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Blackwater's Pakistan mission (and related news)

Why not we kickoff this Zardari now ??????
Do you want to be? I think Israel is #51. Pakistan will have to settle for #52. Your star will be right next to Israel's. How about THAT!

Only if you let millions of Pakistanis settle in the U.S.

Its only fair since U.S. wants more presence in Pakistan, U.S. should make it easier for Pakistani nationals to immigrate into the U.S.

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Hameed Gul is a retard who love fairy tales without any solid evidance. enjoy...

19R9H01IB1s[/media] - Fareed Zakaria: Former ISI Head In Pakistan Says 911 Was An Inside Job

don't you ever dare to call our Ex DG ISI Hameed Gul a retard he's well know and much more educated than you are kid your NSG is bunch of retards who can't re-take the Dehli attacks so called 26/11 think before you post you Indian are very much inspired by fairy tales created by your media this isn't no Sanjay Dutt killing 40 people with one pistol.

your avatar really suits you.
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Come on over!! The more the merrier!! Colorado and Utah might remind you of Kashmir (just a little).

Pakistani American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim immigrants from areas consisting of modern day Pakistan have been migrating to America and first entered the United States as early as the eighteenth century, working in agriculture, logging, and mining in the western states of California, Oregon, and Washington. The passage of the Luce-Celler Act of 1946 allowed these men to acquire US citizenship through naturalization. Between 1947 and 1965, only 2,500 Pakistani immigrants entered the United States and most of them were students who chose to settle in the United States after graduating from American Universities according to reports from the Immigration and Naturalization Service. This marked the beginnings of a distinct 'Pakistani' community in America.

However after President Lyndon Johnson signed the INS Act of 1965 into law, eliminating per-country immigration quotas and introducing immigration on the basis of professional experience and education, the number of Pakistanis immigrating to USA increased dramatically. By 1990, the U.S. Census bureau indicated that there were about 100,000 Pakistani Americans in the United States and by 2005 their population had grown to 210,000.
don't you ever dare to call our Ex DG ISI Hameed Gul a retard he's well know and much more educated than you are kid your NSG is bunch of retards who can't re-take the Dehli attacks so called 26/11 think before you post you Indian are very much inspired by fairy tales created by your media this isn't no Sanjay Dutt killing 40 people with one pistol.

your avatar really suits you.

you are right brother no got the right to Insult any of our EX DG ISI.
Specially Indians.

Following is from a blog, not the best source to pick an article but nevertheless to generate debate. The results are extremely interesting.

The Critic Blog: Uncensored: Public views on Why Blackwater is Present in Pakistan?

Blackwater (Xe) Presence is Islamabad, Peshawar

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Uncensored: Public views on Why Blackwater is Present in Pakistan?

Disclaimer: Following views are held by the respondent of the "Survey: Why Blackwater is present is Islamabad and Peshawar?" and not necessarily held by the Critic Magazine Team.

Following are some of the selected views on how Pakistani Public has responded to the presence of Blackwater in Pakistan. Its interesting to see that an overwhelming majority is against their presence and considers them a threat for Pakistan's sovereignty for a varity of reasons. If you haven't yet taken part in this survey as yet then click on the following link to participate.

Why Blackwater (Xe) is present is Islamabad, Peshawar?..

Along with demographics (age group, education, occupation and location), following are some of the interesting answers received against the Question: Please explain in few words why the US is constructing its world's largest embassy in Islamabad?

· Only Allah knows. But I can air my views of its effects only. Pakistan's sovereignty has received another blow. Calling us ****** is derogatory...it is like calling US as USRael. There shall b more bloodshed because such a big US presence will b the proverbial red rag for the Taliban bull. V doesn’t need them or their money. Let Ganja and Zardari donate their loot to the exchequer and v won't even need IMF. But v must b ready to receive at least some heavy bombardment not in FATA but closer to 'home.' Above 45, Graduate, Retired, Lahore

· To create a ground framework in the heart of the Ummah's Fort for their nefarious plots, but not to worry, we'll Inshallah capture it after pounding them hard and turn it into our majlis e shura. We’re luring the ****** prey into the trap; let me come those bastards ;)) Keep up the splendid work. Allah Bless u and your Household. 18 ~ 25, Doing BS in Software Engg. (3rd sem.), Student and employee of Brasstacks Pakistan. Also Head of PKKH Media Team, Lahore

· Control the Middle East Region & nine Central Asian states from ******. b. Utilize all gas and oil resources for USA /Europe. Pipe line built connecting Baku -Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipe line to Europe. c. Deny the same to China & Russia. d. Take out Pak nuclear assets. e. Bring Pakistan under Indian influence for joint Anti China front. f. Ensure safety of Israel from any nuclear threat from any Muslim state. Sustain & promote democratic set up for Pakistan's future. Nurture and grow politicians from nurseries of parliaments not dictatorship. Corrupt, dishonest and ****** rich leadership be barred through election systems. Above 45, Graduate, Self-Employed, Lahore

· Pakistan holds an important geo-strategic position in terms of proximity to the Indian market and China - the next economic super power. 2) It is always beneficial for a super power to create an 'other' and to consistently wage war against it in order to distract the local population from their actual issues. The presence of an enemy (for example, the way Pakistan does to India and vice versa), serves to unite its people and - to put it crudely - keep them on their toes. 25 ~ 35, Graduate, Employed, Karachi,

· They are trying to threat Pakistan and they want to take over our nuclear acids. Might be they have a plan to have a look on China which is very danger for the friendship between China and Pakistan, 25 ~ 35, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Lahore

· Pakistan has been a sidekick colony of the USA since the 1960s with Ayub Khan as their viceroy. Now they want to establish a fuller presence in a land which they own 250% already. The US can do what it likes in Pakistan as they own us. Our leaders and our bureaucracy and our army in particular do whatever the US likes them to do. The US protects its own interests as does everyone else. For example it is in the nation's interest to have lower food prices, but in the sugar magnate’s interest to have higher prices. So we have higher prices. If we did what was in Pakistan's interest, the sugar magnates would be in jail. This goes for all other sectors as well. Blackwater is just one more agency by which the US will employ locals and other mercenaries. The British practiced this and now the US does it. Above 45, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Karachi

· Neither have we known our history, if we know, then we give a dam to think over it. These are their old tactics to first completely suck the blood of their target / victim and then attack when the opponent becomes defenseless. It’s part of their plan to bring Pakistan under their complete control. I had researched on it two years back (2007) and was able to get their containers shipment records coming into Pakistan. I knew what they did in Iraq and was really upset. I send this information to every single TV Channel, Newspaper but in the end nothing happens, not even a small news clipping appeared anywhere. The problem with our media is that they try to exploit issues and highlight only those problems which we own, the problems and plans our enemies are making and implementing, our media has nothing to do with it... I start blogging very late, here... is the link where I had put info about Blackwater. American Secret Army Blackwater Operational in Pakistan Truth 4 Justice. 25 ~ 35, Graduate, Employed

· Simple!! To threat china and show Chinese government that how well America has gripped Pakistan, there allayed in Asia and also show them that Pakistani government at present is nothing but bloody proxies of America. The second reason is that they want their presence to be more impactful so that they can accelerate their policies in subcontinent with greater precision. 18 ~ 25, Graduate, Student, Karachi

· Embassies can be used as fronts for foreign intelligence agencies to penetrate into any nation. US embassies have a long history of running intelligence activities via their embassies in foreign nations. This can be seen in many countries especially Latin American ones. The purpose of the embassy in Islamabad is to conduct intelligence operations and to exercise a great level of influence over the politics of Pakistan and forward their interests in the country. The embassy is also meant destabilize Pakistan. 18 ~ 25, Collage Student or below, Student

· All the three bullying countries are together to capture Pakistan's nuke, to create Baluchistan and to spread nationwide terrorism in Pakistan. They need a base to keep a check of China's economic growth. They need a base where they can ensure that even Iran is not far away from them. Pakistan offers the best geographical location as well as politicians who can serve their purpose at the cost of national interests. It’s the high time that all the public should come on streets and before they come into the Pakistan in a large no and start removing people from their way, we have to stop their arrival, questions our politicians and even armed forces and intelligence agencies why they are silent and the responsible should be hanged but that could be done on later stage. STOP THEIR ARRIVAL AND EXPANSION OF US EMBASSY IMMEDIATELY. 18 ~ 25, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Karachi

· US wants to retain in Pakistan due to China.....As we all know that china is emerging power and US is declining day by day....so US is just making its last effort to enforce pressure from the base camp i.e. Pakistan. US want to use Pakistan to control the region and keep an eye on China and Pakistan. At worst cases, US want to take over Pakistani nukes. 25 ~ 35, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Islamabad / Rawalpindi

· US want our Nukes. We are the strongest Muslim country military wise and they fear that if there is a call of Jihad by the prominent, reliable and honorable religious personnel’s of Muslim world, Pakistani will be the first to stand for that. Pls Pakistanis and all other Muslims, erase Ur differences and grievances as soon as possible. 25 ~ 35, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Karachi

· The ultimate aim is to build the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan (TAP) Pipeline for bringing oil/Gas to Arabian Sea at any cost, like they built Panama Canal by splitting Panama from Columbia at the cost of many lives as well. The CORPORATIONS under the New World Order don’t give a damn and for them Money being their GOD, “POOR PEOPLE ARE EXPENDABLE” by labeling them Terrorists. Pakistani Media folks have sold their soul and conscience to the DEVIL for the sake of MONEY without any other consideration, just like the judge sentencing Mir Amal Kansi said that “they will even sell their mother for a thousand dollars.” Above 45, Retired, USA

· It’s a new East India Company to slowly recruit naive and corrupt Pakistanis to act as Mir JAffars and Mir sadiqs to weaken Pakistanis defense and get hold of its nukes. Break our resolve of free Pakistan by spreading hopelessness by orchestrating false alarms and manipulating dramas like sugar crises, economic worries, supporting BLA and TTP. By target killing our resistance leaders like Imran khan, Zaid hamid and Shireen mazari, who have the courage and charisma to lead us out of this quagmire. There is a dire need to raise awareness amongst the general masses. to look beyond the day to day affairs and commit to the cause of saving Pakistan from this feudal politicians/military generals/Taliban narrow-minded religious elite ruling Pakistan since independence. We should work for inclusion of an option "NONE OF THE ABOVE" in the next ballot to reject the major political class and open doors for a peaceful change. A new TV channel or an existing one should be made a medium for change by giving alternative thought to the country as opposed to what this GEO.....type channels are dishing out to the masses. 25 ~ 35, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Islamabad / Rawalpindi

· It wants to have full control on PAKISTAN govt AND army. It will use this embassy to help denuclearize PAKISTAN. It will hire people to destabilize Pakistan; will use people to do bomb blasts etc. Will try to construct a full scale base so that it old keeps on eye in his region more efficiently, especially about China. Pakistan Army should take the matter seriously and should take all measures to stop these ****** activities. 25 ~ 35, PhD, Student

· Normally embassy's role in any country into promotes good and healthy elation with that country and respect the soviernty of that country. Unfortunately Pakistan has largely gone into different under hand deals and established an impression that we are mercenaries and any one uses us at a price. The fault is our side and we have lost the confidence in the eyes of the American at large. We do not protest, we do not even put across our genuine grievances. More the weakness a nation demonstrates bigger the possibility of protective actions and under hand dealings. If it is true that it is in the benefit of the West to destabilize Pakistan and take over the Nuke establishment, the approach is very clear. The outfit of the US embassy and involving black water could be the achieving the goal. I am more concern that why our political and other establishment is not sensitive on this matter. My approach to this problem cloud is two pron. One, the competent authorities in Pakistan should independently examine the concerns related to Embassy and black water and before it is too late address on the level it is required to be dealt. I am sure the international community particularly China would not allow to have such vested interest in Pakistan. But again Pakistan has to move as per seriousness of the problem. Second, in my opinion American as a nation is a one of the finest people and if the facts are brought up on the surface and they are taken in confidence thing would be different. It is the will that matters, complains and suspicions would not take us anywhere. Qayum, Above 45, Graduate, Self-Employed, Karachi

· To overcome Pakistani government in every possible means. To closely watch and command their puppets. To directly interfere in diplomatic and internal affairs of Pakistan. To hire Pakistanis to brainwash them. To gather an indirect official base for the US. I must pray that Allah give sense to our naive politicians and public dreaming of democracy and may provide Pak Mujahedeen’s to command the whole Globe Muslims. But this is only possible when our idiot politician figures are removed or executed if needed and replaced by stubborn ideological and man of principle leader who will be withstand by his faith only. 18 ~ 25, Graduate, Employed, Islamabad / Rawalpindi

· I think it is part of an imperialist move by the US to have control over the whole world, actually. I think that the U.S. will plan to do what it has always done- create an "embassy", get involved in the politics and, through any means possible, ensure that the leaders are picked who will bend to U.S. designs- and eventually homogenize the land by Westernizing it. The indigenous population who try to keep up the old ways and live unfettered will be branded as "dangerous insurgents", which the U.S. will be 'obliged' to help get rid of, under the guise of protecting the people and the usual lie of "spreading Democracy" 35 ~ 45, some college, self learner/researcher., Mother, western U.S,

· They want to stay in Afghanistan for long time and Pakistan is their base. They want to make Pakistan a weaker country such that it does not have Nukes and a subservient to India. I wonder why our Army and ISI allowed such people to enter into Pakistan. If we suppose that our Political Government have some other agenda or they have made promises to US to get GOV, why does our army is silent? What happened to Nawaz Sharif.? Why our Opposition Parties does is silent. 35 ~ 45, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Islamabad / Rawalpindi

· Because they are really afraid of Pakistan as an atomic country in the Muslim world. And they are trying to promote the aims to capture and destabilize Pakistan of a Trica of USA, Israel and India. They stopped India to work against Pakistan, because they (US) will do Indian Job through Afghanistan and residing inside Pakistan. The Main idea to expand US Embassy in Islamabad is to hijack Pakistan's Nuclear Setup, because while their marines, black water and complete army exist in Islamabad, they can do that job easily. Baluchistan is definite their prime target for it separation from Pakistan. They are also planning to provide independence to tribal areas FATA by Pakistan's government. And they want to reduce Pakistan in Punjab Only. 25 ~ 35, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Faisalabad

· To conquer Pakistan is not an issue for Americans; they have a better way to govern Pakistan by making slaves the Pakistani leadership/government. Already, they are behaving us like their colony! They are constructing the largest embassy at ISD is to establish an armed head quarter here to destabilizes China, Iran and other powers! The recent reaction of China is an example to support my arguments!. 25 ~ 35, M Phil, Self-Employed, Islamabad / Rawalpindi,

· Because like every big empire that is about to crumble on its own weight, and like most of those big empires of the past, US cannot see anyone else's point of view but their own at the moment. Their moments of reflection shall come, only when it's too late alas. And their lens right now doesn't let them see the mess they have and are still creating in the world. It's all about the madness of US hegemony at the moment. 25 ~ 35, PhD, near completion of my PhD at Lums, Lahore

· We are such a nation that is aware of everything but still want the situation come to us. GREAT LEADERS OF THE GREAT NATION. This is all the planning for the end of time, we know there is going to be a third world war and that is going to destroy almost 40% of the world's population. Since America is now in a state where it will default economically at anytime, for its survival this war is now a game of life and death. 35 ~ 45, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Karachi

· To find out the actual location of our nuclear assets and implement the plan to destruct them within the shortest possible time. Media should have come up with proper agitation and divulge the names of our politicians who contributed to make this a mature deal and have posed a serious threat to our sovereignty.25 ~ 35, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Karachi

· In sub continent History repeats itself few hundred years ago west takeover sub continent in the form of East India Company. Black water is exactly the same objectives as East India Co has in the past. Our ancient rulers were also involved in their respective aiyashees as our present rulers doing now. 25 ~ 35, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Karachi

· The question here is that how much has Zardari sold out to the US. With practically everything available on the negotiating table and Zardari a willing negotiator - it is he who must be held accountable - these Americans are making use of a situation - Nukes and what not have in my opinion dead and gone, Blackwater is more like a visionary force - with a free hand to do as it wants. 35 ~ 45, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Self-Employed, Karachi

· Because Pakistan is a slave state and USA wants to show this symbolically too. Secondly, they want to run Pakistan from that embassy with our political setup being a cover-up for naive people. Xe and its founders are also related to ancient orders from crusades which used to slaughter Muslims. These people are Christian extremists supported by the Vatican. A little research about Sovereign Military Order of Malta reveals allot about such orders. 25 ~ 35, Graduate, Employed, Karachi

· Us is in Endeavour of constructing world largest embassy with a view to achieve her hegemonic designs in Pakistan. Pakistan has become a satellite state as well as dependency of USA. Us embassy will become a mini fortress in which modern satellite gadgetry will be put in place to monitor Pakistani nukes and virtually take over them. We have given everything without any fought to Americans what Iraqis haven’t given so after fight....what a shame for us! We are being ruled by a former prisoner- Mr. Zardari. What good can we expect from such a puppet government???Disgusting..........extended us embassy will be a big hurdle for Pakistani military if it wants to take over Islamabad at any stage. US marines in the capital will present good resistance against any "unfavorable coup” by Pakistani military. A big game plan.......[B]. 35 ~ 45, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Lahore[/B]

· From the beginning they are against our nuclear power, but for that they did nothing, now they try to kill most intelligent peoples & curious in the country so that they can create reason that Pakistani nuclear sites are not in safe hand so we want to protect them. Another thing that they frightened with Iran, to overcome on Iran activities they want to stay in Pakistan. 18 ~ 25, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Student, Lahore

· The Word "Embassy" is not suitable for it. It is an American fort within our capital, where American marines fly in and out without any fear, without registration or any type immigration formalities. I think they are very worried about Pakistani people, their economic condition etc. so the American want to build a mini "White house" inside that fort and will ask their VP to sit there and look after for the welfare of Pakistan as they are doing for the Iraq...... Our leach like government personal are busy sucking blood out of leftovers our nation's wealth.......... with their eyes shut and minds in deep sleep. It is now or never wake up it is a nightmare which is actually being played around us. Above 45, Graduate, Employed, Islamabad / Rawalpindi

· America is not Pakistan's ally. It wants what it wants which seem to be Pakistan's nukes. It will always side with India no matter how right we are. And destabilizing us is the easiest way to gain access to our nuclear assets. Also the Afghan war chapter is far from over. It wants to stick there till it retrieves whatever it wants from Pakistan. It’s unfortunate that as the 5th largest country according to population, we haven’t been able to harness this strength. If educated properly, this large mass of illiterate people can be an asset to this nation let alone the world. We all have to change ourselves for the better rather than hoping for change from the politicians or the military. Also praying for change is the first step as it carries the hope for a better future. Stop looking for others to solve your problems and make efforts on your own. We are a young nation with a young population. There's no reason, if we put in the effort, that change won’t happen. Trust in the Almighty and make your own effort to change your environment for the better. 25 ~ 35, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Karachi

· They have got their secret plans to destabilize our country and takeover its nukes as they see us a threat against Israel and Jews. Shame on pppp, zardari and pm gilani. The silence of pml n shows they have understood a shameful fact that the way of presidency and parliament goes through America rather through the hearts of this nation. Remember one thing a day will come when those who are up will be down, and only one to rule in this world will be Muslims. So, get ready Jews. . . . 18 ~ 25, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Student, Lahore

· I will say it’s not an embassy, it’s a BASE with full of technology, which they'll use against us, PAKISTAN is only Muslim country with nuclear, best army, best AIR FORCE. PAKISTAN can be a HEAD of Muslim UMMAH, they are afraid of this, they are trying to destroy us in a very soft way, and sorry to say that our own people are giving help to them, I remember, we were nation but now we are divided, ALLAH will help us to make nation again, INSHA ALLAH will be kher. 35 ~ 45, Graduate, Self-Employed, Karachi

· Due to strategic position of Pakistan, USA was in fact in need of a place of strategic importance from where they can control and check the ever growing China's and Indian economy - just like they did during Shahanshah-e-Iran era from Tehran to control Communist Soviet Union role in South Asian Countries and Middle Eastern Countries. Above 45, MSC/MBA/MS/CA/MA etc, Employed, Karachi
I remember ex-presidents Musharraf's last address to nation. I had tears while watching. He said.....Pakistan Ko Allah Apnay Hifz o Aman Mei Rakhay...and the way he said (his expressions) I could access what he meant....

These politicians are CORRUPT and selling Pakistan. Even judiciary as well!

sure politicians are CORRUPT and should hang them including zaaardari and mian etc...

but "tears" while watching his speech... is not it little bit emotional... if u don't mind he has done equally wrong...
don't forget that embassies in countries with active war zones have diplomatic body guards. In Pakistan DSS agents (Diplomatic Security Service) work with ISI closely.

the Hummers could have been going to Afghanistan or even to the Pakistani military. If it was black water they would not be using such obvious vehicles like Hummers. They would use armored SUV's. And they defiantly would not get armored Hummers which is what is shown.

Well... who knows that what is going on. but as far as I know is that normally things have limits. such body guards don't show guns to local police officers or don't roam in foreign country like they own the that with fake number plates.
I was happy when police arrested 2-3 such body guards few days back, it is a separate thing that our govt. has compromised completely.
cia did not ask iraqis to introduce black water in iraq. americans don't allow to inspect thr containers. US don't ask when they launch missile. in short we are not gonna trust americans and vice versa.

What we people need to do is WAIT for a leader for Pakistan and things would get settled.
sure politicians are CORRUPT and should hang them including zaaardari and mian etc...

but "tears" while watching his speech... is not it little bit emotional... if u don't mind he has done equally wrong...

I agree Musharraf made mistakes on sensitive Islamic issues but considering the events in world during 2000~2007 and maneuvering Pakistan through those times was the job only Musharraf could do.

These corrupt politicians have no balls to handle such situations.

Truth prevails and I am sure time will tell that.
I have read here and in the Pakistani Daily News erroneous reports that the Sovereign Military Order of Malta is engaged in some kind of campaign. This is based on the fact two senior executives of Blackwater are also members of the Order of Malta. There are 15,000 members of the Order, all of them united by their Catholic faith and their desire to serve the poor and sick, without discriminating by race or creed. The Order began as a hospital, established in Jerusalem in the 11th century. By the 3rd quarter of the 12th century it had 1000 beds and seperate kitchens to serve the dietary needs of its Moslem and Jewish patients, who also had separate burial grounds to accord with Islamic and Jewish law. Its milityary function arose when Christian pilgrims were attacked and murdered; later it played a role defending Christian shipping in the Mediterranean from attack by pirates; its military role ende din 1798 when Malta was seized by the French and then occupied by the British. Today the Order has returned to its original mission and is dedicated to hospitaller work around the world with some 100,000 volunteers and thousands more paid employees. In Bethlehem, for example, the Holy Family Hospital run by the Order is the largest maternity hospital serving the Palestinian Arab community - 100% of the 3200 annual deliveries there are of Palestinian babies. the Order runs 14 clinics in Lebanon, several in Hezbollah controlled areas. It also established schools in Afghanistan and is the largest provider of care in the world for those suffering from leprosy. Its members are required to be practising Catholics in good standing, and I am sure that when the two individuals associated with Blackwater (who hold no kind of executive position in the Order) were inviteed to join, no-one paid attention to the fact that Blackwater was engaged in the defence industry - what would have counted was their commitment to their faith and the recommendation of their local parish priest and bishop. The Order of Malta has no political policy, and is merely a way in which Catholics may make their commitment to Christian service in a practical way. It is distressing to read the open hostility to Christianity and Catholicism here.
I have read here and in the Pakistani Daily News erroneous reports that the Sovereign Military Order of Malta is engaged in some kind of campaign. This is based on the fact two senior executives of Blackwater are also members of the Order of Malta. There are 15,000 members of the Order, all of them united by their Catholic faith and their desire to serve the poor and sick, without discriminating by race or creed. The Order began as a hospital, established in Jerusalem in the 11th century. By the 3rd quarter of the 12th century it had 1000 beds and seperate kitchens to serve the dietary needs of its Moslem and Jewish patients, who also had separate burial grounds to accord with Islamic and Jewish law. Its milityary function arose when Christian pilgrims were attacked and murdered; later it played a role defending Christian shipping in the Mediterranean from attack by pirates; its military role ende din 1798 when Malta was seized by the French and then occupied by the British. Today the Order has returned to its original mission and is dedicated to hospitaller work around the world with some 100,000 volunteers and thousands more paid employees. In Bethlehem, for example, the Holy Family Hospital run by the Order is the largest maternity hospital serving the Palestinian Arab community - 100% of the 3200 annual deliveries there are of Palestinian babies. the Order runs 14 clinics in Lebanon, several in Hezbollah controlled areas. It also established schools in Afghanistan and is the largest provider of care in the world for those suffering from leprosy. Its members are required to be practising Catholics in good standing, and I am sure that when the two individuals associated with Blackwater (who hold no kind of executive position in the Order) were inviteed to join, no-one paid attention to the fact that Blackwater was engaged in the defence industry - what would have counted was their commitment to their faith and the recommendation of their local parish priest and bishop. The Order of Malta has no political policy, and is merely a way in which Catholics may make their commitment to Christian service in a practical way. It is distressing to read the open hostility to Christianity and Catholicism here.

Stairsainty these are all perecptions about why Blackwater wants to come into Pakistan. Just the range of theories floating around is astounding: China, India, Order of Malta etc etc.

But I feel it's about US control over intelligence here that's most crucial.
Black Water (XE) in Pakistan​

A growing number of news reports from Pakistan are voicing concern over the alleged presence of the controversial security contractor Blackwater (or Xe) in Pakistan. The latest online edition of banned Urdu newspaper Zarb-e-Momin (linked to the outlawed al-Rasheed Trust) also issued an article on this topic.

It asks a few educated individuals to engage in welfare activities in the area; while this facade is being maintained guerrilla-like soldiers sneak their way in.”

In Pakistan, Jan claims, Blackwater headquarters are situated in the University Town area of Peshawar, and the NGO cover used by the firm is that of “Creative Associates,” an organization involved in development work in the tribal areas.

“Driving dark colored armed vehicles, wearing even darker shades, carrying heavy weapons, they come out of their cars only during traffic jams in order to protect the important personalities sitting in it. [...] Under the pretext of providing protection to NGOs and its American staff members they enter their target area, and soon thereafter envelop entire regions under their influence.”

A growing number of news reports from Pakistan are voicing concern over the alleged presence of the controversial security contractor Blackwater (or Xe) in Pakistan. The latest online edition of banned Urdu newspaper Zarb-e-Momin (linked to the outlawed al-Rasheed Trust) also issued an article on this topic.

After briefly outlining Blackwater’s history, columnist Aurya Maqbool Jan argues that the most shocking aspect of the firm is that it operates under the cover of NGOs and charity organizations in areas where Americans wish to carry military operations:

“It asks a few educated individuals to engage in welfare activities in the area; while this facade is being maintained guerrilla-like soldiers sneak their way in.”

In Pakistan, Jan claims, Blackwater headquarters are situated in the University Town area of Peshawar, and the NGO cover used by the firm is that of “Creative Associates,” an organization involved in development work in the tribal areas.

“Driving dark colored armed vehicles, wearing even darker shades, carrying heavy weapons, they come out of their cars only during traffic jams in order to protect the important personalities sitting in it. [...] Under the pretext of providing protection to NGOs and its American staff members they enter their target area, and soon thereafter envelop entire regions under their influence.”

Jan suggests that retired army officials, bureaucrats, journalists and workers of human rights organizations in Pakistan may already have been hired to realize Blackwater aims in Pakistan.

Jan reminds his readers that Blackwater has been accused of “murder, kidnapping, (and) sexual violence.” He draws a comparison with Iraq whose people are “very familiar” with Blackwater activities; because NGOs were spying for Blackwater in “all Iraqi cities”, and “killed Iraqis everyday.”

The writer warns that if the Pakistani people does not turn away these “unwelcome guests”, Pakistan could turn into another “Falluja or Najaf”.

i heard today about blackwater being in pakistan and doing something we all dont know yet.

another thing i've found out is that there are about 200 houses being allegedly rented by the US security and intelligence operatives in islamabad..

we have been told there are few black water agents currently in pakistan, but who knows how long they've been coming in for and who knows how many are there now.

the black water (security firm) is not here to secure anyone..but they are the ones who kill innocent people. they were found in iraq, when they opened fire and killed 17 iraqi civilians. so what can we expect from them?

today some of our politicians are saying that they are here for the expansion of US embassy? but whats the point of having black waters in the expansion of an embassy.
yet some of our politicians are denying that US is not planning to expand its embassy. (even the politicians got no idea whats going on)

in my point of view:
america never wants a muslim country to be super power.
we have already seen what happened in iraq and afghanistan. now america cant see pakistan as a super power and is now finding an excuse to either attack on pakistan or to destroy pakistan's nuclear weapons.
there are other super power countries as well, why doesnt america say anything to them? why is it only the muslim countries that america goes after?

the only reason for this is...america is scared of us muslims
i cant see any other reason to do all this against muslim countries.

and after all that..our president doesnt care of his country or his people..he just goes after aids and loans. america will pay him to get its army in pakistan. and thats whats happening now..

no army can enter other country without permission unless at the time of war. there is no war yet, so its the permission they have been given from our president, in return of something ive already told before.

has anyone of us seen anything done for pakistan since mr zardari came to power? all he has done so far is taking grants and loans and aids and all this...where did all this money go? we cant see a single paisa spent on pakistan..
today people are dying to get food...but why would he care?

anyways im going away from the topic..

lets hope nothing bad happens to our country. may ALLAH keep it safe, but if anything does happen as we can see from these things happening around, i want all pakistani brothers to be there for our country...we are not iraqis we are not afghanis...we will fight back and send these little black water agents to their home where they came from..
have faith and stay united

Allah Hafiz :pakistan::sniper: :usflag:
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Harassing Americans will hurt Pakistan: Haqqani
LAHORE: Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US Husain Haqqani has written to the foreign secretary and chief of the ISI, warning them that harassing Americans or denying them visas hurts the country’s image and can have severe consequences, CNN-IBN reported on Saturday. According to the channel, Haqqani’s letter, dated July 28, 2009, reveals that Pakistan has a blacklist of US journalists and non-government organisations (NGO) that are critical of Islamabad. The ambassador has warned that Pakistan risked hearings in the US Congress and potential restrictions on aid and military sales if US citizens were harassed or intimidated. The letter mentioned instances where US institutions or journalists were denied visas, harassed or put under surveillance. Haqqani has demanded explanations for these actions and a copy of the blacklist. Seperately, a spokesman for the Pakistan embassy in the US has refused to comment on Haqqani’s letter, calling it a ‘national secret’. daily times monitor
I am wondering if he is Pakistan's Ambassador to US or Us Ambassador to Pakistan..?

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