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Blast in Westridge, Rawalpindi

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Taliban just made an attack which killed 50 people in one of the most secure places on Pakistan...and you think they are getting weaker:what: ???:hitwall:
If anything they are getting stronger.:angry:

These are desperate measures by the scumbags. The Mosque is near a thoroughfare and on a Friday it's impossible to scrutinize each individual.
And those of yous who naturally assume that these are Muslim fanatics,
Well, what Muslim, fanatic or not would attack a Mosque. ??!!
And the breaking news is, Pakistan's security minister, Rehman Malak has just confirmed that these mothers were using Indian Ammo.
REHMAN MALIK says the weapons seized from bara 3 days ago is INDIAN....
Tragic Incident . There are many army officers among the fallen . May they RIP ..
Major General. What the hell. I hope there is no other senior army officer. Any group took responsibility for the attacks?
2nd most deadliest and tragic event for Pakistan Army after General Zia-UL-Haq's Plane crash ...:(
may the souls of the innocent citizens and armed forces martyred RIP.
Guys, this is no time for chest beating, but let me tell you, my late father retired as a Colonel from PA, and i do come from a family of soldiers, for a muslim, there is no better place to die than in the house of God and a PA soldier only lives to defend the country and will never shy away from making the ultimate sacrifice.
These cowardly act will never and i mean never distract the PA from it's goals infact it will merely strengthen it's determination and resolve.
It's also worth mentioning that presently the army is fighting with one hand tied, just pray and hope that gloves don't come off.
ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Rehman Malik Friday said the terrorists are hell bent on destabilizing the country, and urged the Ulema to come together and declare a Fatwa against these terrorists.

Talking to media following the suicide attack in Rawalpindi Parade Lane mosque, the Interior Minister strongly condemned the incident, saying the terrorists are carrying out their activities on the dictates of enemies.

“Islam never allows acts of terrorism,” he asserted, asking, “who are these people who ruthlessly execute suicide attacks, turning mosques into battle fields.”

Rehman Malik strongly appealed the Ulema of all schools of thought to issue Fatwa’s against the terrorists and observe Jihad against them.

He said the terrorists do not come from outside; they are among us; they do it for money and; they perform the heinous acts terrorism by sneaking into our society.
Just heard that Son of Core Commander Peshawar among Martyr. May all victims RIP.
US is using Blackwater and associated networks for creating a Serbia like situation in Pakistan.

The project for Balkanization of Pakistan and taking the nukes out is in full swing.

Rehman Malik is directly resposible and should be fired asap. whenever our brave inteligence agencies catch any Yanky spy Mr Malik personaly gets them released.

USA has never been and will never be our friend.

US has shifted afgan war to Pakistan.

Death to :usflag:

May the Fallen RIP.
Several residents inthe area have confirmed that the mosque was heavily guarded with ID and membership checks at every barrier. The fact as reported on GEO is that there were one or two terrorists already sitting inside the msoque before the mayhem began.

How did the terrorist(s) sitting inside the mosque get access?

I am absolutely convinced that military insiders are involved in this attack( as they probably were in the GHQ attack) and either live in the compound or have access to it - the sooner we find and hang these traitors, the better off we all be.
ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Rehman Malik Friday said the terrorists are hell bent on destabilizing the country, and urged the Ulema to come together and declare a Fatwa against these terrorists.

Talking to media following the suicide attack in Rawalpindi Parade Lane mosque, the Interior Minister strongly condemned the incident, saying the terrorists are carrying out their activities on the dictates of enemies.

“Islam never allows acts of terrorism,” he asserted, asking, “who are these people who ruthlessly execute suicide attacks, turning mosques into battle fields.”

Rehman Malik strongly appealed the Ulema of all schools of thought to issue Fatwa’s against the terrorists and observe Jihad against them.

He said the terrorists do not come from outside; they are among us; they do it for money and; they perform the heinous acts terrorism by sneaking into our society.

Its time we stop blaming the hindus, jews, christians, buddhists - did I leave anyone out?? - for all our troubles and focus on stomping on the home-grown salafi jihadi scumbags running the TTP!
Just got to know, a friend and former classmate of mine has embraced martyrdom in the attack. Inna lillah e wa inna illaihe rajeon.

I am deeply shocked. Goes to tell, these days any of us or people close to us can become a victim of this war :sad:
Several residents inthe area have confirmed that the mosque was heavily guarded with ID and membership checks at every barrier. The fact as reported on GEO is that there were one or two terrorists already sitting inside the msoque before the mayhem began.

How did the terrorist(s) sitting inside the mosque get access?

I am absolutely convinced that military insiders are involved in this attack( as they probably were in the GHQ attack) and either live in the compound or have access to it - the sooner we find and hang these traitors, the better off we all be.
The LAL mosque Ghazi brothers and his "chamchas" know the area very well. And they are involved in many terrorist activities. His wife Umul-Hassan is also recruiting in her new madrasa not far from LAL mosque. But the police cannot take action because of these political mullah like munnawar hassan of Jamate islami.
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