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Blast in Westridge, Rawalpindi

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Several residents inthe area have confirmed that the mosque was heavily guarded with ID and membership checks at every barrier. The fact as reported on GEO is that there were one or two terrorists already sitting inside the msoque before the mayhem began.

How did the terrorist(s) sitting inside the mosque get access?

I am absolutely convinced that military insiders are involved in this attack( as they probably were in the GHQ attack) and either live in the compound or have access to it - the sooner we find and hang these traitors, the better off we all be.

They came from outside, though the windows and scaling the walls, it would not have been possible to take weapons without being seen. The eye witnesses being interviewed are all saying they came from the windows or scaling down the walls.

Neither in GHQ anyone was involved from inside, nor from here. Problem is SF guys always guard the entrances but the side areas are left unguarded, so they used this opportunity.
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The LAL mosque Ghazi brothers and his "chamchas" know the area very well. And they are involved in many terrorist activities. His wife Umul-Hassan is also recruiting in her new madrasa not far from LAL mosque. But the police cannot take action because of these political mullah like munnawar hassan of Jamate islami.

We have had enough of this TTP/Jihadi rubbish!

- Lal Masjid Mullah Aziz and his ***** of a wife need to be shot.

- Munawar Hassan of JI and other mouthpieces of the TTP Salafi thugs need to be tried for treason ; Swine like him need to locked up in solitary confinement for the rest of their days.

- But most importantly, the remaining TTP supporters inside the Army need to be hunted down. A good place to start would be to interrogate Hamid Gul - the bastard supporter of the taliban and their fellow LeJ/JM jihadis!
No...this is business as usual for Taliban. Killing and dieing are small matter to them . You should not mistake it as 'desperate measure'.They will kill their mother and father if they turn against Taliban.

?????Who....these are Buddhist terrorist from Japan...Right?

Dear brother, when will you wake up? the attack was indeed done by Muslim fanatics called Taliban

Taliban can........and it does

Again back to square one.:hitwall:
Please understand Indian has no role in these attacks. You are being fooled by your politicians.:what:

So Mr. pagans you are here just for debate/rant
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Son of Corps commander Peshawar has also died in this Blast . He was an engineering student at Nust EME ...
They came from outside, though the windows and scaling the walls, it would not have been possible to take weapons without being seen. The eye witnesses being interviewed are all saying they came from the windows or scaling down the walls.

Neither in GHQ anyone was involved from inside, nor from here. Problem is SF guys always guard the entrances but the side areas are left unguarded, so they used this opportunity.

So all the terrorists had to do was to approach from the side wall?

That still does'nt explain the one or two guys sitting inside the congregation before all hell broke loose. If these two terrorists had scaled the wall and come from the windows, lots of people would have noticed.

According to GEO reporting, eyewitnesses inside the mosque have confirmed that at least one or two of these scumbags were already sitting quietly among the congregation before the rest of the gang stormed the mosque.
Just found this video on youtube.

Just look at intensity of blast.

Another thing,.... This video is not from a CCTV as camera is shaking. There is another one which Geo is playing right now. That is surely shot by terrorists as even with such a blast the cameraman kept on recording without having anything like distraction.

I think our media must not play in hands of these terrorists.
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No...this is business as usual for Taliban. Killing and dieing are small matter to them . You should not mistake it as 'desperate measure'.They will kill their mother and father if they turn against Taliban.

?????Who....these are Buddhist terrorist from Japan...Right?

Dear brother, when will you wake up? the attack was indeed done by Muslim fanatics called Taliban

Taliban can........and it does

Again back to square one.:hitwall:
Please understand Indian has no role in these attacks. You are being fooled by your politicians.:what:
Look these are testing times and I am in no mood to start an other India/Pakistan debate, but let me assure you all is not what meets the eye because I say with conviction that I have seen pictures of some of these dead scumbags, I am talking men around 25 years old, who are not even circumcised . How do you explain that. ????!!!
Till Gop starts to punish these scumbags on spot there is no way this is going to end Thats why i am very much in support of Americans drones over balochistan there is a lot and lot of scumbags in pakistan army and other higher places protecting these unwanted p.igs at all cost only way to get these is to start from the top down.
Look these are testing times and I am in no mood to start an other India/Pakistan debate, but let me assure you all is not what meets the eye because I say with conviction that I have seen pictures of some of these dead scumbags, I am talking men around 25 years old, who are not even circumcised . How do you explain that. ????!!!

Do yourself a favor - stop listening to village idiots and start using your common sense.
No...this is business as usual for Taliban. Killing and dieing are small matter to them . You should not mistake it as 'desperate measure'.They will kill their mother and father if they turn against Taliban.

?????Who....these are Buddhist terrorist from Japan...Right?

Dear brother, when will you wake up? the attack was indeed done by Muslim fanatics called Taliban

Taliban can........and it does

Again back to square one.:hitwall:
Please understand Indian has no role in these attacks. You are being fooled by your politicians.:what:

First Taliban haven't taken responsibility. But i am sure they or other banned organization is behind that. India has everything to get from a weak Pakistan. Don't try to find a fool from Patriots here. There are Indian weapons, medicine, explosive RDX, what else you want us to believe after forces recovered all these.
Till Gop starts to punish these scumbags on spot there is no way this is going to end Thats why i am very much in support of Americans drones over balochistan there is a lot and lot of scumbags in pakistan army and other higher places protecting these unwanted p.igs at all cost only way to get these is to start from the top down.

What good these drones have done for Pakistan?? As far as Bait ullah Mehsud was fighting with Pakistan army he was alive despite these drones. The day Mehsud tribal elders came to Islamabad for negotiations he was eliminated by same drones with in few hours. Please I really don't want that kind of mess in Baluchistan.
So all the terrorists had to do was to approach from the side wall?

That still does'nt explain the one or two guys sitting inside the congregation before all hell broke loose. If these two terrorists had scaled the wall and come from the windows, lots of people would have noticed.

According to GEO reporting, eyewitnesses inside the mosque have confirmed that at least one or two of these scumbags were already sitting quietly among the congregation before the rest of the gang stormed the mosque.

Two of the guys started firing outside on the security forces, so the security guys engaged them, in the chaos, 2 stormed the mosque from the other side, just like the GHQ attack, where one group attacked to take the attention while second group went for inside.

Except for Geo, no one else is telling this story. The one who are being shown inside are the ones who came through windows when chaos was happening outside. In such an incident, people inside can't recount full accurately. I heard one Retd Captain who was inside the mosque telling that he saw them get in through the glass windows and started the mayhem and shot people point blank.
Till Gop starts to punish these scumbags on spot there is no way this is going to end ......there is a lot and lot of scumbags in pakistan army and other higher places protecting these unwanted p.igs at all cost only way to get these is to start from the top down.

I don't know about 'lots and lots' but there are probably a few scumbag military insiders/traitors providing info to the Jihadis for facilitating attacks on military complexes and neighborhoods.

A possbility that should be vigorously investigated - any traitorous pro-TTP military officers found must be court-martialled and SHOT starting from senior-most!
6 Officers, 3 Soldiers and 16 Children are among the dead. Children are mostly the sons of serving & retired army officers.

Son of Corps Commander Peshawar also among them. Rest are either civilians or retired army officers.
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