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BNP will write 'true history' of 1971: Khaleda

Two nation theory - I like...

Its quite valid and a fact - plenty of examples all around the world.

India unforunately did not take it seriously and follow it to its logical end - we would have been a lot more peaceful and prosperous if it wasnt for the sicular retards. Even when the whole two nation theory was actually pushed through by Sardar and Nehru.

Yes, that was stupidity of the highest order.

They left it for the future generations and imposed a heavy cost on the nation.

It was the best chance to get rid of something we don't need in our holy Dharmic land and that has proven itself to be incapable of belonging.
Do you see a trend among the jamatis here? Most of them are based in foreign kafir countries, taking benefits of their free societies and enjoying the liberties of dar-al-harb while wanting their countrymen to follow seventh century archaic and regressive laws of desert.
maybe Indians should stop living off the "7th century regressive laws of desert" in gulf arab countries where they are living like maharajas and badshahs
Yes, that was stupidity of the highest order.

They left it for the future generations and imposed a heavy cost on the nation.

It was the best chance to get rid of something we don't need in our holy Dharmic land and that has proven itself to be incapable of belonging.

We are stuck with it, and sadly we cannot even console ourselves by thinking "lets make the most out of what our leaders left us with" because we very well know the snake's gonna turn around and bite us soon - as they have bitten anyone that has fed them.
Islam is near its end.The prophecy of muhammad said that after 1400 years,islam will start self-destructing.

Islam will continue in some form until end of world.

True Muslims(momoin) will fade out among munafiqeen and follower of Islam will divide in many sects. It has began with Sunni-Shia division and more too come.

Do you think they have what it takes to play the rebel against India? I dont.. for I think they neither have the motivation, nor the leadership and definitely not the cause..

Two major political forces or ideology in BD.

Secular Begaliyat led by Awami league. They love India for 71 and doing everything to preserve India's interests in BD by alienating Bangladesh from Islamic world. They are open about their feeling and doing it with style. They amended the constitution and reinstate secularism despite peoples protest. They do not care what other said so long India is happy.

Pan-Islamism once led by BNP during it's funder Zia-ur-Rahman however current leaderships of BNP is bunch of opportunists and cowards. They promote Muslim brotherhood when in opposition however doesn't do much to strengthen relation with Islamic world the ways Awami doing with India.

3rd force is Islamist. Their problem is that they are not united. They are confused and lost bunch.

Anyway, you have a choice to go to the pure 7th century desert and be pure Muslims as it is supposed to be done.

Why shirk?

I may not have to. They way India withdrawing(water terrorism) Bd's share of water, once river based nation Bd will turn in to desert. I'll give another decade.

India working to make Bangladesh a desert | Page 37
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maybe Indians should stop living off the "7th century regressive laws of desert" in gulf arab countries where they are living like maharajas and badshahs

No Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi workers who go there for menial jobs live like badshahs. They go there because they are poor and Arabs have petro dollars. People who work high paid jobs and live inside the confines of the company compounds do, but they would do well in any country. Forget Indians, you are not even allowed to own anything or get a citizenship in your brotherly ummah country, the dar-al-islam. But you get all of those in dar-al-harb and take all other benefits. You should actually go to KSA or someplace where you can enjoy the divinity of Sharia, what are you doing under kafir laws? Next time you break a traffic law how about a round of flogging?
@MBI Munshi

Who knows the history best?

Will you disagree if I say the ones who actually saw it?

The one who saw it loved whom? Wasn't it India?

Now cry me a river.

No I disagree entirely. As a lawyer we see witnesses who might have seen an incident give contradictory evidence and are always not sure what they saw. Many give wrong testimony for various reasons. We seeing that in the war crimes trials which raises doubts on our whole history of 1971.

Are there any takers for your version of history? Bose had access to Pakistani army whose accounts she highlights (at the cost of truth) shows that she was a paid false flagger whose agenda was to show Pakistan in favourable light.

Even Hamoodur Rehman commission report was kept secret until very recently. What were they hiding? Was it shame and guilt?? Or was to suppress Pakistani army role in the atrocities?

If you assume that Mrs Bose version was balanced still she did not have true picture because it was written after some four decades after the war was over. So, I would go with Hamoodur Rehman as more authentic and he had wider access to top brass of Pakistani army and it was recorded when their memories were fresh.

Then those who only had access to the Indian Army officers, politicians and intellectuals would also necessarily write a biased history according to your perspective. Hamidoor Rahman was employed by Bhutto to undermine the Pakistan Army and Zia-ul-Haq gratefully swung him.
Islam will continue in some form until end of world.

True Muslims(momoin) will fade out among munafiqeen and follower of Islam will divide in many sects. It has began with Sunni-Shia division and more too come.

So the final and perfect thingy didn't really work out for very long?

It is all back to square one. May be even worse?

Two major political forces or ideology in BD.

Secular Begaliyat led by Awami league. They love India for 71 and doing everything to preserve India's interests in BD by alienating Bangladesh from Islamic world. They are open about their feeling and doing it with style. They amended the constitution and reinstate secularism despite peoples protest. They do not care what other said so long India is happy.

Pan-Islamism once led by BNP during it's funder Zia-ur-Rahman however current leaderships of BNP is bunch of opportunists and cowards. They promote Muslim brotherhood when in opposition however doesn't do much to strengthen relation with Islamic world the ways Awami doing with India.

3rd force is Islamist. Their problem is that they are not united. They are confused and lost bunch.

So basically no hope left for you?

I may not have to. They way India withdrawing(water terrorism) Bd's share of water, once river based nation Bd will turn in to desert. I'll give another decade.

India working to make Bangladesh a desert | Page 37
You mean any desert will do? It doesn't have to be the Arabian desert?
We are stuck with it, and sadly we cannot even console ourselves by thinking "lets make the most out of what our leaders left us with" because we very well know the snake's gonna turn around and bite us soon - as they have bitten anyone that has fed them.

Well one can always look at the positive side. It would have been far worse if there had been no partition.

No one knows how the future shapes up. We are more ready than we were in a long time.
A group of eminent Military Historians from West should be allotted this job.It will be farce if Military History is infested with ludicrous party politics.

What makes you think westerners don't have their own biases?
What makes you think westerners don't have their own biases?

Sir, I never said that Westerners do not come with biases. But at the same point, this is also true that a considerable number of Western academics do come with excellent research articles which are free from any kind of partial judgement.Military historians in South Asia,for example are still to show such courage to illuminate on atrocity committed by the army.
when will they stop playing this carrd for politics .. it has been more then 40 years .. still they get votes on this issue .. we had separation from india million died ... but we forget it ..although we have other issues like kashmir that we are still fighting for .. but we dnt blame them for people dieing during partition .. get over it ... get these moollay k garaloo aurtain out of politics .. get a man into politics for a change ...
Islam will continue in some form until end of world.

True Muslims(momoin) will fade out among munafiqeen and follower of Islam will divide in many sects. It has began with Sunni-Shia division and more too come.

Two major political forces or ideology in BD.

Secular Begaliyat led by Awami league. They love India for 71 and doing everything to preserve India's interests in BD by alienating Bangladesh from Islamic world. They are open about their feeling and doing it with style. They amended the constitution and reinstate secularism despite peoples protest. They do not care what other said so long India is happy.

Pan-Islamism once led by BNP during it's funder Zia-ur-Rahman however current leaderships of BNP is bunch of opportunists and cowards. They promote Muslim brotherhood when in opposition however doesn't do much to strengthen relation with Islamic world the ways Awami doing with India.

3rd force is Islamist. Their problem is that they are not united. They are confused and lost bunch.

Religion cannot be the basis for Nationalism..The disaster called Pakistan is a burning example for that.They created a separate state for Muslims, to safeguard their interests and for the protection of the Muslims.What a cruel irony, now it is Pakistan where the highest number of Muslims get killed everyday.This is what happens when policies are made on the basis of religion.
Sir, I never said that Westerners do not come with biases. But at the same point, this is also true that a considerable number of Western academics do come with excellent research articles which are free from any kind of partial judgement.Military historians in South Asia,for example are still to show such courage to illuminate on atrocity committed by the army.

Western academics are good at objectively looking at atrocities committed by others but how many books can you find from such people about atrocities committed by their governments. I have also noticed that Western observers are often easily beguiled by Indian charms and uncritically accept their views as valid.
Western academics are good at objectively looking at atrocities committed by others but how many books can you find from such people about atrocities committed by their governments. I have also noticed that Western observers are often easily beguiled by Indian charms and uncritically accept their views as valid.
My my the charms of india failed to move u after it moved the westerners.
Change is good.
Btw, I don't think anybody in BD remembers the atrocity anymore. Ppl who pretend to do that are liars.
Nobody cares about the dead or the sacrifices done by the patriots.
After 8 pages of gibberish the result seems to b: if india says sun rises in the east then it must be a propaganda.
Get well soon
My my the charms of india failed to move u after it moved the westerners.
Change is good.
Btw, I don't think anybody in BD remembers the atrocity anymore. Ppl who pretend to do that are liars.
Nobody cares about the dead or the sacrifices done by the patriots.
After 8 pages of gibberish the result seems to b: if india says sun rises in the east then it must be a propaganda.
Get well soon

acctually both the girls ( :P ) in BD politics are from families which faught for freedom from Pakistan .. now they play this card again and again rather then focusing on issue based politics .. how many times they will use this card to get into power
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