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Blast in Cannt area: Multan

I would speculate that the Indians are involved in providing intelligence, training and operational planning to these people, since the Taliban in Pakistan have mounted far more vicious and complicated attacks against extremely secure targets time and time again, including the ISI (which is reportedly in cahoots with the people attacking it).

AM: And why not suspect your ex-military guys for same? ... Wouldn't it make more sense for them to provide the necessary Intelligence and operational planning for such operation's?.... and some of this guys have been quite vocal about their views.

Somewhat off-topic...
I was going through one of the thread for Moon Market blast, on Ansarnet.

Here is what one of the member replied to other members contention that he had seen Blackwater Guys roaming around in streets of Peshavar openly. Let me paste ...

Two Blast near Moon market Allama Iqbal Town Lahore - Page 2 - Ansar Al-Mujahideen
"if the murtad police and army hadn't allied with them we would RPG them in Peshawar !!"

Maybe he was exaggerating, maybe not. His brazenness did make me dizzy though!
I fail to understand what you are talking about - there is an Afghan National Army and there are various Afghan intelligence agencies, including the key one led by Amrullah Saleh, a former associate of Ahmed Shah Massoud.

As for soldiers dying everyday, there are Pakistani soldiers dying everyday on the battlefield as well, that is not what I was referring to and why I used certain language in my previous post. I am referring to high profile attacks such as the ones on the GHQ and various ISI and military targets - where are the equivalent attacks in Afghanistan or for that matter in India?

26\11,attack on parliament,Attack at Akshardam,Bombing of the indian embassy,Kandahar jail break,Kashmir assembly attacks,sikh massacre prior to kargil at Kupwara
I fail to understand what you are talking about - there is an Afghan National Army and there are various Afghan intelligence agencies, including the key one led by Amrullah Saleh, a former associate of Ahmed Shah Massoud.

As for soldiers dying everyday, there are Pakistani soldiers dying everyday on the battlefield as well, that is not what I was referring to and why I used certain language in my previous post. I am referring to high profile attacks such as the ones on the GHQ and various ISI and military targets - where are the equivalent attacks in Afghanistan or for that matter in India?
In my previous comment I wrote "figuratively speaking", basically what it means is, the three points which were mentioned are stage manged by the allied forces. For example: Allied forces capture a territory and for the sake of media, public support back home & to show to the world that improvements are being made, they would let some Afghan soldiers go and raise their flag as if they (Afghans) gained controll[there is a video to this effect on YouTube, do not know how I got that video on search results and sorry I can't repeat the search sequence].
where are the equivalent attacks in Afghanistan or for that matter in India?
Reminds me of something...haan, I lost my eye, you too lose your's. Anyway, sometime ago taliban's lover boy, Mehsud or whatever said after Pakistan, it is India, followed by Israel and other countries of the infidels (such as the one you are in), on the list. So our time may also come. But I think not, as I'm sure he along with TTP and other terrorist groups will be uprooted done by your able Army and other allies to restore the peace of mind for the common man, fulfilling a greater humanitarian deed.
26\11,attack on parliament,Attack at Akshardam,Bombing of the indian embassy,Kandahar jail break,Kashmir assembly attacks,sikh massacre prior to kargil at Kupwara

I am referring to Taliban attacks - not asking you to go through history and dredge up every thing you can think off related to other terrorist groups, Kashmiri freedom fighters etc., whether it has anything to do with the Taliban or not.

The jail breaks are not 'high profile attacks on military and intelligence targets' - the only incident that might be relevant might be the attack on the Indian embassy, but even that was an isolated incident, and not an attack on the Afghan Military or intelligence.

The Mumbai attacks were 'complex' only in terms of the fact that the perpetrators traveled the coast to get to Mumbai - beyond that it was a bunch of thugs walking around shooting innocent people. There was no high profile military or intelligence target.
this haramzadgi against pakistan is orignating from afghanistan and india is providing logistics and support for these acts.
Big man, you seem to have some concrete evidence to prove this. Psch, it's just a shame that you are stuck in Ireland otherwise I'm sure you would have washed the Indian involvement in public and made your while worth in Pakistan.
In my previous comment I wrote "figuratively speaking", basically what it means is, the three points which were mentioned are stage manged by the allied forces. For example: Allied forces capture a territory and for the sake of media, public support back home & to show to the world that improvements are being made, they would let some Afghan soldiers go and raise their flag as if they (Afghans) gained controll[there is a video to this effect on YouTube, do not know how I got that video on search results and sorry I can't repeat the search sequence].
Whether the ANA is capable or not, they do participate in operations with the US, and they do have bases, military leadership and HQ, as does Afghan intelligence. Yet no attacks of similar complexity or scale on them, despite being far more corrupt and infiltrated by the Taliban.
Reminds me of something...haan, I lost my eye, you too lose your's. Anyway, sometime ago taliban's lover boy, Mehsud or whatever said after Pakistan, it is India, followed by Israel and other countries of the infidels (such as the one you are in), on the list. So our time may also come. But I think not, as I'm sure he along with TTP and other terrorist groups will be uprooted done by your able Army and other allies to restore the peace of mind for the common man, fulfilling a greater humanitarian deed.
My previous statement may have been poorly worded - the point I was making is not that the Indians and Afghans need to experience these attacks, but that the Taliban in Pakistan, despite reportedly being linked to the Afghan Taliban, are carrying out a far more complex, sophisticated and deadly insurgency than the Afghan Taliban.

Taliban Swatter indicated that he thought this was because some retired or serving Pak Military might be involved, and hence my pointing out that if that was the case we should have seen similar types of attacks in Afghanistan given the corruption and infiltration in the Afghan security forces.

That leaves me to 'speculate' that the Pakistani Taliban are far more deadly and capable because they are receiving state assistance (Indian intelligence is my guess) which is providing them with tactical training, intelligence on targets and operational planning.
I am referring to Taliban attacks - not asking you to go through history and dredge up every thing you can think off related to other terrorist groups, Kashmiri freedom fighters etc., whether it has anything to do with the Taliban or not.

The jail breaks are not 'high profile attacks on military and intelligence targets' - the only incident that might be relevant might be the attack on the Indian embassy, but even that was an isolated incident, and not an attack on the Afghan Military or intelligence.

The Mumbai attacks were 'complex' only in terms of the fact that the perpetrators traveled the coast to get to Mumbai - beyond that it was a bunch of thugs walking around shooting innocent people. There was no high profile military or intelligence target.
Ok, now that you appear to be hell bent on why taliban are showing partiality towards India and not attacking it, has it occured to you that probably Indian forces are RELATIVELY (i.e., relative to Pakistan's) better at protecting whatever seems to be going down in Pakistan.
I am referring to Taliban attacks - not asking you to go through history and dredge up every thing you can think off related to other terrorist groups, Kashmiri freedom fighters etc., whether it has anything to do with the Taliban or not.

The jail breaks are not 'high profile attacks on military and intelligence targets' - the only incident that might be relevant might be the attack on the Indian embassy, but even that was an isolated incident, and not an attack on the Afghan Military or intelligence.

The Mumbai attacks were 'complex' only in terms of the fact that the perpetrators traveled the coast to get to Mumbai - beyond that it was a bunch of thugs walking around shooting innocent people. There was no high profile military or intelligence target.

Wow,holding two hotels and a synannogue for 48 hours requires lot of training AM.At par with a SWAT team.Iam yet to see the Taliban
to do such a hostage crisis for such a prolonged period of time
26\11,attack on parliament,Attack at Akshardam,Bombing of the indian embassy,Kandahar jail break,Kashmir assembly attacks,sikh massacre prior to kargil at Kupwara

Wanted to add, this goes to prove one more things that compare to India terrorist are in huge number in Pakistan and hence attacks are larger and planned. They get much more logistical support their and I am not willing to buy that everything is manged from outside. It in-fact indicates greater support within.
Ok, now that you appear to be hell bent on why taliban are showing partiality towards India and not attacking it, has it occured to you that probably Indian forces are RELATIVELY (i.e., relative to Pakistan's) better at protecting whatever seems to be going down in Pakistan.

What you have missed is that while Taliban is in abundance in Pakistan to provide them any logistic support, there is none in India. So even if Taliban try they will not be half as successful as they are there. People forget without local support these things are not manageable.
I am referring to Taliban attacks - not asking you to go through history and dredge up every thing you can think off related to other terrorist groups, Kashmiri freedom fighters etc., whether it has anything to do with the Taliban or not.

The jail breaks are not 'high profile attacks on military and intelligence targets' - the only incident that might be relevant might be the attack on the Indian embassy, but even that was an isolated incident, and not an attack on the Afghan Military or intelligence.

The Mumbai attacks were 'complex' only in terms of the fact that the perpetrators traveled the coast to get to Mumbai - beyond that it was a bunch of thugs walking around shooting innocent people. There was no high profile military or intelligence target.

AM I think you forgot to speculate about the non-state actors indo-centric terrorist groups and those Kashmir freedom fighter groups may be they are not happy with the "trial" of some of their members or some elements of these pro-pak/indo-centric groups may be/are supporting the TTP against the Pakistani military and the ISI.They have the best HUMAN INT and the infrastructure all over punjab and especially Muridke.You must also speculate in this angle too.They may not have liked the pakistani state in scuttling their operations/or they may have a taken a global agenda as the danish newspaper plot shows
Whether the ANA is capable or not, they do participate in operations with the US, and they do have bases, military leadership and HQ, as does Afghan intelligence. Yet no attacks of similar complexity or scale on them, despite being far more corrupt and infiltrated by the Taliban.

My previous statement may have been poorly worded - the point I was making is not that the Indians and Afghans need to experience these attacks, but that the Taliban in Pakistan, despite reportedly being linked to the Afghan Taliban, are carrying out a far more complex, sophisticated and deadly insurgency than the Afghan Taliban.

Taliban Swatter indicated that he thought this was because some retired or serving Pak Military might be involved, and hence my pointing out that if that was the case we should have seen similar types of attacks in Afghanistan given the corruption and infiltration in the Afghan security forces.

That leaves me to 'speculate' that the Pakistani Taliban are far more deadly and capable because they are receiving state assistance (Indian intelligence is my guess) which is providing them with tactical training, intelligence on targets and operational planning.
OK, sorry I jumped the gun and posted similar response below your post earlier.
I fail to understand what you are talking about - there is an Afghan National Army and there are various Afghan intelligence agencies, including the key one led by Amrullah Saleh, a former associate of Ahmed Shah Massoud.

As for soldiers dying everyday, there are Pakistani soldiers dying everyday on the battlefield as well, that is not what I was referring to and why I used certain language in my previous post. I am referring to high profile attacks such as the ones on the GHQ and various ISI and military targets - where are the equivalent attacks in Afghanistan or for that matter in India?

I guess the Indian authorities have finally woken up from their babudom induced slumber and are actually doing a pretty good job at maintaining security instead of playing a blame game at the grass roots level.

We are not in denial as to where the real threats lie and our authorities are doing a very good job (if only post 26/11), leaving the politics and its repercussions to be dealt with for the politicians!

As for Afghanistan, the NATO troops are doing their business and the Taliban find it more and more difficult to mount big attacks there.

RIP to the victims, all this violence is really mind numbing and senseless! Hope Pakistan emerges stronger and quells this madness once and for all!
Ok, now that you appear to be hell bent on why taliban are showing partiality towards India and not attacking it, has it occured to you that probably Indian forces are RELATIVELY (i.e., relative to Pakistan's) better at protecting whatever seems to be going down in Pakistan.

Please do not distort my statements - my point was clear, if the Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban are linked, and the conditions of 'insider support' are responsible for the sustained and complex attacks on military and intelligence targets in Pakistan, then why are there no similar attacks in Afghanistan where the Army and intelligence is far more corrupt and infiltrated than in Pakistan?

As for India, I would have to agree with IR that the lack in frequency of attacks there is because groups such as the Taliban and others do not operate in larger numbers there.
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