so i was thinking sixth generation will be a unmaned fighter get like what we have seen in movie 'stealth':oops::confused:
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