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BNP will write 'true history' of 1971: Khaleda

Allama Iqbal flourished Islamic literature whereas Tagore of Bengal Hindu literature. You got what's yours(Muslim) and we got shoved up what is not ours(Hindu). We are screwed for good.

A Bangladeshi Maulana once said: reading Tagore literatures will make a Muslim half Hindu at least in thought. Boy he is right. Half of our population think like a demi Hindu.

There was a proposal to changed Bangla script(Persian/Arabic) to incorporate with other language of Pakistan so that all Pakistani can learn each other langue with ease but Tagore lovers in East Pak revolted. Once again we were screwed.

Islam is near its end.The prophecy of muhammad said that after 1400 years,islam will start self-destructing.
No I'm saying that I never really understood the reason why....why oh why was there ever was an East & a West Pakistan when geography was clearly....very...very clearly against us !

Founding father of Pakistan were like minded. They were proud Muslim and they were Urdu speaker.

You know what's funny. East Bengal Muslims were mostly suppressed/humiliated by Hindu Zamindar whereas west was not. So there was not so much movement to create spate state by west Muslims for the fact they were free of Hindu dominance.

Hindu were so powerful in some part Bengal that they were forcing Muslims to wear dhoti, would not allow them to call for Azan, would not allow Muslims to go through their land and so on.

So East Bengal Muslims were dying to achieved separate state to save their sorry azz from Hindu Zamindar. We achieved that in 47 however forgot what Hindu used to do with us in 71 by shaking with same Hindu to humiliate our Muslim brethren.

Another funny fact:

Tagore vetoed for Establishment of Dhaka University and made fun of Msulims that we belong to paddy field instead of school.

Nawab salimullah(Kashmir origin) allocated land and financed the project. He established Dhaka University so that Muslims can get the access to higher education.

We still glorify Tagore but no where to be found Nawab Salim Ullah.

Abbey lanat bejo.
Allama Iqbal flourished Islamic literature whereas Tagore of Bengal Hindu literature. You got what's yours(Muslim) and we got shoved up what is not ours(Hindu). We are screwed for good.

A Bangladeshi Maulana once said: reading Tagore literatures will make a Muslim half Hindu at least in thought. Boy he is right. Half of our population think like a demi Hindu.

There was a proposal to changed Bangla script(Persian/Arabic) to incorporate with other language of Pakistan so that all Pakistani can learn each other langue with ease but Tagore lovers in East Pak revolted. Once again we were screwed.

Iqbal was a convert from a line Kashmiri pandits. A confused person who also wrote:

Saare jahan se Achchha Hindostan hamara

Majhab nahi sikhata aapas me bair rakhana

And then became a Pan Islamist!

Anyway, you have a choice to go to the pure 7th century desert and be pure Muslims as it is supposed to be done.

Why shirk?
@MBI Munshi

Who knows the history best?

Will you disagree if I say the ones who actually saw it?

The one who saw it loved whom? Wasn't it India?

Now cry me a river.
History written by BAL and the Indians about 1971 have all been one-sided. Bose provides some balance to the distorted narrative provided by Indian propaganda.

Are there any takers for your version of history? Bose had access to Pakistani army whose accounts she highlights (at the cost of truth) shows that she was a paid false flagger whose agenda was to show Pakistan in favourable light.

Even Hamoodur Rehman commission report was kept secret until very recently. What were they hiding? Was it shame and guilt?? Or was to suppress Pakistani army role in the atrocities?

If you assume that Mrs Bose version was balanced still she did not have true picture because it was written after some four decades after the war was over. So, I would go with Hamoodur Rehman as more authentic and he had wider access to top brass of Pakistani army and it was recorded when their memories were fresh.
So you are confused as ever about what it is supposed to mean!

Do you see a trend among the jamatis here? Most of them are based in foreign kafir countries, taking benefits of their free societies and enjoying the liberties of dar-al-harb while wanting their countrymen to follow seventh century archaic and regressive laws of desert.
Question : If i read qoran do i become half muslim according to you....what if i read it twice?
possibly - if you read thinking that without it you are not Indian (or whichever religion you follow) or if you follow its literature thinking that without it you are not Indian (or whichever religion you follow)
Do you see a trend among the jamatis here? Most of them are based in foreign kafir countries, taking benefits of their free societies and enjoying the liberties of dar-al-harb while wanting their countrymen to follow seventh century archaic laws of desert.

Yep. Check this post for some more details on this dysfunctional quom.

India working to make Bangladesh a desert | Page 36
Founding father of Pakistan were like minded. They were proud Muslim and they were Urdu speaker.

You know what's funny. East Bengal Muslims were mostly suppressed/humiliated by Hindu Zamindar whereas west was not. So there was not so much movement to create spate state by west Muslims for the fact they were free of Hindu dominance.

Hindu were so powerful in some part Bengal that they were forcing Muslims to wear dhoti, would not allow them to call for Azan, would not allow Muslims to go through their land and so on.
So East Bengal Muslims were dying to achieved separate state to save their sorry azz from Hindu Zamindar.

We achieved that in 47 however forgot what Hindu used to do with us in 71 by shaking with same Hindu to humiliate our Muslim brethren.

Another funny fact:

Tagore vetoed for Establishment of Dhaka University and made fun of Msulims that we belong to paddy field instead of school.

Nawab salimullah(Kashmir origin) allocated land and financed the project. He established Dhaka University so that Muslims can get the access to higher education.

We still glorify Tagore but no where to be found Nawab Salim Ullah.

Abbey lanat bejo.

have to agree with you in this part :D. before 1947 bengali muslims were biggest supporter of pakistan.
have to agree with you in this part :D. before 1947 bengali muslims were biggest supporter of pakistan.

You are still one of the biggest supporters of Pakistan ! :cheers:

You even supported Afridi over Shakib ! :P

Kuch tou sharam kar leiii teriii apnii team kay bhii feelings hoteiii haiiin ! :disagree:
You are still one of the biggest supporters of Pakistan ! :cheers:

You even supported Afridi over Shakib ! :P

Kuch tou sharam kar leiii teriii apnii team kay bhii feelings hoteiii haiiin ! :disagree:

thanks but no thanks. not a believer of nationalism :tup:

besides i am the ruler of akhand bharat :taz:
Personally I think having an East Pakistan was a very....very bad idea - We had nothing in common....nothing at all whereas we had centuries of co-existence, a shared history, a shared culture & shared lives with the Provinces that formed West Pakistan !

East Pakistan was a mistake that got rectified in '71 !

P.S If any smart-arse wants to give me a lecture on the invalidity of the Two Nation Theory - Save it & Spare me that BS.....you're not the first & you certainly won't be the last one having that brain-fart !

Two nation theory - I like...

Its quite valid and a fact - plenty of examples all around the world.

India unforunately did not take it seriously and follow it to its logical end - we would have been a lot more peaceful and prosperous if it wasnt for the sicular retards. Even when the whole two nation theory was actually pushed through by Sardar and Nehru.
BNP is coward party. It won't do a jack if it ever come back to power. BNP speak strong against Bhartis aggression when in opposition yet goes to rat hole when in power. No one like double standards. No one.

Yeah, sure. can BNP talk the talk and walk the walk. I have my doubt.

I remember a quote from BNP's former secretary general Abdul Mannan "BNP doesn't need media support, BNP has people support". This was the mentality of BNP's top leaders and this is the reason why BNP's paying the price today. They got no one to speak behalf of them. BNP losing the battle due to Awamis media terrorism.

I hope BNP get second chance and look after true nationalist. Not those double face snaked they fed in the past.

Do you think they have what it takes to play the rebel against India? I dont.. for I think they neither have the motivation, nor the leadership and definitely not the cause..
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