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Blast in Cannt area: Multan

I think its responsibility of all citizens to be vigilant against suspicious people. Now every single citizen should take on responsibility. One of the better examples is of cab driver who informed on duty person about the suspicious boy at Islamabad Naval complex which helped in reducing human loss. Imagine had he blew up as per his plan
Why miltery offices not have facility of servillance cameras and steel and concrete Baricades , if baricades were installed at 30 to 50 meters distance from miltery and police check posts , suicidal bombing cant be effective????
how they were able to bring that much explosives inside the city.:what:
There must be some one from our own people who are helping these terrorists .
Do you think every single car in Pakistan gets searched while traveling from one part of the country to another?
Agreed - I would speculate that most of the recent attacks on security and military complexes are getting support from elements currently inside the security establishment (or previously associated with it) in terms of provision of safe houses, procurement and storing of weapons/explosives, logistics, and intel on target layout/location.

I would speculate that the Indians are involved in providing intelligence, training and operational planning to these people, since the Taliban in Pakistan have mounted far more vicious and complicated attacks against extremely secure targets time and time again, including the ISI (which is reportedly in cahoots with the people attacking it).

These same people you allege are associated with the Pakistani Taliban were, and are, associated with the Afghan Taliban - then why do we not see similar levels (scale and complexity) of insurgent violence in Afghanistan against urban targets, or for that matter in India?
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These same people you allege are associated with the Pakistani Taliban were, and are, associated with the Afghan Taliban - then why do we not see similar levels (scale and complexity) of insurgent violence in Afghanistan against Urban targets?

Hope I have understood your post, if you think that the Taliban in Afghanistan do not attack or carry out attacks in Urban area then i think it is wrong. i can see alot of similarities in TTP and afghanistan's taliban when it comes to urban targets and the level of attacks in cities is also high in afghanistan.
wow there is alot of bombing going on in pak 0_o.

ever since i joined this site i think this the 11th thread that reports a bomb blast.

This is sad and you shouldnt talk sarcastically becasue alot of innocent people are getting killed in these attacks.
Very well regurgitated & as you rightly recognised it (by underlining), it is speculation, unless it can be proven otherwise. Note: here, otherwise means that being able to prove Indians' involvement or the negation of it.:coffee:
I would speculate that the Indians are involved in providing intelligence, training and operational planning to these people, since the Taliban in Pakistan have mounted far more vicious and complicated attacks against extremely secure targets time and time again, including the ISI (which is reportedly in cahoots with the people attacking it).

These same people you allege are associated with the Pakistani Taliban were, and are, associated with the Afghan Taliban - then why do we not see similar levels (scale and complexity) of insurgent violence in Afghanistan against urban targets, or for that matter in India?
Hope I have understood your post, if you think that the Taliban in Afghanistan do not attack or carry out attacks in Urban area then i think it is wrong. i can see alot of similarities in TTP and afghanistan's taliban when it comes to urban targets and the level of attacks in cities is also high in afghanistan.

The Afghan forces are reportedly far more corrupt, undisciplined and infiltrated by the Taliban and assorted criminals than the PA - yet I do not recall attacks on high profile targets such as Afghan intelligence, military headquarters etc on the scale, consistency and complexity we see in Pakistan.

Admittedly I may have missed reading about them, perhaps you can offer some links?
wow there is alot of bombing going on in pak 0_o.
Our world, especially this part of the world, needs "compassion" by the truck loads,Hell no, by the supertanker loads. We in S.Asia don't seem to understand the value of human life. In some countries dogs have better protection of their rights than we humans have in this part of the world.
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:blink: This crater is so huge!!!

How much expl is estimated to have been used in this attack?
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The Afghan forces are reportedly far more corrupt, undisciplined and infiltrated by the Taliban and assorted criminals than the PA - yet I do not recall attacks on high profile targets such as Afghan intelligence, military headquarters etc on the scale, consistency and complexity we see in Pakistan.

Admittedly I may have missed reading about them, perhaps you can offer some links?
Last time when I checked (figuratively speaking), I never came across such things as shown below, unless they managed in the last 24hrs.
1. Afghan forces
2.Afghan intelligence
3.Military headquarters, now this is contenious, since it is not clear if you are referring to "Afghan"military headquarters or the NATO and the like's. If it was "Afghan" military headquarters you were referring to then point#3 stands.
British Soldiers are dying almost every 2 other days in Helmand province from IEDs. One of the high profile killings involving infiltration was some months ago when a taliban in police uniform opened fire on 5 (around 5) unarmed British soldiers.
Last time when I checked (figuratively speaking), I never came across such things as shown below, unless they managed in the last 24hrs.
1. Afghan forces
2.Afghan intelligence
3.Military headquarters, now this is contenious, since it is not clear if you are referring to "Afghan"military headquarters or the NATO and the like's. If it was "Afghan" military headquarters you were referring to then point#3 stands.
British Soldiers are dying almost every 2 other days in Helmand province from IEDs. One of the high profile killings involving infiltration was some months ago when a taliban in police uniform opened fire on 5 (around 5) unarmed British soldiers.
I fail to understand what you are talking about - there is an Afghan National Army and there are various Afghan intelligence agencies, including the key one led by Amrullah Saleh, a former associate of Ahmed Shah Massoud.

As for soldiers dying everyday, there are Pakistani soldiers dying everyday on the battlefield as well, that is not what I was referring to and why I used certain language in my previous post. I am referring to high profile attacks such as the ones on the GHQ and various ISI and military targets - where are the equivalent attacks in Afghanistan or for that matter in India?
this haramzadgi against pakistan is orignating from afghanistan and india is providing logistics and support for these acts.
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