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Blast at Delhi High Court kills 11, injures 76

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you remember islamic terror groups were meant to have done norway, a claim is not proof, this goes for pakistan and india, who both have their bogeymen they always blame in a reactionary fashion.

in pakistan we have no proper investigations into almost all of the bombs, we just accept the first group that accepts responsibility.

for indians its different, they truly believe pakistan is the source of these bombs therefore they happily accept the claims, but the principle applies.
But we still share borders with Pakistan though? And that's where all these organisations' camps are and get training.
Doesn't all this boil down to..... my evil is better than yours..... Pakistan also claims, there are camps in India training BLA etc.
Plus because there is violence and terrorism in Pakistan that doesn't justify your support to such groups in Kashmir.
Towing the American line will drag the argument into a dead end..... Pakistan has morally supported the Kashmir cause long before we even heard the word terrorism in our part of the world.
you remember islamic terror groups were meant to have done norway, a claim is not proof, this goes for pakistan and india, who both have their bogeymen they always blame in a reactionary fashion.

in pakistan we have no proper investigations into almost all of the bombs, we just accept the first group that accepts responsibility.

for indians its different, they truly believe pakistan is the source of these bombs therefore they happily accept the claims, but the principle applies.

Completely untrue- yes the immediate suspicion is Pakistan because there is extensive precedent for this however India carries out a complete and through investigation regardless of outcome. Look at 26/11 the investigations and evidence compiled after (it doesn't matter that this evidence was effectively wasted because Pakistani side didn't play ball) amd the Mumbai blasts this year, the investigation was swift in commencing and evidence response teams were on the ground from NSG/NIA within hours.

The only reason most investigations come to nought are is because the Indian evidence falls on deaf ears and requires action on the Pakistani side to have success.

It is not wrong to assume most terrorists attacks in india have very strong if not total Pakistani involvement, be it GOVT sanctioned or not.

In the aftermath of 26/11 the US Senate was today told that:

Washington (PTI): India has become the "sponge" that was protecting the US and the West from the terror campaign of Lashkar-e-Toiba(LeT) and is absorbing "most of the blows" unleashed by terrorist groups in Pakistan, the US Senate was told.

"India has unfortunately become the 'sponge' that protects us all. India’s very proximity to Pakistan, which has developed into the epicenter of global terrorism during the last thirty years, has resulted in New Delhi absorbing most of the blows unleashed by those terrorist groups that treat it as a common enemy along with Israel, the United States, and the West more generally," he said.

Tellis, a Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, made these remarks while testifying before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs yesterday on the November 26 terrorist attacks in Mumbai and their consequences for the US.

He went on to say:
"India is a stable, democratic, prosperous, pluralist nation in a region of brutal radicals. India is a shining light in a region of despair whom we must help fight a common enemy before the light is lost for good. We face common threats as India arising from Pakistan and Afghanistan were Pakistani-backed insurgents kill our boys everyday. We must stand by India and forge ever stronger ties with the beacon of hope.
Doesn't all this boil down to..... my evil is better than yours..... Pakistan also claims, there are camps in India training BLA etc.

Pakistan claims many things... Pakistan claimed that 2010 floods [natural disaster] were due to India. Pakistan claimed India carried out attacks on Sri Lankan Cricket Team. Pakistan claimed India ruined their Cricket Board. So it all comes down to credibility.... And if any proof then why not make India take actions? or go to U.N. where your friend China has veto.

Towing the American line will drag the argument into a dead end..... Pakistan has morally supported the Kashmir cause long before we even heard the word terrorism in our part of the world.

We don't even mind Pakistan morally supporting Kashmir separatists. Pakistan can MORALLY support all it wants but we mind when your moral support includes training and camps to terrorists, providing them with weapons, logistics to use inside India to carry out bombings.
Reports are coming that HUJI have taken responsibility of Delhi Blast. They want clemency to Afzal Guru. If there claim is right then my question is
1. Is HUJI is responsible of 11 dead and 50 injured or
2. Kongress and Its Vote bank policy is responsible for it.
many are saying RIP to deads, I will say may there souls not rest in peace till the culprit (real culprit) Die.

Hang Ajmal, Hang Afzal and Hang Doggy Singh

how can you even ask such a question?
would you blame the knife maker for a stabbing?

it was the decision to use such violent means to forward its agenda. the blood of the dead is on huji's hand
Indian PM describes blast outside Delhi HC as 'cowardly act'

Denouncing the blast outside the Delhi High Court as a "cowardly act of terrorist nature," Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday asked all political parties to unite and crush the scourge. "I just heard the sad news from Delhi about the bomb blast. I am told that 10 people have been killed. This is cowardly act of terrorist nature. We will deal with it. We will never succumb to the pressure of terrorism," Singh said.

He said "this is a long war in which all political parties, all the people of India have to stand united so that the scourge of terrorism is crushed".

"My heart goes out to the bereaved families and to those who are injured I convey my best wishes," he said in a statement to the Indian journalists accompanying him on his two-day visit here.

Singh said he has spoken to home minister P Chidambaram on the incident.

PM describes blast outside Delhi HC as 'cowardly act' - Hindustan Times
Completely untrue- yes the immediate suspicion is Pakistan because there is extensive precedent for this however India carries out a complete and through investigation regardless of outcome. Look at 26/11 the investigations and evidence compiled after (it doesn't matter that this evidence was effectively wasted because Pakistani side didn't play ball) amd the Mumbai blasts this year, the investigation was swift in commencing and evidence response teams were on the ground from NSG/NIA within hours.

The only reason most investigations come to nought are is because the Indian evidence falls on deaf ears and requires action on the Pakistani side to have success.

It is not wrong to assume most terrorists attacks in india have very strong if not total Pakistani involvement, be it GOVT sanctioned or not.

In the aftermath of 26/11 the US Senate was today told that:

Tellis, a Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, made these remarks while testifying before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs yesterday on the November 26 terrorist attacks in Mumbai and their consequences for the US.

He went on to say:

You are a looser you know... you cannot blame everything on Pakistan and as far as 26/11, proves given by indians are not enough to support their version of story. you can get Pakistani mobile sim cards, labels of products even from here in UK, so court of law does not take them as proves... grow up
I understand that both sides are for stable neighbours and elimination of terrorists but it's really annoying that Pakistan/ISI created Jihadi groups in Soviet-Afghan war are now trying to destabalise MY country.

All these LeT, JeM and HuJI are Pakistan created torrorists who say 'by violent means they will to liberate Kashmir and make it a part of Pakistan.'

Then you tell me how can we work together to eliminate terrorism?

Pre Taliban government or post Taliban government, ISI didn't responsible because main architect of whole this episode hidden from access of usual people's thinking. These are CIA, NATO/US. Why don't you blame over them? Despite Pakistan never was along those elements which lost their understanding of real faith. Pakistan ever oppose row of that ideology which now biggest regional problem. Pakistan is betrayed once again in worse conditions from those he worked (That’s another lengthy discussion).

Give you example, same AL-Q which has been attacked by US/NATO in Afghanistan & Pakistan now shaking hand with NATO/US against Kaddafi so you & India shouldn't jump over specific conclusion.

Pakistan didn't create terrorists but he converted power on demand to confront USSR & retaliate those which once imposed threat for not only Pakistan but for US/NATO too, time changed but this energy or power was not destroyed but converted into more dangerous form or you can say chain reaction. May be you know a formula "Energy can't be created or destroyed" so even in India this energy/power exists more than in Pakistan & Afghanistan but difference how , for what cause this energy converted into different form in desired situation. Time demands to convert back this energy into its pre Afghan war status but how it will be possible? a big question indeed.
We don't even mind Pakistan morally supporting Kashmir separatists. Pakistan can MORALLY support all it wants but we mind when your moral support includes training and camps to terrorists, providing them with weapons, logistics to use inside India to carry out bombings.

Go on and do what ever you can .... we will support Kashmiri people in all possible ways we want :) HA HA HA HA

A bomb outside the Indian High Court in the capital Delhi has killed 10 people and injured at least 61.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called it a "cowardly act of a terrorist nature".

The bomb was apparently placed in a case near the first security checkpoint at the court, where people were queuing for passes, officials said.

Investigators said they were taking seriously an email claim by the extremist group Harkat-ul Jihad al-Islami (Huji) that it planted the bomb.

"It would be very premature to make any comment on the mail at this stage, but yes, that mail has to be looked at seriously, because Huji is a very prominent terrorist group," SC Sinha, Director General of India's National Investigation Agency, told reporters.

The email reportedly demands that a man sentenced to death for involvement in an attack on Delhi's parliament ten years ago should not be hanged.

The US state department says Huji is a terrorist organisation with links to al-Qaeda. The group has been accused of carrying out attacks in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The leader of Huji, Ilyas Kashmiri, was reportedly killed in a US drone strike in north-western Pakistan in June.

Wednesday's explosion occurred around 10:17 local time (04:47 GMT).

"It appears that the bomb was in a suitcase because we have the remains of that suitcase," the senior civil servant in the home ministry, RK Singh, told the CNN-IBN news channel.

Prime Minister Singh, who is on a visit to the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka, condemned the attack.

"This is a long war in which all political parties, all the the people of India, have to stand united so that this scourge of terrorism is crushed," he told reporters.

Intelligence agencies shared information with Delhi police in July about the latest threats, Home Minister P Chidambaram told parliament.

"At this stage it is not possible to identify the group that caused the bomb blast today," he said.

News channels showed ambulances taking away a number of people who appeared to be severely injured.

Eyewitness Chanakya Dwivedi told the BBC the blast took place just before the first security checkpoint.

"As I was just about to enter the Chief Justice's court, I heard a huge bang that shook the building and gave the effect of an earthquake," he said.

"After 20 seconds' commotion, I saw huge smoke on the front gate... It was a bomb blast with blood all around and lot of people crying."

He went on: "About 15 to 20 minutes later, all the lawyers were asked to stay in the complex, and after that, the lawyers were asked to evacuate the building.

"The emergency services reacted in quick time, but still I guess the damage was already done till then."

In June, a bomb exploded in a car outside the same Delhi court complex. There were no casualties on that occasion.

In July, 26 people died in three explosions in the country's financial capital, Mumbai (Bombay).

Delhi and Mumbai are now on high alert.

The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi says the area was crowded with lawyers and witnesses because Wednesday is the day when most public-interest litigation is heard at the high court.

Forensic experts are now collecting debris for analysis.
Chalo good ho gaya now Chidam is now relax and since name of a kashmiri is used here that will give some solace to Indian ego too ;)

kisa khatam case closed
Pakistan claims many things... Pakistan claimed that 2010 floods [natural disaster] were due to India. Pakistan claimed India carried out attacks on Sri Lankan Cricket Team. Pakistan claimed India ruined their Cricket Board. So it all comes down to credibility.... And if any proof then why not make India take actions? or go to U.N. where your friend China has veto.

We don't even mind Pakistan morally supporting Kashmir separatists. Pakistan can MORALLY support all it wants but we mind when your moral support includes training and camps to terrorists, providing them with weapons, logistics to use inside India to carry out bombings.

lolzzz give us proof that Pakistani govt claimed that what you said about floods and attack on SL team

as far as cricket and India is concerned its in the open your satabaz Indians have ruined the cricket itself.
Go on and do what ever you can .... we will support Kashmiri people in all possible ways we want :) HA HA HA HA

@DV rules

You see! This is the mentality of common Pakistani. No matter what we will help terrorists in any way or form.

Pathetic! Really! Plus he has the audacity to say this when 9 innocents have been killed! and 20 in his OWN country. :frown: :sick:
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