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Project 0901 etc.

All r very old pics.
China started these projects many years ago, after finished so past secrets can open to public now.
Atleast 12 years old picture with Windows 98, currently China are using Win 7 and Linux Distro.
Our leaderships have classified 5 areas that will decide future warfare.

1. hypersonic
2. space weapon
3. drone
4. stealth and invisible clone
5. electronic cyber attack
Windows 7 on sensiitve military projects?

Lets not be prejudiced fortune 500 and Pentagon even uses Windows compared to OSX and linux... I am sue China is working on an OS [linux distro] just as China is working on its indigenous 64bit Processors.
Lets not be prejudiced fortune 500 and Pentagon even uses Windows compared to OSX and linux... I am sue China is working on an OS [linux distro] just as China is working on its indigenous 64bit Processors.
not working on, but make big progress this year. loongson 3b 1500 is comparable to medium level of intel mainstream cpu now
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