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Blasphemy: an indispensable human right

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For sh!t sake...the opposition was for broadcasters earning money by exploiting religion and for sake of logistics and not about anyone blaspheming against Hinduism. You can have live coverages of many temples wolrdwide and so its not a religiously mandated decree.

If an individual filmed everything on his handycam he would not have been sentenced to death.

Understand the difference before giving lame analogies.

The state admin was trying to cover the cost..
They could have shown flexibility.
Covering the cost is a valid reason.

About 40 million people congregate every year in Ayyapan temple in Sabarimalai Kerala.

Dude shall we get back on topic ?

And how can one temple accomodate 40 million people?
The state admin was trying to cover the cost..
They could have shown flexibility.
Covering the cost is a valid reason.

Not it aint. The state can very well spend on that, given the crores they rake in from administering temple assets. Anyway as I said lets get back on topic.
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