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Blasts in Islamabad university

This is our war - it is a battle for our way of life as envisioned by the great Jinnah.

The Pakistani Nation versus Salafi Taliban and their pathetic cheerleaders who would love to set up their own Salafi Emirate in our country - the battle lines are drawn.
The schools/colleges of the forces were closed though; not the private sector schools. The TTP is trying to bring the country to a standstill; instilling fear in the public of coming out; I hope PA finds that Hakeemullah B A S T A R D and put a nuke up his A$$

The goal of the terrorist is to instill fear in the people. This is truly a heinous act. Hopefully the PA will get those cocksuckers and execute them.
What the hell?!!

The Pakistani army needs to hunt down each and every TTP *** and exterminate them.
This is our war - it is a battle for our way of life as envisioned by the great Jinnah.

The Pakistani Nation versus Salafi Taliban and their pathetic cheerleaders who would love to set up their own Salafi Emirate in our country - the battle lines are drawn.

Absolutely.This is a war which we cannot afford to loose.
I don't agree with this because the university campus is pretty straightforward. Normal citizen can come and go in campus easily. I have been there quite some times, to offer Jumma Prayers. Moreover, it gives a shortcut to those who want to come from I-10 to Fast and Police line. (The same police line where a bomb blast also took place a few days ago)

My calculation here is based on the timing and the venue of the attack. Attacking a cafeteria filled with female students could only be the work of someone who knows the surroundings. I have been to multiple university campuses in Pakistan and the first time over its very difficult to locate which part is what unless you have been around a couple of times. Secondly, a man in such circumstances would not blow himself up within women. Therefore, the suicide bomber knew exactly where to hit and they were not passer-by's or this was not a target of opportunity. My only concern is that there still exist in Islamabad and its environs a few places where these bombers are getting their vests. Lets all be vigil here and keep our eyes and ear open.

Yes, this can be the reason. But other wise Islamic University was offering non-co-education. there is a different campus for girls and different cafeteria. Also, they don't use the library the same day as males. Radicals would think last of this place.

The location of cafeteria seem to be the most convenient & central location and the other parts of the campus may have been empty to deny the point of explosion for these deranged swines!
All these B A S T A R D S show their strength on innocent people. Hope PA will be able finish this Taliban very soon
My only concern is that there still exist in Islamabad and its environs a few places where these bombers are getting their vests.
Were i a Pakistani, my major concern would be availability of students for such suicide mission's (of course im assuming this indeed were students who pressed the red button)
I had heard the explosion,My university is around 3 kms away from it.A few universities were still open but after the explosion all the universities have been closed.There is an afghan kachi abadi just few metres away from it.A big loss indeed.

I don't agree with this because the university campus is pretty straightforward. Normal citizen can come and go in campus easily. I have been there quite some times, to offer Jumma Prayers. Moreover, it gives a shortcut to those who want to come from I-10 to Fast and Police line. (The same police line where a bomb blast also took place a few days ago)

I agree to an extent, the transport that i use drops a few girls to that campus and i have been inside that campus(sitting inside the vehicle off course).In fact i was there in the morning.

There are two cafes.One is inside the premises of the study block but not inside the building and the other is outside of the study block but inside the premises of the university. Both are quite easy to attack by foot.The guards have no guns.

However, the short cut near the railway track was closed a few months ago after the opening of margalla railway station.

However, i do agree with XYON that a student or someone who knew the location of each sector was most probably involved in the planning.
Suicide bombers kill seven at Islamabad University

At least seven people died and 29 were injured in a double suicide bombing at the University of Islamabad today, Pakistan's seventh major militant terror attack in a fortnight.

Emergency workers described scenes of bloody chaos after the near simultaneous lunchtime blasts outside a packed women's cafeteria and at the Islamic law faculty used by male students.

No group has yet claimed responsibility, but Taleban and al Qaeda-linked extremists are assumed to be to have carried out the attack in revenge for the current military offensive against militant strongholds in the northwest.

Suspicion has fallen in particular on the large number of students from the restless northwest of the country who travel to the capital to study in madrassas, religious schools.
Madrassa students were behind another bombing at a security post in the capital three months ago, analysts say.

“There is panic. Students are rushing to donate blood. There are a lot of police arrived inside the building,” said student Qudrat Ullah at the scene of the law faculty blast.

“Casualties were taken away first in private vehicles. Then ambulances arrived. I saw several people wounded."

Emergency workers said that the bombed cafe was littered with broken glass and splattered with fragments of flesh. TV footage showed a woman with a bloodied left leg being carried away on a stretcher.

A government official put the death toll at seven, including the bombers.

Rehman Malik, the Pakistan Interior Minister, who visited the city's main PIMS hospital where the casualties were taken, said that one of the dead was a woman, believed to be a female student in her early 20s.

Hospital spokesman Altaf Hussein said that several of the wounded were in a serious condition.

“We have also received body parts including one severed leg that we cannot identify,” he added.

The Pakistani authorities have been braced for bloodshed since the Army began its offensive against the Islamist rebels' strongholds in South Waziristan on Saturday.

The country has endured a spike in militant violence since the killing of the Pakistani Taleban leader Baitullah Mehsud in a missile attack by a US spy plane. More than 170 people have been killed in the last fortnight.

The most audacious attack was a mass hostage taking ten days ago at the Army headquarters in Rawalpindi, the garrison town next to Islamabad, in which 23 people died.

It was after this that Army leaders decided to press ahead with the long-threatened assault on the rebels' bases in South Waziristan, where most of the attacks are believed to have been planned.

More than 110,000 civilians have fled as refugees from the fighting, and according to Army statistics - which cannot be verified - 98 militants and 13 soldiers have so far been killed. Taleban spokesmen deny that the insurgents have lost a single fighter.

Fierce fighting continues in South Waziristan, as around 10,000 insurgents use guerilla tactics and heavy weaponry to stall the advance of 30,000 Pakistani troops backed by fighter jets and helicopter gunships.

Suicide bombers kill seven at Islamabad University - Times Online






Very sad indeed, may Allah bless the departed souls.
Today I felt that this was an attack on me. I am just coming back from PIMS since I was unable to go to the university. I thought they might need some blood but they didn't make a call for it.

It was horrible. Just like Mian Asad my university is also3-4KM away. NUML I am speaking of and from all NUMLIANS I condemn these attacks.

What are these bastards? They ain't muslims to least, they are worshipers of devil, have sold their souls to him. These bloody bastards didn't even spare young girls, what was their blame? They were innocent. Is it their crime that they were there to learn? I saw couple of students outside PIMS and they were crying badly, I don't know whether they lost someone or someone of their relation was badly injured.

These bastards are bound to get their ****** ******. They will loss, by God and by the best of his creation, these bastards will be defeated. The blood of the innocent people will not go in vain. The Justice of God will speak and when it will they will have no place to hide.

Go Pakistan army, we are with you. You are the "Stick of God, that is no more voiceless."

I pray for the innocent departed souls they are as much martyr as any martyred soldier. May God bring to their families patience.

KIT Over n Out
A war between who can stand and for how long……..lets see how much they damage us and how much we will do the same to them.

Idhar aa sitamgar hunar azmayen
Tu teer azma hum jigar azmayen
Two of my close friends are already in the hospital because of this, and now I get to know that my cousin was in her class when this happened. Poor students, they had no where to run. All the buses were out of service and everyone had to get TAXI's to reunite with their families.

This is the first attack of its kind. Our universities and colleges are vulnerable to such attacks specially because of the poor security. The hospital where my brother works has received numerous terrorists threats yet the security of the hospital is pathetic. The civil institutions aren't doing much to protect their employees and students. The first thing they can do is to arm their security personnel with "Weapons" instead of batons.

Heck the Principal of Kinnaird College Lahore declared today that they will not shut down the campus because if they do, the "Terrorists will win". People's lives are at stake and the principal is more concerned about challenging the degenerates who're blowing themselves apart regularly.
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