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Boeing displays manned "sixth-generation" F/A-XX concept jet

All it takes is one Astroid and we are back to living in caves

But its marvelous how far we have come since living in caves

Remarkable Human Achivement

Gap of 1 generation made US scientist forget about the secrets used in 60's for apolo mission , I wonder if Humans can keep all this knowledge ....

We are OUT GROWING our potential thinking capacities now :agree:

0 BC...1900 we walked on foot , wore rags, had no plumbing , and had no medicine , ppl did not bath routinely - ppl had long crazy hair

But :yahoo: very impressive run form 1900 - to 2012 it was a fun ride

But its amazing that humans were great at architecture back in Roman Civilization/ Pharoh days ... we can't match these yet ... the beauti in sculptures in Italy or Rome etc

Now we have EVOLVED ... so much ... wonder how will be react to our first astroid encounter how much will survive and be available to be taught to our children

We have so much technology in our lives now , our stoves fire heating , clothes are made with technology machines, how will we react if all of sudden we need to build fire from wood , and seek food from forest instead of supermarkets ?

Can we survive ..I don't know I just had this thought .. wow another technologucal marvel ....but another case of Humans ... losing touch with nature and becoming mechanised
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There is no committee sitting around creating criteria for these 'generations' classifications. So take a deep breath and then a chill pill. However, whenever there is an aircraft whose characteristics, not necessarily performance, is clearly different than others, such as the F-16's fly-by-wire system when it debut, those who are in the business will have no choice but to create these 'official' unofficial classifications. These people ranges from journalists to military officers, active duty and retired, to engineers and to pilots from all over the world. All of them cannot be in the pay of the manufacturers.

I disagree. Lockheed/Boeing/Sukhoi/Mikoyan come up with all this "4.5/4++" BS so they can better their sales. Just look at the F16E/F. The Arabs were dumb enough to actually buy into those. When India was discussing the purchase of the "IN" version, an Indian negotiator asked a Lockheed engineer, hypothetically if the USAF would buy these fighters with "never preceded performance." The Lockheed official responded, "Sure, do you mind buying some for them?"

Now that the radar-modded F-16 BS sold so well, Boeing started messing around with F-15s, down to the principle design. Sure, the original Eagle and Falcon were the sickest escort and dogfigthers in the 90s, but god knows how well the over-envolved "4.5th gen" will perform...

4.5th gen = 4th gen + new anti-jamming radar + new wires + new software + no F-14s + 10 million more dollars
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it looks like a fusion between F-22 and B-2...what a concept...

when we will be getting our 5th gen planes...americans will be inducting 6th gen..just like it happened in case of cRAPTOR..:agree:

Well they were always ahead and spend so much on defence so they kind of deserve this superiority...

They spend like 600 billion dollars on defense, and after them its china who spend 80+billion dollars, what do yo expect :cheers:
I always admire B2 sprite, when i use to be a kid I thought it was an alien aircraft :lol:, This F/A-xx really rocks :smitten:,
First of all the concept design for the F/A-XX is not that hot.
mr. Johnson once said, if it looks right, it flies right.. that thing does not look right.
I have nothing against tail-less designs, but this thing looks like a long endurance drone with a cockpit attached to it. The wing design is clearly not capable of high turn rates and the engines are too close together for assymetric vectoring to allow for higher TR. Very few wing designs are capable of high turn rates anyway ( if none). That is not good for an F/A design.
It doesn't even look that advanced for a 6th generation design, its frontal aspect is conventional and the wing is nothing to write home about.
In all... not that good,
First of all the concept design for the F/A-XX is not that hot.
mr. Johnson once said, if it looks right, it flies right.. that thing does not look right.
I have nothing against tail-less designs, but this thing looks like a long endurance drone with a cockpit attached to it. The wing design is clearly not capable of high turn rates and the engines are too close together for assymetric vectoring to allow for higher TR. Very few wing designs are capable of high turn rates anyway ( if none). That is not good for an F/A design.
It doesn't even look that advanced for a 6th generation design, its frontal aspect is conventional and the wing is nothing to write home about.
In all... not that good,

Its just a concept now. They will improve it. If you remember, the prototype, YF-22 was quite different from the final product, F-22.

What I really admire is America's far-sightedness. They have begun work on 6th gen aircraft while their closest rivals have only tested a prototype 5th gen aircraft. They are ensuring their military superiority won't be challenged for some time to come.
Its just a concept now. They will improve it. If you remember, the prototype, YF-22 was quite different from the final product, F-22.

What I really admire is America's far-sightedness. They have begun work on 6th gen aircraft while their closest rivals have only tested a prototype 5th gen aircraft. They are ensuring their military superiority won't be challenged for some time to come.

it is rightly said:every rise has a fall
but USA has gone to such height that its gonna take alot of time to fall......not good!:smokin:
it is rightly said:every rise has a fall
but USA has gone to such height that its gonna take alot of time to fall......not good!:smokin:

how much tym did WTC took to fall :D
First of all the concept design for the F/A-XX is not that hot.
mr. Johnson once said, if it looks right, it flies right.. that thing does not look right.

lol, where does that put the A-10 Warthog then?

Abhi 5th generation sahi say samblha nahi kay 6th generation start ho gaya, lol
i agree with monitor comments and i dont see usa will make any manned jet from now on it is a fake news
lol, where does that put the A-10 Warthog then?


Actually I always thought the A-10 is the coolest plane flying .. don't tell me it's not cool !!!! ???:no: ??
The A-10 is cool, it is a fly tank pretty much. I was always surprised that the U.S. never exported it to our allies. The same goes for the AC-130.
Abhi 5th generation sahi say samblha nahi kay 6th generation start ho gaya, lol

my friend thats the best thing about aviation industry!
US has just finished its f-22 program and i bet they already start working on the next version of it!!!
thats how everything works in aviation industry...
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By Stephen Trimble

Boeing Phantom Works has released a new concept image for a "sixth-generation" fighter to replace the F/A-18E/F fleet after 2025.

The two-seat, twin-engined tailless concept jet is being offered for F/A-XX, a notional US Navy strategy that has not yet become a formal requirement. Although the image shows a tandem cockpit, Boeing says the aircraft could be manned or unmanned "depending on the missions assigned and technology maturity".

Boeing's latest concept image for F/A-XX

The new image features a blended wing and a conventional fighter shape from the cockpit area to the nose. An older Boeing concept drawing for F/A-XX released in June 2008 featured a tailless flying-wing design. The USN revealed last year that it is considering both manned and unmanned aircraft for F/A-XX, with subsonic cruising speed and up to 50h endurance.

The Northrop Grumman X-47 selected for the naval unmanned combat aircraft system demonstrator programme has also been proposed for F/A-XX.

its basically a fighter version of FB-22....though without verticle stabilizer!

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