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Blasts Heard in Baghdad Amid Reports of Rockets Landing in US Embassy

its total mis-calculation from Trump

if all hell breaks lose and Iran goes fully all out US better have a go supply of body bags

Iran has so many proxys throughout the Middle East sleeper cells will go wild
Sunnis are responsible for hundreds of Christian deaths in Europe, cry more. Soleimani has done more for Sunnis then Gulfie nations or Pakistan could ever hope.

How many Pakistani Sunnis you want murdered... Hurt a Sunni and goto heaven mantra???
Hey outside of Israel it looks like the US is alone in this fight too!

I'm kidding Israel won't fight their own wars, that's why goyim American exist!

US has their own pawns if necessary they won't hesitate to put Frenchies, Brits, Canadians, etc. on the front lines.
Trump is already shafting NATO for payments next step is soldiers. They're all good goys.
But how do you explain his support for Indian nonsense?

Hey dude he was just another jealous control freak. Was aspiring to become the leader of Muslim world but got pissed after witnessing the paaki potential. Moreover we were sending freight trains of arms and volunteers to bail out Iran against sadaan every month or so
US has their own pawns if necessary they won't hesitate to put Frenchies, Brits, Canadians, etc. on the front lines.
Trump is already shafting NATO for payments next step is soldiers. They're all good goys.

Nah this seems different, no one supports this. This is between Iran and the US. No one else wants their hand in this mess.
There were news of them evacuating their embassy but it would stupid decision to hit the Embassy , Embassies include Civilians and Iraqi nationals and security personnel . Embassy is not a legitimate target in my opinion .

For Iran it would seem the most logical option.

Did you know that the US virtually runs the Middle East from this embassy? It is 100 acres of mammoth space inside the embassy. The Yanks have literally setup a mini city within this embassy. God knows why they need so much space and what they are doing inside.
Salty Iranian mad because there is no country supporting them?

Iran has 75,000 strong Hezbollah force sitting on 100K rockets/missiles

Iran has a foreign legion of 200K across the Middle East (not including pulling Shias from Pakistan that want to volunteer)

So why would Iran want a country that would only sit on the sidelines and give “moral support”. That’s borderline useless.
Lol.. WWIII... Iran can't do anything against America directly.

They will fight the Americans to the last Iraqi (Sunni).

I have been saying this for months. Iranian mullahs made a blunder bargaining over the nuclear programme. Never start that you cannot finish! Else, you will end up like Libya, Syria and Iraq who foolishly gave up their nuclear programmes. An Iranian nuclear deterrent can stabilise the Middle East. US, KSA, UAE and Israel will think twice before targeting a Syria, Lebanon and Iraq that is protected by Iranian nuclear umbrella. There will be no question of any US invasion of Iranian homeland. But, no, Iranian mullahs had to be good schoolboys and issue fatwas against nuclear weapons.
can you give examples, unaware of it

In the Arab world, Muammar Gaddafi in Libya and Saddam Hussein of Iraq were more unequivocal in their support to India’s position on Kashmir, often treating Kashmir as India’s ‘internal matter.’

"Saddam had always been good to India," Kalha says, adding that Baghdad then went on to issue a "mild" statement on December 14, criticising the pulling down of the mosque and "requested" that it be rebuilt.

"We heard no more after that on the subject," he says while hailing the general warmth and feelings of goodwill that the Iraqis had for India.

Iraq "invariably supported" India's position on Kashmir, he writes, adding that at the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) meetings, Baghdad played a "constructive role."

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