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Blast at Shalimar Plaza, Rawalpindi

that's what I have been stressing and screaming. stop ignoring the monster that is the muslim extremist just because he is muslim. You're not doing your religion a service by hiding their barbaric acts, you are actually hurting the religion and the country. keep blaming everyone but these muslim extremist terrorists and I guarantee you terrorism in Pakistan won't stop but maybe that's what these people want, probably they are pawns of these extremists and their job is to create confusion in public so their brothers can hide in public and carry out their heinous crimes. If that's their agenda then they are doing a good job.

I said earlier that people like r3alist had a 'mental block' - that mental block is precisely the one you point to, of viewing our 'Muslim brothers' as being incapable of committing this barbarism.

These people need to wake up already - this terrorism is being done BY MUSLIMS, IN THE NAME OF ISLAM, AND AGAINST MUSLIMS.
We did not create them nor was there any 'project Taliban' to send them into Afghanistan to rise into the Taliban movement.

Some of the leadership and lower level cadres may have been educated in Madrassa's in Pakistan, but that is not the same as arguing some sort of secret plot under which they returned to Afghanistan to launch the Taliban movement.

Mullah Omar was an Islamic teacher in Afghanistan, and his Taliban movement, as pointed out by S-2, was spontaneous and local. Pakistan did not step in to support it until we saw it as a viable faction in Afghanistan.

and they also didnt pop out like mushroom with strong military capability, we need to ask the same question asked before, we all know the taliban of afghanistan blah blah, but who gave all what they have got in the first place, as somebody said before: the monkey did not go to the shop and purchase one did he? someone gave it to him, someone told him to use it.? and now we should ask,who is the big fish?, perhaps you'd say the same thing about the mujahideen that pakistan had nothing to do with them.
and they also didnt pop out like mushroom with strong military capability, we need to ask the same question asked before, we all know the taliban of afghanistan blah blah, but who gave all what they have got in the first place, as somebody said before: the monkey did not go to the shop and purchase one did he? someone gave it to him, someone told him to use it.? and now we should ask,who is the big fish?, perhaps you'd say the same thing about the mujahideen that pakistan had nothing to do with them.

Afghanistan was a huge weapons dump post Soviets - all those weapons smuggled in to fight the Soviets had to go somewhere correct?

As did the various Mujahideen who had fought the Soviets - there were plenty of trained Afghans and plenty willing to train.

Afghans like you suffer from the same problem as some Pakistanis and Indians here - point the finger of blame everywhere except yourselves.
Then what is evidence, if the leadership of the Taliban claiming these acts, again and again, is not enough?
In the Goldstone Report the U.N. classified several of Hamas' leaders claims as "boasting" rather than label them as evidence or proof of criminal culpability.
The scenes of destruction and the narrations of the deaths are depressing and sad. Pakistan must stand united in their condemnation of the terror cells which tries to overthrow its government and inflict its outdated culture on Pakistan. My mother was speaking to my aunt in Delhi a few minutes ago and apparently throughout that neighbourhood the news is focused on these attacks. Indians remain shocked and sad at this terrible news. May the dead rest in peace. May the surviving victims be graced with strength to continue their lives. May the Pakistani army be blessed with the resolve to wipe out these termites and bring peace to the people. :pakistan:

The non-stop attacks by the barbaric animals do remains a sad and depressing affair. However I am more then 100% sure that the faggots will be taken care off by PA sooner. But what is more worrysome to me is to see that even the educated lot (I am assuming educated as they can use a internet forum) do not have consensus on the urgent need to wipe out the terorist asssholes and the terrorist ideology from people's mind. The present situation demands immediate responce to eradicate the extremist mentality from the common people's mind and this cannot be achieved by military operation alone. The eradiction of the terrorist faggots should be followed by and common denunciation of the extremist school of thought by all and sundry. GOP should also take desperate measurest to focuss all peoples energy towards alround development. And yes, Millitary takeover of the civilian govt is a strict no no, the onus lies on the people of pakistan to select a able CIVILIAN leader.
Nation is paying the sins of Zia ul Haq, who support mullah, in exchange get support for his unpopular govt. And on top, his son was great supporter of sectarian gangs and provide safety to Lalmasjid animals. Govt should send Zia son to Gitmo.

Afghan war was real jehad , defeated Russia ,one of the greatest victory of Muslim Ummah , similarly you will see defeat of US soon.

CIA and ISI supported Talaban for peace in Afghanistan but later hijacked by AQ.

Energy can not distroyed but changed into another form .:azn::D
^^Yeah if a mullah ready to change himself and their leader ready to adopt modern education system. But Mullah itself a feudal lord, who don't want his followers to read the books,which enlightened human brain. Is it surprising they read quran 24/7 but they don't understand anything...a man living in four walls of hate. When it comes out , it become fire spitting monster.
BTW - who is providing the 'glorious Afghan Taliban' their weapons?


Afghan talaban have all type of light gurrilla war weapons captured during Russian war , they only need stinger now to get advantage over ISAF air force , which Iran could only provide them , if their is any war between US and Iran broke out.

You know Hizbullah used stinger type weapon aganist Israel provided by Iran , forced Israel for seize fire.
^^Yeah if a mullah ready to change himself and their leader ready to adopt modern education system. But Mullah itself a feudal lord, who don't want his followers to read the books,which enlightened human brain. Is it surprising they read quran 24/7 but they don't understand anything...a man living in four walls of hate. When it comes out , it become fire spitting monster.

Agreed , who allow Mullah to establish state with in state ?
Thank You.

I said earlier that people like r3alist had a 'mental block' - that mental block is precisely the one you point to, of viewing our 'Muslim brothers' as being incapable of committing this barbarism.

These people need to wake up already - this terrorism is being done BY MUSLIMS, IN THE NAME OF ISLAM, AND AGAINST MUSLIMS.
Thank you.

You are right, because all the terrorism had been exported to India and Afghanistan, meanwhile we proudly celebrated these Jehadis at home. At the same time, the state was too weak and unwilling to maintain its sovereignty. Now that cities like New York, Madrid, London, and Mumbai have been bombed, we have been made to kill the people we let flourish here.

You are also right in that if the US didn't come into Afghanistan, we would not have had this problem. Instead we would continue to have the Taliban and jehadis in our country and remained the epicentre of terrorism. Even if the jehadis don't attack us and we don't kill them, it won't mean that we have all of a sudden become a terror free country. The jehadis are attacking us because we have been forced to give up our old ways.
Nation is paying the sins of Zia ul Haq, who support mullah, in exchange get support for his unpopular govt. And on top, his son was great supporter of sectarian gangs and provide safety to Lalmasjid animals. Govt should send Zia son to Gitmo.

Zia is Dead isn't it??

But the Problem is we are Alive ranting about Past won't change anything

people we need to understand that these beasts are out for Blood
lets talk to them in their language, I know we all are very Frustrated bcoz of recent situations, those Idiots want Chaos , when there will be Chaos things will go bad & our great nation will be pushed down the Drain.....
Control your emotions, We need unity , Blood is Flowing on Streets & we are still Don't have a "consensus", Don't become Hostage of "religion", Don't let yourselves be Induced by Terror & fear
& those who still Support TTP have got some kinda mental dis order, No one with sense can these Killings...

We need to Exterminate the race of these beasts before they exterminate us, No Mercy of these Thugs

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- those who still Support TTP have got some kinda mental dis order, No one with sense can these Killings...

We need to Exterminate the race of these beasts before they exterminate us, No Mercy of these Thugs
Are you willing to renounce the concept of jihad entirely, then?
Are you willing to renounce the concept of jihad entirely, then?

i think first of all we need to rediscover the true concept of Jihad. then we can talk about other things. i think the concept of jihad is the most misused concept in Islam esp these days.
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