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Blast reported in a mosque in Peshawar - 56 dead and 196 injured. This is developing story.

Learn to read between the lines will ya. Even here on PDF you have a sizeable majority who don't consider Shia's as muslims; and these are "educated" people.

Now think of what this means for majority of Pakistani's who aren't educated and take everything at face value. Remember that Sri Lankan man being lynched? That is the majority of Pakistan right there. Feed them anti-shia propaganda day in day out and you have a lot of people willing to lend there hand to cleanse the country of "kafirs"; for the right price of course.
An ISIS memeber from Afghanistan Kabul came inside our open border country and committed this atrocity
I don't know how this represents our society in any way shape or form

was APS representative of our society (BTW they were mostly foreign too)
Kick the afghans out. Problem solved. Pakistanis are sadistically mad as we allow millions of people in to our country who hate us just as much as the indians do. Curse those who allow this to happen.
What a cursory post, chill out. We have Pakistanis committing worse treasonous crimes so where are you going to kick out the Pakistanis to? Collective punishment is not an option we should be considering weeding out the anti-Pakistani terrorists' and that should be our main goal goal. t
People have sectarian differences. Some to extremes. But that doesn't mean that they would be strapping suicide belts to attack Shia mosques as you are saying. Nobody is blowing himself up anywhere for any so called right price. You just simply over exaggerated
They find enough gullible people to do their dirty work for them.

An ISIS memeber from Afghanistan Kabul came inside our open border country and committed this atrocity
I don't know how this represents our society in any way shape or form

was APS representative of our society (BTW they were mostly foreign too)
That was just a culmination of "reap what you sow" blowback of hate filled sectarian cleansing over the past few decades.

Anyway, I normally keep away from posting stuff like this. Was a bit too much this time. Which is why I'm against the state's afghan policy of appeasement just to show the middle finger to Uncle Sam. Screw the afghans, mine and fence the border, and throw each and every namak haram afghani out of the country.
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Those turning this into a sectarian issue or saying stuff like “Shia genocide” are part of the problem. This attack was against Pakistan and all its citizens, not just Shias. Pakistan as a whole has suffered from terrorism. Every single sect has paid in this war on terror.
Sunnis after this attack flooded the hospitals to donate blood to help their Shia brothers. This was a attack against Pakistan and all Pakistanis from every religion or sect will work together to combat terrorism.
We are united in this war!
Do not turn this into a sectarian issue!
May Allah open the doors of janaat for all who lost their lives.

Our enemies are trying to use this Shia/Sunni to divide us more and destroy Pakistan as they did with several Muslims countries.

I hope Pakistanis won’t fall in this trap.

I pray for all my Pakistanis Brothers and Sisters. Stay United !
Can we please ban Indians from this thread? Their presence on this thread is like rubbing salt on wounds. @The Eagle
Yes they haven't violated forum rules but we shouldn't have to read a single word coming from them especially since we have lost so many to them
Not sure how this is even a valid request. How does IS attacking a shia mosque have anything to do with the Indian members?
Not sure how this is even a valid request. How does IS attacking a shia mosque have anything to do with the Indian members?

The Kabuli regime before it was destroyed was a ally of India and allowed India and NDS to funnel funds and supports to these groups

When the Kabuli regime fell and India was forced to run the groups remained

Pakistan planned for a long time for this period, most don't understand this, but the fencing was planned to finish during this period

China humiliating India on the LAC was planned to keep India busy on the LAC, give a quite LOC so the western border could be secured

Everything has gone to plan, this fallout is unfortunate but expected and will take at least two years to go down as we target our enemies

After which it will be back to India for which planning is on process everything from J10s to ships
As hindutva poison spreads in India it is our best bet to utilize the ISI to create division within India

India knows this and it's best bet is to prolong the western front as long as possible

In reality a few hundred people will die, whether it be from IS, TTP or bLA etc which is terrible but considering thousands were dying in India per day from COVID (just a comparison) but it won't effect the state whilst it secures it's strategic interests
The Kabuli regime before it was destroyed was a ally of India and allowed India and NDS to funnel funds and supports to these groups

When the Kabuli regime fell and India was forced to run the groups remained

Pakistan planned for a long time for this period, most don't understand this, but the fencing was planned to finish during this period

China humiliating India on the LAC was planned to keep India busy on the LAC, give a quite LOC so the western border could be secured

Everything has gone to plan, this fallout is unfortunate but expected and will take at least two years to go down as we target our enemies

After which it will be back to India for which planning is on process everything from J10s to ships
As hindutva poison spreads in India it is our best bet to utilize the ISI to create division within India

India knows this and it's best bet is to prolong the western front as long as possible

In reality a few hundred people will die, whether it be from IS, TTP or bLA etc which is terrible but considering thousands were dying in India per day from COVID (just a comparison) but it won't effect the state whilst it secures it's strategic interests
Yeah we all know the super great "master plan", but the post in question wanted all Indians banned cuz why not 😅
Yeah we all know the super great "master plan", but the post in question wanted all Indians banned cuz why not 😅

Oh I'm not fussed about that

Reality is we know south Asia it's a poisonous divided place, we hate each other

When millions of Hindus were dying last year because India fcuked up on covid, you couldn't keep the smile off my face

Today when some Indian soldier killed 5 other Indian soldiers and injured 10 it's great

Its because we hate each other and why India as one state where everyone is stuck together is frankly RETARDED

In the same fashion Indians love when Pakistani die

It is what it is, people see this and get annoyed why their enemies are allowed space
For the sake of argument, let's compare.

بغض = malice

Whose malice is more severe;

بغض جس سینے میں ہو علی کا

بہتر ہے وہ سینہ پھٹتا رہے پھٹتا رہے​
One very genuine question to you:

I understand that shias / hazaras have had to experience similar incidents in the past in both Pak & Afghanistan/

Question is - why do they go to such large congregations where such unfortunate incidents often happen?
Does not the leaders of Shia / Hazaras have responsiblity to ask to avoid going to large congregations?
Or Does religious practice / obligations make such large congregations inevitable?
Generally shia mosques and community places have volunteers to check people coming inside, additionally there is always police to ensure another tier of security. However you need to understand that terrorists belonging to LeJ and now ISIS would target Shia intellectuals and prominent figures even in isolation whenever there is a chance.

Also community gatherings would always be big enough for a potential target, unfortunately.

KPK police have identified a big group of terrorists:

Interior minister says some foreign forces want to destabilize Pakistan

BR Web Desk..... 07 Mar, 2022

Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid has said that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) police have identified a "big group of terrorists" and they will soon be nabbed.

Speaking to the media on Monday, the minister said that some foreign forces want to destabilise Pakistan. His statement comes following the Peshawar suicide bomb blast which killed at least 62 people and injured 200, including children.
Kick the afghans out. Problem solved. Pakistanis are sadistically mad as we allow millions of people in to our country who hate us just as much as the indians do. Curse those who allow this to happen.
Oi. This is bigger than the Afghan refugee debacle. Heck it doesnt really have much to do with them. This is Daesh. A new entity which is pure evil. All parties are involved in the fight against them.... Except India.
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