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BNP Discards Jamaat

What is JP? What are their views?

Jatiya party, founded by former president (military head) Hussein Ershad.

Ershad has support in northern Bangladesh.

In the last elections they were the 3rd party with 7%.

Hussain like Zia was a Bangladeshi nationalist and pro-Islamic and gave Islam more importance in Bangladesh in different ways. He was also a pan-Islamist (like Zia) who pursued good relations with other countries in the Muslim bloc.
you must read my other post too about border killings .so you cant judge me . and bangladesh is not nepal. where do you found bd is a client state of india? prove it .

Bangladesh is a client state of india, it's not only my view, many indians on this forum openly claimed that on many occasions and you think we should avoid mentioning india as we talk of our mess. You are a one-eyed patriot at best. One eyed people have no sense of depth, hence, most of their assumptions are wrong.
বাঙলায় ক :)
@ Hey sepoi, I tell you the secret I also supported Ershad during his sunny days ! But you know he is now a dead horse. He has become, you know what ? "Oi jee, hamko hamise choralo, dil pe khahi bhe bethalo , ham akele ".
And I thought I was on ignore list. :lol:

Man is a not a man of his words. He once claimed that if he gets banned, he will never returned. He did. He last week claimed that he is not going to be here for a week and he needs a break from the Jamaatis, failed on that. Now with his imaginary ignore list:lol:....i bet its a woman, only women are this repetitive like a broken record and are this confused.
Man is a not a man of his words. He once claimed that if he gets banned, he will never returned.

True, but certain Bangladeshi posters (including you) urged me to stay.


Which is why I did.

He did. He last week claimed that he is not going to be here for a week and he needs a break from the Jamaatis, failed on that.

That was true as well, but Shahbagh was too important to ignore, a massive historical event.

Now with his imaginary ignore list:lol:....i bet its a woman, only women are this repetitive like a broken record and are this confused.

I put Jamatis and their supporters on ignore because they swore at me called me "bas*tard", "hypocrite", "malaun", "mallu ke bacha" etc (the same type of Jamati supporters on here who were celebrating a man's death)...interesting how you "forgot" to mention that part. Admin told me I should report abusive posts so I have had to unignore abusive posters so I can report them when necessary as advised by admin.

Interesting how you are perfectly happy with Luffy4.6% insulting people as usual and calling them "ignorant morons" but are targeting me just like the rest of the 4.6% club here who are constantly insulting Bangladeshi posters and trying to silence us.
Man is a not a man of his words. He once claimed that if he gets banned, he will never returned. He did. He last week claimed that he is not going to be here for a week and he needs a break from the Jamaatis, failed on that. Now with his imaginary ignore list:lol:....i bet its a woman, only women are this repetitive like a broken record and are this confused.

His baseless ignorant ramblings R fun to read actually and sometimes really painful. :sick: How can someone be so shameless? Epitome of bigotry and hatred ,a pathetic disgrace typical of a extremist awami leaguer.
His baseless ignorant ramblings R fun to read actually and sometimes really painful. :sick: How can someone be so shameless? A pathetic disgrace, typical of a extremist awami leaguer.

His baseless ignorant ramblings R fun to read actually and sometimes really painful. :sick: How can someone be so shameless? A pathetic disgrace, typical of a extremist awami leaguer.


You are a liar.

I have repeatedly said the Awami League are violent. I have also said the BNP are overall better.

Quote one post of mine where I urged people to support/vote for the Awami League or issue an apology to me.

You are a liar.

I have repeatedly said the Awami League are violent. I have also said the BNP are overall better.

Quote one post of mine where I urged people to support/vote for the Awami League or issue an apology to me.

U simply act like one. U preach hate against JI walas, and defend state atrocities against them. What's about JI? Aren't they humans? And then U try to act as neutral. U defend bigots like shadow & madx and anyone arguing against U becomes Jamati 4.6 even kalu and Loki. U actually make a fool out of yourself with your baseless propaganda. I know U can't read bengali & most likely never set foot on this country. Respect other's opinions rather than repeating the same lines again & again. Learn about this country, broaden your horizons rather than lebelling people mainstream BD and anti-BD.

Btw why did U remove "anti-BDs" from ignore list? :undecided:
U simply act like one. U preach hate against JI walas, and defend state atrocities against them. What's about JI? Aren't they humans? And then U try to act as neutral. U defend bigots like shadow & madx and anyone arguing against U becomes Jamati 4.6 even kalu and Loki. U actually make a fool out of yourself with your baseless propaganda. I know U can't read bengali & most likely never set foot on this country. Respect other's opinions rather than repeating the same lines again & again. Learn about this country, broaden your horizons rather than lebelling people mainstream BD and anti-BD.

Btw why did U

1. Luffy4.6% you are a highly abusive poster who just a while ago abused a poster as an "ignorant moron" though he didn't deserve such an insult. You have been insulting and abusing people left-right and centre for a long time on this forum with great impunity.

2. You have failed to show any proof where I endorse the Awami League who are indeed a violent and extremist party.

3. You have an obsession with the word "fart". Everything is "fart" this and "fart" that.

5. I have never called kalu_miah or Loki, Jamatis, so bring any quote where I said that. Kalu however is another character who has been lying about me. I have in fact said that kalu is not a Jamati and if I have time I will later produce the quote where I said this.

6. I was born in Bangladesh and have lived in Bangladesh, another one of your lies.

7. Liar - I have said the death of any Jamati activist should not be celebrated and told this to other nationalists.

Stop moaning and name calling madx and Shadowfaux, they are far more balanced than you and the rest of the 4.6% gang which includes people who refuse to display the Bangladeshi flag, celebrate the deaths of Bangladeshi citizens, celebrate a young female being beaten up and hospitalized (Lucky) and one even admits he is a member of the BNP!

You and the rest of the 4.6% club have been insulting Bangladeshis on this forum for ages and regard this as your turf where you can taunt, insult and ridicule as much as you want, but if anyone disagrees with you then he must be abused, insulted and lied about.

I am still waiting for you to show proof that I am an "Awami" supporter.

You owe Sepoi an apology.

Apologize to him at least (forget about me). For once show some decency and civility and apologize to him for insulting him.
1. Luffy4.6% you are a foul-mouthed abusive poster who just a while ago abused a poster as an "ignorant moron" though he didn't deserve such an insult.

I simply reply in kind.

You have been insulting and abusing people left-right and centre for a long time on this forum with great impunity.

Are U talking about yourself?

2. You are a liar.


3. You have failed to show any proof where I endorse the Awami League who are indeed a violent and extremist party.

Why would I need to prove anything? Your every single post is a testimony to your bigotry including this one.

4. You have an obsession with the word "fart". Everything is "fart" this and "fart" that.

SO what? :woot: Btw what about your obsession with the words like jamati/ Raz*kar/mainstram BD etc. :lol:

5. Liar - I have never called kalu_miah or Loki, Jamatis, so bring any quote where I said that. Kalu however is another liar who has been lying about me. I have in fact said that kalu is not a Jamati and if I have time I will later produce the quote where I said this.

Now Issue Kalu bhai an apology before asking the same from others.

6. I was born in Bangladesh and have lived in Bangladesh, another one of your lies.

Good. Now act like one rather then labelling anti-BD, mainstream BD, raz*kar , jamati etc.

7. Liar - I have said the death of any Jamati activist should not be celebrated and told this to other nationalists.

Now apologize for calling me a liar.

And if U did indeed said that , then good for U. U R becoming more saner. :tup:

Stop moaning and name calling madx and Shadowfaux, they are far more balanced than you and the rest of the 4.6% gang

:lol: :rolleyes:

U can definitely have your opinion about posters which would naturally be favorable if those fits your perception.But why give labels to others who don't agree & fits your perception.

You and the rest of the 4.6% club have been insulting Bangladeshis on this forum for ages and regard this as your turf where you can taunt, insult and ridicule as much as you want, but if anyone disagrees with you then he must be abused, insulted and lied about.

R you for real?:cheesy: Your R now acting like a 2 year old. People take this forum as pass time not as a battle ground and place to breed hate that U have turned this into. :angry:

You owe Sepoi an apology.

No I don't.

Apologize to him at least (forget about me). For once show some decency and civility and apologize to him for insulting him.

Civility? This coming from U? :lol: Any way report the posts U think abusive and I will do the same. What is stopping U from doing that?
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