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Blasts Heard in Baghdad Amid Reports of Rockets Landing in US Embassy

Why did you previously attack another countries oil refineries? You are confirming that Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism by its actions.

Great so Iran and the US are on the same level then.

BTW no such thing as a non-practising muslim, it's called "atheist cop-out".
A paramilitary backed by iran ordering the original iraqi military, and the Iranians here chant's "US IS MEDDLING IN THE POLITICS OF ME COUNTRIES".....
The "paramilitary" is part of Iraqi army and receives salary from Iraq and all its members are Iraqi. They warn fellow Iraqis to distance themselves from risk, nothing to do with meddling of Iran.
until iranian airspace operate normally for civilian traffic do not think of missiles or jets will be used . just forget . iran did not issue any warning or NOTAMN until now
A paramilitary backed by iran ordering the original iraqi military, and the Iranians here chant's "US IS MEDDLING IN THE POLITICS OF ME COUNTRIES".....

US kills Iraqis

Iraqis respond

Zio-ameritards - IrAn Is MeDdLiNg In OtHeR cOuNtRiEs

until iranian airspace operate normally for civilian traffic do not think of missiles or jets will be used . just forget . iran did not issue any warning or NOTAMN until now

Notams are a good way to alert your enemy about your actions.
  • 1076531934.jpg
UK & US Spy Planes Spotted Middle East Amid Brewing Tensions With Iran - Reports
© CC BY-SA 2.0 / Airwolfhound / RC-135U - RAF Mildenhall
20:58 04.01.2020Get short URL
Iranian General Qasem Soleimani Killed in US Airstrike in Baghdad (60)
0 02
The development emerges from an increasingly volatile security environment in the Middle East following the US’ high-profile assassination of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force Commander, Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

British and American electronic surveillance aircrafts have been flying around the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East this morning, according to tweets by flight tracker INTELSky.

According to the account - which is run by enthusiasts who monitor global flight paths - a US Air Force RC-135W ‘Rivet Joint’ aircraft was seen lingering for several hours off of the coast of Lebanon, while a Royal Air Force (RAF) Sentinel R1 was seen leaving Britain’s Akrotiri air base in Cyprus, subsequently flying over Israel and Jordan. Both of the aircraft are used in an electronic warfare capacity and gather signals intelligence to monitor threats, such as an incoming missile launch.

The news comes following the US’ airstrike that killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, which happened in Baghdad on June 3rd, and marked a major escalation in regional tensions that have pitted Tehran against Washington and its allies in the Middle East. Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani, is widely quoted as saying that the US "will face the consequences of this criminal act not only today, but also in the coming years.”

While it appears that the neither the UK nor the US have issued a statement about what their surveillance activities are aimed at achieving, it is highly likely that they are monitoring the Middle East for any signs of an impending Iranian attack.

According to the RAF’s website, the Sentinel R.Mk 1 “provides long-range, wide-area battlefield surveillance, delivering critical intelligence and target tracking information to British and coalition forces” then “passing the information in near real time to friendly forces.” The RC-135 serves a similar function, providing early warning of potential attacks to coalition forces. According to the RAF, who also field the RC-135, the aircraft uses “its sensors [to] ‘soak up’ electronic emissions from communications, radar and other systems.”

The "paramilitary" is part of Iraqi army and receives salary from Iraq and all its members are Iraqi. They warn fellow Iraqis to distance themselves from risk, nothing to do with meddling of Iran.
haha nice one, which also seems strange that iraqi security forces of the iraqi army can't stop irani paramilitary into entering the green zone while succesfully guarding the green zone against thousands of angry protestors for months.

ohhh come on, we both know you and I who controls who in baghdad, there's nothing to be shame of
Relax, some groups are becoming emotional after the funeral.

This is only the beginning. I said it last night attacks would start today and go all the way to the 40th anniversary day of Solemani’s passing.
US kills Iraqis

Iraqis respond

Zio-ameritards - IrAn Is MeDdLiNg In OtHeR cOuNtRiEs

Notams are a good way to alert your enemy about your actions.
or else forget use of AA and SAM missiles . so no air battle near by . its simple . i have checked again iran iraq and near by all they area is operation normal .
haha nice one, which also seems strange that iraqi security forces of the iraqi army can't stop irani paramilitary into entering the green zone while succesfully guarding the green zone against thousands of angry protestors for months.

ohhh come on, we both know you and I who controls who in baghdad, there's nothing to be shame of
actual iraqi when hearing soleimani death

So a handful of, let me guess Sunnis buttblasted over Soleimani saving their asses from getting butchered by ISIS. Yeah all nations have dishonorable people, Iraq no exception.

Striver you're a terrorist loving Zionist scumbag.

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