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Blast at Shalimar Plaza, Rawalpindi

And our Govt busy in

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welldone welldone both Opposition and GOP!
In fact they all (TTP) now know very well that the hell is getting closer and closer in the form of PA and now they are trying to damage as much possible as they can regardless of civilian, military, woman, children before reaching their end……….!!!!!

May Allah give us strength to standstill……..may Allah give us courage to fight these bastards…….May Allah protect us children and women……….amen
guys, i am no fan of extremist types and this is an obvious thing to say but nonetheless i feel i need to say it because i dont want there to be confusion.

so my question is that what definitive proof do we have that its the ttp/al qaeda who did this, anyone?

all we know is that someone left a bomb, or blew themselves up - forgive me if i am wrong but since when has that been enough to be certain about anything

remember, everyone says OBL caused 9/11 but the fbi are not and have never asked for his arrest regarding 9/11 because there is no proof, so why cant we use the same logical standard?
Post #104 Student:

Delete your comments. This is not the way forward if you disagree.

Sincere Condolences to all the affected and bereaved families and the victims.
The suicide bomber targeted employees of interior ministry who were withdrawing salaries from ATM machine. previously they targeted a brigadier and a couple of days later another senior military official at I-9 Islamabad but he survived. now this definitly suggest that they have moles and sympathizers inside who pass on important information like sharing targets location.
how can a simply terrorist know that employees of interior ministry withdraws salaries from atm on specific day or time.
guys, i am no fan of extremist types and this is an obvious thing to say but nonetheless i feel i need to say it because i dont want there to be confusion.

so my question is that what definitive proof do we have that its the ttp/al qaeda who did this, anyone?

all we know is that someone left a bomb, or blew themselves up - forgive me if i am wrong but since when has that been enough to be certain about anything

remember, everyone says OBL caused 9/11 but the fbi are not and have never asked for his arrest regarding 9/11 because there is no proof, so why cant we use the same logical standard?

So going by the same logical standards what do you suggest should be done.....
kala, i see no logic, thats the issue.

i just see ttp that, mossad this, cia that, taliban this etc etc

i want to go on proof and some sensible open minded deduction.

i mean the last blast was a remotely detonated device, nobody stopped to ask how the ttp types got hold of that?
kala, i see no logic, thats the issue.

i just see ttp that, mossad this, cia that, taliban this etc etc

i want to go on proof and some sensible open minded deduction.

i mean the last blast was a remotely detonated device, nobody stopped to ask how the ttp types got hold of that?

explosions by the taliban using remote control devices is not something new, afghani taliban do it quite alot. if they can have sophisticated weapons in hand they can surely have those devices.
kala, i see no logic, thats the issue.

i just see ttp that, mossad this, cia that, taliban this etc etc

i want to go on proof and some sensible open minded deduction.

i mean the last blast was a remotely detonated device, nobody stopped to ask how the ttp types got hold of that?

With the efficient communication systems these days it has become easy to get access to technology or the ability to design the technology.

People being delusional with involvement of outside agencies adds more chaos and pressure. When you have the snake in your own backyard people are searching for the same in neighbors and everyone else. And at the end of the day the same snake hisses back to someone within the family but the family continues to look outside.

The design of society within Pakistan is such that the shows which would demonize India are definitely going to get higher PR then in comparison to internal problems.

A news edition with the heading "Indian agents are Taliban" will have more readers than the "Pakistani national joins Taliban". At the end of the reader rating is bread and butter for the media and its the media which has created the monster out of RAW, Mossad, CIA while distancing the common man from the root cause of the problem. This forces the people from the government to accept the Indian involvement if they are to remain in power because they have to go by the perception of the people which is ultimately created by the media.
explosions by the taliban using remote control devices is not something new, afghani taliban do it quite alot. if they can have sophisticated weapons in hand they can surely have those devices.

and you give a monkey a gun and teach him how to use it he will kill someone with it....so whats your point?

the monkey did not go to the shop and purchase one did he? someone gave it to him, someone told him to use it.

that is ofcourse assuming that the taliban did it!!!!!

we dont know who this person is so we have no way of identifying who he belongs to!!!!

all we know is someone caused an explosion.

so lets not rule anything out.
kala, i see no logic, thats the issue.

i just see ttp that, mossad this, cia that, taliban this etc etc

i want to go on proof and some sensible open minded deduction.

i mean the last blast was a remotely detonated device, nobody stopped to ask how the ttp types got hold of that?
You are still confused over who did this?

How about we start from the ones that openly bragged about doing this?

Lal Masjid Clerics - Suicide bombings throughout Pakistan if their demands are not implemented.

Baitullah Mehsud etc. - thousands of suicide bombers ready to attack all over Pakistan

Swat Taliban (Muslim Khan) - Kill the families and children of the soldiers wherever you find them.

Do you and some others have a mental block that prevents you from understanding what the above means?
You are still confused over who did this?

How about we start from the ones that openly bragged about doing this?

Lal Masjid Clerics - Suicide bombings throughout Pakistan if their demands are not implemented.

Baitullah Mehsud etc. - thousands of suicide bombers ready to attack all over Pakistan

Swat Taliban (Muslim Khan) - Kill the families and children of the soldiers wherever you find them.

Do you and some others have a mental block that prevents you from understanding what the above means?

i dont know about each case, but if the only evidence you have is that they admitted to doing it then it does not follow that they actually did it, i mean is that really a sufficient standard of proof?

if it was then the fbi would accuse obl for 9/11 based on a video tape, yet they dont.

i mean ofcourse they could do it, and these people are suspects, but sorry i need a higher standard of proof to convince me and too many of these incidents go by and we dont really learn anything do we?

why is that? because we dont ask enough questions and gather enough evidence.

are perceptions really reality?

dont get the two confused.
I personally believe that India is not involved in it and other extremists related activities in Pakistan. here are the reasons:

1. the surge in extremist ideology in Pakistan will definitely have repurcussions for india as it hosts some 160 million muslims. they know it will not stop in pakistan.

2. Indian counselates in Afghanistan doesnt mean to aid Taliban. they are there to create its influence. they are helping Afghan governemnt. if they were abetting Taliban then the US, NATO and Afghan government would definitely do something. they are helping Afghan government. and its in their best interests to see Taliban not come to power. otherwise they will lose all their clout.

3. India and other countries do not defrentiate between good or bad taliban the way we do. to them every extremist is a threat. so there is way india would help pakistani taliban and not afghan.

4. it is not in the interest of India to see pakistan in the hands of extremists or in civil war.

5. for us india is number one enemy but india has other things on its minds. It has big adversary like China. it is an emerging economic power. it wants to play positive international role so that can get UN permanent membership. its focussed on economy. they have other priorities and their abetting Taliban collide with that.

6. India is not the mollycoddle child of US. if india was doing something fishy, US will definitely raise it. pl dont counter of here with RAW, CIA and Mossad nexus theory of conspirators here.

7. India may abet baluchistan separatists to settle scores with Pakistan or put pressure on it to stop supporting kashmiris but not Taliban.

there are other factors too but i dont wanna go into detail. my point here is that blaming all this stuff on india will not do any good for us. As Tsun Zu said, we should know our enemy. and our enemy is our brothers who we brainwashed once and now they are biting us. lets not me misdirected by so called patriots who want to get approval from public by demonizing india, israel or america. they are doing no good by misleading the nation.
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and you give a monkey a gun and teach him how to use it he will kill someone with it....so whats your point?

the monkey did not go to the shop and purchase one did he? someone gave it to him, someone told him to use it.

that is ofcourse assuming that the taliban did it!!!!!

we dont know who this person is so we have no way of identifying who he belongs to!!!!

all we know is someone caused an explosion.

so lets not rule anything out.

taliban was simply brought and created by ISI and some people think Saudis and Americans also had a hand in their creation in Afghanistan in 1990s, then the taliban of pakistan came into existence, this policy of Taliban creation simply backfired on pakistan, this is what they didnt expect in their previouse assessments. Paksitan is trying to get rid of TTP, but they will never ever try to turn their back to afghani taliban and throw their asset away.
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