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Blackwater's Pakistan mission (and related news)

Don't tell anyone my friends dad works for Blackwater :O...Yeah pretty good deal making 200,000k a year.. I would sign up, but Erik Prince is Christian Crusader from 1044 Mid Evil Era..Guy is pretty out there, also it's pretty funny your government denies them being there but there are many Mercenary firms in Pakistan at this moment mostly in Islamabad, and Peshawar..On a second note those 360 visas are already probably gone.. who would miss an opportunity to make 200,000 U.S dollars per tour with a Mercenary firm...
Ahmed Quraishi? Not worth it...

That is just pure and simple BIAS talking buddy !! :disagree:

How is Xe recruiting in and for Pakistan, a net negative??

How MUSE?? This is how --->>> read the bold part especially

Yeah pretty good deal making 200,000k a year.. I would sign up, but Erik Prince is Christian Crusader from 1044 Mid Evil Era..Guy is pretty out there

go see the net filled with it !! :disagree:
Also I'm Muslim but more Patriotic of my great country of the U.S, to feel what is actually happening in my so-called brotherly nations?? lol.. Muslim countries never really industrialised always behind the WEST, and most Middle Eastern countries live in that high Monarchy theocracy them being above all, having their family run the highest institutions in the country, not having a regular class citizen escape a so-called caste system.. Yeah, I'm proud of showing sympathy towards those people...When they give us such a bad name...

-Don't tell me I don't know, because I've been to several countries in the middle east..So I've had first hand experience..
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So you actually buy into that Alqaida "Crusader" stuff??
Blackwater/Xe poses a political and security risk. I am not comfortable with their presence in my country.

They should vacate IMMEDIATELY. I don't think they will be safe here. Security arrangements should not be made for a rogue entity that has murder cases and wreckless endangerment charges against them.

How could we sink so low as to even contemplate allowing them Visas into this country. How?
lol guys just chill..its not your job to worry about these things.The GHQ and ISI HQ is on it and trust me if xe does something wrong..the agents will get their balls handed to them by you know who.
Of course they're in on it. They're in on a lot of stuff. But you seem to think that's a good thing. I, on the other hand, am not so sure.

American intelligence has been inside Pakistan for a long time, and they've been serving American interests only, not Pakistani. The ISI hasn't done much about that. Just one question. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Forget capability, what makes you think they're even willing to "hand their balls to them"? I mean, apart from blind faith in the ISI and the Army which many here seem to enjoy, what gives you so much confidence?

I don't know. I wish I could be as optimistic as you, but this doesn't smell very good to me. This game's being played right in front of everyone, and the Army is nowhere near the field. Not a word from the intelligence officials nor the ISPR nor the COAS about increased infiltration of American military and intelligence personnel in Pakistan. Nothing. I think they're either turning a blind eye, or are helpless.

How is Xe recruiting in and for Pakistan, a net negative??

Its a net negative because unlike Pakistani MoD and Pentagon dealings which involve troops coming in for training exchanges, these Xe folks are not regulated on either side. The US side themselves are not clear as to how these folks are to be regulated. Pakistan, unlike Iraq, does not need to be inflicted with these guns for hire.

The net of it is that Xe should not be allowed inside of Pakistan come what may. Nothing that these guys bring to the table is lacking inside of Pakistan in terms of capability. The only difference is that they have their own agenda and will do the bidding of the one willing to pay the most. Pakistani government is certainly no going to bankroll them thus they will most likely be involved in things which would undermine the state and the country.
Of course they're in on it. They're in on a lot of stuff. But you seem to think that's a good thing. I, on the other hand, am not so sure.

American intelligence has been inside Pakistan for a long time, and they've been serving American interests only, not Pakistani. The ISI hasn't done much about that. Just one question. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Forget capability, what makes you think they're even willing to "hand their balls to them"? I mean, apart from blind faith in the ISI and the Army which many here seem to enjoy, what gives you so much confidence?

I don't know. I wish I could be as optimistic as you, but this doesn't smell very good to me. This game's being played right in front of everyone, and the Army is nowhere near the field. Not a word from the intelligence officials nor the ISPR nor the COAS about increased infiltration of American military and intelligence personnel in Pakistan. Nothing. I think they're either turning a blind eye, or are helpless.
Buddy, Its the democratic government which has given approval to this.In last administration, there was no such thing as xe in Pakistan.
but Zardari Administration i think has given approval for infiltration of US intel in Pakistan in huge numbers.Now, COAS won't interfere as he has seen how Pakistanis disliked army when it was holding power...so i doubt Army will interfere until the tipping point where it is must for Army to intervene.Yes, i trust my Army more then people like Zaid Hamid.As far as American intel is concerned i doubt that is the problem they have been here since the 60's and they are accountable but xe is the problem.
Also I'm Muslim but more Patriotic of my great country of the U.S, to feel what is actually happening in my so-called brotherly nations?? lol.. Muslim countries never really industrialised always behind the WEST, and most Middle Eastern countries live in that high Monarchy theocracy them being above all, having their family run the highest institutions in the country, not having a regular class citizen escape a so-called caste system.. Yeah, I'm proud of showing sympathy towards those people...When they give us such a bad name...

-Don't tell me I don't know, because I've been to several countries in the middle east..So I've had first hand experience..

You have had first hand experience but a very superficial one based on the content of your post. People over here care about not letting mercs in because they are a sure shot recipe for more instability. Pakistan can do well without them. Also unlike Iraq, Pakistan's threshold will be much lower in case things get out of hand with regards to operations that these individuals may be involved in.

I am not buying into all the talks about 300 or 500 visas being given to these folks, the reality is probably much less as there is serious vetting going on in Pakistan for such people. However even if there are 50 of these folks lone-ranging in Pakistan then its a big problem for me and these folks need to be sorted out and sent home packing.
Its a net negative because unlike Pakistani MoD and Pentagon dealings which involve troops coming in for training exchanges, these Xe folks are not regulated on either side. The US side themselves are not clear as to how these folks are to be regulated. Pakistan, unlike Iraq, does not need to be inflicted with these guns for hire.

The net of it is that Xe should not be allowed inside of Pakistan come what may

I was referring to the Status of Forces Agreement with GoP - now referring to these as Mercenaries - is that helpful??

Or maybe this Majlis - once again a Majlis that does nothing, the CJP is a hero, after all - could look in to the issue - no strykers, no revamped FC - may be in the long run that is preferable.

So you actually buy into that "k...da" "Crusader" stuff??

I wish I wouldnt Buddy! but some time back when I researched it on the net, from main search engines, NY Times, Washington Post, to youtube and amateur reporters, all ended up at the bold lettered part of my previous post.

So when, "they're all sayin it, it must be true".

Truth be told, both "k....da" and "mr Prins's" organization are bad, wrong and evil. I dont want to have to do anything with either of them.

But the thought of them here, is scary and dangerous in all accounts, and simply put, not in our favor.

The US government uses Xe to do its dirty work. US government and army people can be held accountable to US laws of conduct, but private contractors can get away with a lot more. And if caught, the US government can always deny knowledge and claim they are acting independently.

The very presence of Xe means the US government wants to do things it doesn't want to admit in public.

However, Pakistan probably doesn't have much choice. If their visas are denied, these guys will come in through Afghansitan anyway.
I was referring to the Status of Forces Agreement with GoP - now referring to these as Mercenaries - is that helpful??

Or maybe this Majlis - once again a Majlis that does nothing, the CJP is a hero, after all - could look in to the issue - no strykers, no revamped FC - may be in the long run that is preferable.
Absolutely..It is the state that allowed this..Now some Pakistanis might even blame Army for this that they are not taking action.I hope Army stays in barracks and Pakistanis learn a real lesson this time from democracy :).
I think they should post that on career agencies like careerbuilder and monster. lOl.
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