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Blasts Heard in Baghdad Amid Reports of Rockets Landing in US Embassy

Last time 2 million Britishers Protests against the war in Iraq, and now UK is struggling with internal politics , I don't see them getting involved but maybe they were forced to join by US? like always ..
If???? US Iran war started I think many countries which now trying to play safely will automatically become part and British timely choosing their side.
Kataib Hezbollah(Hezbollah Brigades) Warns Iraqi Security Forces to Stay Away From US Bases Starting Sunday - Report

Middle East

21:14 04.01.2020(updated 21:21 04.01.2020)

This comes amid the latest rocket attacks near the US embassy in Baghdad as well as at the Balad Air Base outside the city.

Iraq's Kataib Hezbollah militia has warned Iraqi security forces to stay away from US bases in the country starting Sunday, al-Mayadeen TV has reported.

EWSSPORT ADVERTISEMENT Two rockets fired near US embassy in Baghdad as Iran crisis worsens Share this article via facebookShare this article via twitterShare this article via whatsapp Faye Brown Saturday 4 Jan 2020 6:06 pm The US embassy across the Tigris river in Iraq’s capital Baghdad (Picture: AFP) Two rockets have been fired near the US embassy in Baghdad after an airstrike authorised by Donald Trump killed Iran’s top general, it has been reported. Security sources confirmed that ‘two missiles’ hit Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, which houses government buildings and foreign missions. Another rocket attack reportedly targeted the Balad air base which is hosting US troops in Iraq, Reuters reported. No casualties were immediately reported at the base, which is located 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of Baghdad. Reports of the rocket attacks come after a US airstrike killed Iraqi militia leaders and Iran’s top general Qassem Soleimani, who headed Iran’s elite Quds Force

Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/04/two-...bNUhZr7M2WsWZdcPQ4s9RXWOBfYv4Z35I?ito=cbshare

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So a handful of, let me guess Sunnis buttblasted over Soleimani saving their asses from getting butchered by ISIS. Yeah all nations have dishonorable people, Iraq no exception.

Striver you're a terrorist loving Zionist scumbag.
I only see 14 emo-kids dancing, while tens of thousands attended Sulaimani and Muhandis funeral.
nope they don't.and if they do they will be refuelling far from you and in the air,

ohhhh did you know that the mericans have this technology called aerial refuelling,very cool stuff

Then the refueling tankers will be blown out of the sky, or even the B-2s themselves. That doesn't stop every base from al-udeid to balad from turning into an overnight mass grave.
You can call me whatever

Gonna be laughing when nationalist factions in the US kick your *** out back to whatever miserable shithole you come from.

Yeah and the cyber virus attacks on your nuclear installations were not Americana and Israeli too ;)

Beauty of plausible deniability, remember Beirut?
Relax, some groups are becoming emotional after the funeral.

This is only the beginning. I said it last night attacks would start today and go all the way to the 40th anniversary day of Solemani’s passing.
I noticed you refer to Americans as "You people" in several of your previous comments. Read your posts here where you stated you are an Iranian, and make several disparaging comments towards Americans here.

You've made it clear about how upset you are at America's action of killing the General behind the deaths of close to 600 American troops in Iraq. It begs to ask the question- are you going to take part in the 40 days of attack here in the US?

Man you truly are retarded, like full blown inbred.
Honestly I feel bad for UK , once a mighty empire and look what have they become ..

With their divide and conquer tactics, they are the ones who have caused most chaos in the entire history of earth.
Then the refueling tankers will be blown out of the sky, or even the B-2s themselves. That doesn't stop every base from al-udeid to balad from turning into an overnight mass grave.
howww ???? with what??? dude a B2 has a range OF 11.100KM and the distance from the US east coast to tehran is abou 9800km ,a kc-135 flying from us bases in Crete,italy or greece could fill it up and extending the range even more, all while staying away from Iranian SAM danger. sorry kid but just no,
everything is only about perspective


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