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Blasphemy: an indispensable human right

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No one knows they are false....and any one who could realisticly make any libel claim are long dead.

We can say this for sure..
We have books,well recorded history and relics.
The trouble is that these people steaight away hide behind a very distorted and milacious 'right of free speech'
But dont have neighther the knowledge nor courage to come out and enter into a debate with muslim scholors and prove the accusations they make.
Such campaign of defamation is disliked by every human.
Although the burden of proof rests on the accuser
We can say this for sure..
We have books,well recorded history and relics.
The trouble is that these people steaight away hide behind a very distorted and milacious 'right of free speech'
But dont have neighther the knowledge nor courage to come out and enter into a debate with muslim scholors and prove the accusations they make.
Such campaign of defamation is disliked by every human.
We have books that claim unicorns lived in the woods. It's like when I argue with Christians..."well...the bible says so....." Excuse me for wanting an independant source. Does the Koran not say Mohamed flew on a horse? Not an aeronautics expert...but that would take some doing.
We can say this for sure..
We have books,well recorded history and relics.
The trouble is that these people steaight away hide behind a very distorted and milacious 'right of free speech'
But dont have neighther the knowledge nor courage to come out and enter into a debate with muslim scholors and prove the accusations they make.
Such campaign of defamation is disliked by every human.

Oh dear dear dear poster, why on earth you would argue against the free speech. Use it as an opportunity to prove that you are the most humble and righteous person because? Because of your religion Islam.

Why would you throw around childish statements about your neighbor's wife? Why?

If you don't know, then you say don't know. Go find a righteous person, google it. Wiki it but please do not throw around childish comments. It brings bad name to Pakistanis. So please.

Here is a video link for you or anyone who wants to be decent human being. Thank you.

What to do when somebody insults Prophet Muhammad SAW - Yusuf Estes - YouTube

peace to you bhai. peace to you.
We have books that claim unicorns lived in the woods. It's like when I argue with Christians..."well...the bible says so....." Excuse me for wanting an independant source. Does the Koran not say Mohamed flew on a horse? Not an aeronautics expert...but that would take some doing.

Juice dear dear. Every religion has some metaphysical stuff and then some practical stuff.

I urge you to enjoy the metaphysical stuff as a nice "lesson learned" thingy. While try to follow the practical things.

It will be unfair or rather $tupid to sit around an argue if Jesus pbuh walked on water. or healed the sick, or brought back the dead. Perhaps it was real life thingy, perhaps it was metaphorical. Just read this metaphysical stuff and move on to the practical day to day issues. If you feel bible has the answer great. If you feel Geeta gives you the answers, super great, if torah is the way for you, then super duper great.

Same thing with Meraj, the horse, the unicorn or whatever it was. If you like Mohammad pbuh "flew" to "Aqsa" the temple mount. Quran says;

Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
—Quran, Sura 17 (Al-Isra), ayah 1.

Should we sit around and discuss the rocket propulsion and how Barak the noble steed could "fly" and at what speed?

That will be useless discussion.

Just read it as a story, and ponder. Perhaps Quran is linking symbolically Mohammad to the Abraham, the Solomon, and other holy men. Who knows. Read it and enjoy it if you can.

But for crying out loud, do not use this to beat up Muslims as this will be kind of bad for someone who professes to a divine religion (I am assuming you are Jewish by faith).

I don't agree with the western concept of "freedom of speech", not that there is such a thing in the West (or anywhere else). Insulting a certain people relentlessly can never and should never be a human right, not according to my worldview. I never feel the need to bash people of other races or religions. It would only create hatred and animosity and wouldn't benefit anyone, it's plain stupid and uncivilized behaviour. Besides, there is no freedom of speech in the west; the West has many dogmas that you can't question, or you will face serious problems, even lose your job, you can be threatened etc.
Juice dear dear. Every religion has some metaphysical stuff and then some practical stuff.

I urge you to enjoy the metaphysical stuff as a nice "lesson learned" thingy. While try to follow the practical things.

It will be unfair or rather $tupid to sit around an argue if Jesus pbuh walked on water. or healed the sick, or brought back the dead. Perhaps it was real life thingy, perhaps it was metaphorical. Just read this metaphysical stuff and move on to the practical day to day issues. If you feel bible has the answer great. If you feel Geeta gives you the answers, super great, if torah is the way for you, then super duper great.

Same thing with Meraj, the horse, the unicorn or whatever it was. If you like Mohammad pbuh "flew" to "Aqsa" the temple mount. Quran says;

Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
—Quran, Sura 17 (Al-Isra), ayah 1.

Should we sit around and discuss the rocket propulsion and how Barak the noble steed could "fly" and at what speed?

That will be useless discussion.

Just read it as a story, and ponder. Perhaps Quran is linking symbolically Mohammad to the Abraham, the Solomon, and other holy men. Who knows. Read it and enjoy it if you can.

But for crying out loud, do not use this to beat up Muslims as this will be kind of bad for someone who professes to a divine religion (I am assuming you are Jewish by faith).

Lol...Jewish? Western European by descent...fore fathers Christian. Me? Agnostic...so questioning the bible's stuff has little effect on me....I consider it all semetic mythology. (and yes...I consider Jesus and Mohamed were real people....but I consider Cesear was too...and I don't subscribe to the Greco-Roman pantheon) I do enjoy reading the bible etc. (the old Jewish writers did have more historical accuracy than many contemporaries....parting seas and raising dead not withstanding)
We have books that claim unicorns lived in the woods. It's like when I argue with Christians..."well...the bible says so....." Excuse me for wanting an independant source. Does the Koran not say Mohamed flew on a horse? Not an aeronautics expert...but that would take some doing.

Once again...
Muslims dont protest against non beleif of whoever about the Flight of our Prophet (PBUH) on 'Burraq'.
And when 2000 million people are saying the same thing,there has to be reality in it or 2000 million are mentally disabled,and suvh large proportion of retards is against laws of evolution.
And the major problem with atheidts is that you dont have any referrence..
What do you consider,independant source (not targeyrd at you,but asking you as agnostic,atheist.)
I don't agree with the western concept of "freedom of speech", not that there is such a thing in the West (or anywhere else). Insulting a certain people relentlessly can never and should never be a human right, not according to my worldview. I never feel the need to bash people of other races or religions. It would only create hatred and animosity and wouldn't benefit anyone, it's plain stupid and uncivilized behaviour. Besides, there is no freedom of speech in the west; the West has many dogmas that you can't question, or you will face serious problems, even lose your job, you can be threatened etc.

Haqooq ul Ibad (Human rights) is the very essence of human existence and "freedom of speech" is at the top of haqooq ul Ibad.

Anyone trying to say that freedom of speech is "Western" concept, surely needs a lot of education and awareness on this topic.

Questioning the dogmas was the first thing our Messenger pbuh taught his followers. Who opposed such questioning? Kuffar.

Sadly Muslims of today are behaving like pre-Islamic pagans, and thus totally forgotten the core of Islamic principles.

Only pagans are stuck in their old ways, and stop anyone questioning their "holy cows". In Islam on the other hand, there is no holy cows. There is just one God and that's it. and if someone wants to question God, well, let him do it. Let God answer them in His ways.

So if one can question the very existence of God, then what about Mohammad pbuh. Well yes!

Mohammad was just a man, blessed with divine guidance but still a man. And if someone want to question Mohammd's character, we should welcome him/her. We should praise him/her for giving us an opportunity to describe in detail what Mohammad really was.

And if don't know how to answer the question, then we should say, sorry, I do not know how to answer. Then suggest he/she go to a more learned person, wiki, or google, or youtube.

But do what you do, never ever take away the universal concepts such as "human rights" and "freedom of speech". Our ignorance about Mohammad should not lead us to be violent pagans who rather kill with a sword than learn with a pen.

Once again...
Muslims dont protest against non beleif of whoever about the Flight of our Prophet (PBUH) on 'Burraq'.
And when 2000 million people are saying the same thing,there has to be reality in it or 2000 million are mentally disabled,and suvh large proportion of retards is against laws of evolution.
People have a habit of clinging to cherished beliefs in the face of all evidence. I am not rabidly anti-religion. If it gives you comfort and helps you feel secure in the universe...by all means. I choose the scientific method...helps me understand my place in the universe. And those who wanna make fun of it? Bothers me not...and is far easier to back up in a discussion than trying to prove any religious opinion.
And the major problem with atheidts is that you dont have any referrence..
What do you consider,independant source (not targeyrd at you,but asking you as agnostic,atheist.)
There is no prefered point of reference (as per relativity). Or do you mean do I feel naked and un-protected without an invisible presense directing me? And an agnostic...as I cannot know or say there is no "god," if there is....I would tend toward deist theory.
Lol...Jewish? Western European by descent...fore fathers Christian. Me? Agnostic..

My bad. Sorry.

Agnostic...so questioning the bible's stuff has little effect on me....I consider it all semetic mythology. (and yes...I consider Jesus and Mohamed were real people....but I consider Cesear was too...and I don't subscribe to the Greco-Roman pantheon) I do enjoy reading the bible etc. (the old Jewish writers did have more historical accuracy than many contemporaries....parting seas and raising dead not withstanding)

Fantastic. I consider a "questioning" agnostic, 10000000 times better than bearded fanatic.

In the company of a "questioning" agnostic, my life and liberty is safe and protected.

Well who wants to say anything against a bearded fanatic. ;)

peace to you.

check out the link

Quran Explorer

Pull down chapter 17 because you wanted to know more about Mohammad's "travel" from Makkah to temple mount. See there is just one verse but the main emphasis is on the tribe of Israel.

Enjoy read and question everything.

There are no holy cows in Islam. None.
Three points you raised.
1- Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) flight to heavens.

The details say that the time Angel Jibraeel (Gabriel) knocked the door, and when the Prophet (PBUH) was transported back to His room....the chain on the door was still swinging as if the door had just been knocked...
So it is plausible that it was a break in space time continuam.
The details are too much to be rejected as humbug.

2- splitting of the sea when Moses struch His staff on the sea.
Its is plausible that a very large tide occured at that time..
Gravity of an astronomical body which only came in proximity of earth at that time...pulled the water and caused a dry pathway mid sea.

once again cannot be total humbug.
Three points you raised.
1- Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) flight to heavens.

The details say that the time Angel Jibraeel (Gabriel) knocked the door, and when the Prophet (PBUH) was transported back to His room....the chain on the door was still swinging as if the door had just been knocked...
So it is plausible that it was a break in space time continuam.
The details are too much to be rejected as humbug.

2- splitting of the sea when Moses struch His staff on the sea.
Its is plausible that a very large tide occured at that time..
Gravity of an astronomical body which only came in proximity of earth at that time...pulled the water and caused a dry pathway mid sea.

once again cannot be total humbug.
I consider most mythology to have roots in reality (or at least the "reality" of the common human experience)
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