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BNP will write 'true history' of 1971: Khaleda

I totally accept that Muslims cannot co- exist with any other religious groups too.

I commend you on your certainty but why are you quoting me when I don't give a frig about what you do or do not accept ?
BNP is coward party. It won't do a jack if it ever come back to power. BNP speak strong against Bhartis aggression when in opposition yet goes to rat hole when in power. No one like double standards. No one.
You have said it. In BNP there are many indian dalal surrounding KZ, Falu, Khoka, Shomsher Mobin, Maj Gen. Mahbubur Rahman etc.
I think the present narrative of the war and many other historical events is utter nonsense and extremely partial and not based on objective research. The BNP doesn't have any history and doesn't write any. It is an empty party devoid of any intellect.

May I know on what basis you are asserting the bold part ??
I commend you on your certainty but why are you quoting me when I don't give a frig about what you do or do not accept ?

I wouldn't have bothered if you hadn't thrown around your challenge - anyways adios.
The cultural & linguistic gap was far too wide & whereas here in the West....those who were opposed to the Creation of Pakistan became irrelevant in time....in the East - they did not !

Allama Iqbal flourished Islamic literature whereas Tagore of Bengal Hindu literature. You got what's yours(Muslim) and we got shoved up what is not ours(Hindu). We are screwed for good.

A Bangladeshi Maulana once said: reading Tagore literatures will make a Muslim half Hindu at least in thought. Boy he is right. Half of our population think like a demi Hindu.

There was a proposal to changed Bangla script(Persian/Arabic) to incorporate with other language of Pakistan so that all Pakistani can learn each other langue with ease but Tagore lovers in East Pak revolted. Once again we were screwed.
Allama Iqbal flourished Islamic literature whereas Tagore of Bengal Hindu literature. You got what's yours(Muslim) and we got shoved up what is not ours(Hindu). We are screwed for good.

A Bangladeshi Maulana once said: reading Tagore literatures will make a Muslim half Hindu at least in thought. Boy he is right. Half of our population think like a demi Hindu.

There was a proposal to changed Bangla script(Persian/Arabic) to incorporate with other language of Pakistan so that all Pakistani can learn each other langue with ease but Tagore lovers in East Pak revolted. Once again we were screwed.

I don't know much about Mr.Tagore because I've never really read him but I'm sure you guys can sort this out yourselves; I'm a bit more worried about the mess Pakistan is in right now then what a United Pakistan could've been had we all acted the way we were supposed to !

At any rate what I find disappointing about Bangladesh is how easily Quaid-e-Azam was forgotten there & the only mention of the man who gave his everything so that we can live a life of dignity is whatever 'out-of-context' speeches can be attributed to him whenever someone wants to make a point about the denial of Bengali as one of the languages of Pakistan !
They will not be given a chance to rewrite/fabricate history. Bangladeshi awam will come out on streets again like this against that.


the two-nation-theory or the 1947 partition was supposed to result in multi-cultural/-ethnic entities and the events were themselves working of multi-ethnic efforts. and United Pakistan was perfectly inclusive of these differences, sometimes even unfairly imo like by making Bengali national language in 1956. in erstwhile East Pakistan era, if any political movement openly promoted any hint of opposition to creation of East Pakistan, they couldn't have survived the Bengali Muslim constituency itself

We are worst example of "two nation theory". We created Muslim league then we killed it with our bare hand. We are so secular that we refused to start our conversation with salam/dua or anything that relate to Islam or Muslim.

I blame BNP for this failure. BNP talk about Islam/Muslim yet it didn't do a jack to give us Muslim identity the way Pakistan already achieved. They are the true follower of "two nation theory". We are half baked. Neither Muslim nor Hindu.
Self-Governing is as good as having two sovereign Countries who are allies of each other !

I don't see the point of having an East & a West Pakistan - I never did !

So far as I understand Pakistan was supposed to be a pluralistic democracy in an ethnic, linguistic & religious sense where Islamic Paradigms would be developed & institutionalized should the people decide it as such !

Now be that as it may, my contention isn't what reasonable or unreasonable measures could be taken to keep a United Pakistan but simply that I wouldn't want a United Pakistan comprising of the East & the West separated by a 1000 miles of hostile territory & always have the issue of mis-communication & inter-provincial animosity threatening to divide the Nation as it did in the years leading up to '71 !
but you are talking of measures that could have been taken to keep two Muslim states non-hostile to each other.

what if i told you.. according some older Bangladeshis, United Pakistan had a near perfect pluralistic system but shabby means to defend against Indian intelligence and military
but you are talking of measures that could have been taken to keep two Muslim states non-hostile to each other.

No I'm saying that I never really understood the reason why....why oh why was there ever was an East & a West Pakistan when geography was clearly....very...very clearly against us !

what if i told you.. according some older Bangladeshis, United Pakistan had a near perfect pluralistic system but shabby means to defend against Indian intelligence and military

I could tell you that there maybe be truth in that but the failure was ours & ours alone as ultimately the buck stopped with us !

I can't complain that my opponent was smarter than me & he out-witted me because thats what Enemies do !
I don't know much about Mr.Tagore because I've never really read him but I'm sure you guys can sort this out yourselves; I'm a bit more worried about the mess Pakistan is in right now then what a United Pakistan could've been had we all acted the way we were supposed to !

You are right. After all "jaan bachana faraz"

At any rate what I find disappointing about Bangladesh is how easily Quaid-e-Azam was forgotten there & the only mention of the man who gave his everything so that we can live a life of dignity is whatever 'out-of-context' speeches can be attributed to him whenever someone wants to make a point about the denial of Bengali as one of the languages of Pakistan

After 71, very thoughtfully, Awami with the help of Indian demonized Pakistan and slowly erased the traces of founding father of Pakistan. They did it to glorify Mujib.

You should find some peace knowing this fact that Sher-e-Bengal also irrelevant now a days. It's all about Mujib, Indira and India. Once again, failure of coward BNP.
No I'm saying that I never really understood the reason why....why oh why was there ever was an East & a West Pakistan when geography was clearly....very...very clearly against us !
that is definitely a good question to ask. my take is similar to Al-Zakir's. and besides we have perfect hindsight

Our forefathers decided to work together to achieved Pakistan because unified vote was needed. Separate struggle would not get us Pakistan. Take a look at Indian control Kashmir and forgotten Hyderabad.
Seems most of these pseudo-Bengali love to insult the liberation war by roping in Sarmila Bose's factless book.
Allama Iqbal flourished Islamic literature whereas Tagore of Bengal Hindu literature. You got what's yours(Muslim) and we got shoved up what is not ours(Hindu). We are screwed for good.

A Bangladeshi Maulana once said: reading Tagore literatures will make a Muslim half Hindu at least in thought. Boy he is right. Half of our population think like a demi Hindu.

There was a proposal to changed Bangla script(Persian/Arabic) to incorporate with other language of Pakistan so that all Pakistani can learn each other langue with ease but Tagore lovers in East Pak revolted. Once again we were screwed.

Question : If i read qoran do i become half muslim according to you....what if i read it twice?
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