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Blackwater's Pakistan mission (and related news)

Blackwater mercenaries in Peshawar

Pakistani MPs have expressed concern over the alleged presence of US security agency Blackwater inside the south Asian country, urging the government to explain the issue.

Taking strict notice of the harassment of people by personnel of the US private security agency, Pakistan National Assembly's Standing Committee on Interior demanded that the country's interior minister explain the government's position in this respect in the next committee meeting.

Earlier, Pakistani lawmaker Bushra Gohar told the committee that Blackwater's personnel were harassing residents of Peshawar university town, causing panic among them.

“Why the government is silent over such a serious issue. Public wants to know why the Americans are harassing the people in their own country”, she said.

A number of members of the committee voiced concern over media reports that the US security agency had been expanding its network in Islamabad and other areas.

Other members of the committee said that such activities of Blackwater would further aggravate the law and order of the country.

According to media sources in Pakistan, the private security company has hired at least seven houses in Karachi's posh Defense area.

However, the US embassy has maintained complete silence regarding Blackwater hiring homes in Karachi.

“We are in contact with local security agencies, and similarly the discussions are underway with the US agencies as well,” said US Deputy Ambassador to Pakistan, Gerald Festine.
at the moment i know they are around my house but i am unable to see any one.
for all Pakistani
If you are able to spot any Blackwater menber try looking them in the eye with anger face.
Personally, I think 5 year should be given to PPP as it was voted by people.Democracy should be given at least 20 years
Well experts believe that this amount of time is necessary for the nation to get used to the politics and bring political stability to the country. And we know when there is political stability foreign investment and development etc takes place.
before a coup is launched if the democratic leaders dont stop corruption but the coup should not be bloodless and Army should go back to barracks within 3-4 years after coup and every cockroch should be eliminated during the coup otherwise we will just repeat the same old cycle...

They say that there is a built in accountability mechanism in the democracy. People come and when they are about to go, they know if they did wrong they will not come again.
Well experts believe that this amount of time is necessary for the nation to get used to the politics and bring political stability to the country. And we know when there is political stability foreign investment and development etc takes place.

They say that there is a built in accountability mechanism in the democracy. People come and when they are about to go, they know if they did wrong they will not come again.
Yep, we'll see after 20 years and i doubt that would work in Pakistan..How many times the awam has voted PPP and PML-N knowing fully well both are extremely corrupted.
at the moment i know they are around my house but i am unable to see any one.
for all Pakistani
If you are able to spot any Blackwater menber try looking them in the eye with anger face.

Better Yet, complain to the Home Office (Interior Ministry) or to the Police.........

even better..........the "eye ess eye" :azn:
ok so for eg if God forbid some foreign invadors breach Pakistans sovernigty tommorw wil the military will sit and wait for GOP instructions !!?, secondly miltary have taken over from govts on dozens of occasion ,, for eg :refer to previous martial law and dictators ... there are live speeches where some Mr general from mush to pre historic they use to come up with this big long speech .... Now here GOP is purposely keeping quiet infact from what you are saying is GOP is a part and same milltary and its agencies were waiting for GOP to give comand.... That doesnt make sense ...Its a known fact countries have army to it but pakistan army has the whole country to it...

Aren't you happy now?????????

This is your elected govt. which you consider democratically elected.

This is what you wanted and this is what you have got, PA will only take orders now as per the wish of Pakistanis like yourself.
Your point is valid and in a functional democracy this is the right way to go about. But in functional democracies, government doesn't sell precious land at the price of peanuts. The way events are rolling out, it is hard to accept that the Government is willing to defend itself against Xe. You are ignoring the fact that we are not ruled by patriotic leaders. People who are at power are patriotic to their bank-accounts and guarantors because of whom they live a day in power.

Whether will of the government or not, we are not in need of BlackWater in Pakistan. Letting them hold on to Islamabad is equally dangerous as letting RAW or MUSAD do so. I dont think patriotic people will wait endlessly expecting government to take any action and when they dont, banner holding peaceful protesters would make any difference.

Trust me I hat Blackwater/ Xe from the bottom of my heart and I ahve no doubt about their intentions.

This govt. is elected by people because they were not happy with the previouis set up. This is the path to a functional democracy, although I think Musharraf's govt. was far better and he was able to stop BW/Xe for a long time.

People in Pakistan wish for change of govt. on every single issue even though they elect the same govt. less then two yrs ago.

This is it mate ... thanks to PML-N and PPPP we are stuck with Zardari and his team but you should be happy because you elected them.
Here you go, some more truth and some more gossip:

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I think this is only the Sanate committee. There was only ONE MNA from PML who raised this point in NA.

Pakistan's Parliament need to stand up and say that BW/ Xe is not allowed in Pakistan and no exapnsion of the US embassy is allowed.
Aren't you happy now?????????
Al these sucide bombing , day light light murders ,roberies hundreds lying in gutter smoking heroin ...... seeing all this innocent blood from last 20years and one province litterly asking for independence u think makes me happy ! ??what kinda sick question is that ?

This is your elected govt. which you consider democratically elected.
This is what you wanted and this is what you have got, PA will only take orders now as per the wish of Pakistanis like yourself.

In Pakistan the elected govt's job role is to come and clean the mess created by dictators ... to referesh your memory please review events from 1971.
ALERT: Blackwater Recruiting Agents Fluent In Urdu & Punjabi For Pakistan

Report Suggests Pakistani Envoy In Washington Has Issued 360 Visas To Americans In One Month Without Consulting Islamabad

Blackwater USA is looking for mercenaries fluent in Urdu, Pakistan's national language, and Punjabi, the language spoken by natives of Pakistan's largest populated province. The US military already deploys officers and commando units manned by people fluent in Pashto, spoken in most of western Pakistan and southern Afghanistan. Keeping in view the denials of the US embassy in Islamabad and the expanding American presence on Pakistani soil, these recruitments are obviously not meant for running call centers. Since Washington has unilaterally decided that Pakistan is now a 'war theater' after Iraq and Afghanistan, it is only natural that American terrorism will also be unleashed in Pakistan. Blackwater is in Pakistan.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Blackwater USA has concealed its Web presence. If you type Untitled Document, you will be redirected to the website of an organization called U.S. Training Center , which offers military and personal security courses. The website does not overtly say or indicate it is linked to Blackwater, but on Sept. 12 a media release was posted on the homepage defending Blackwater against accusations the private 'army' overbilled the US government for work in Iraq in 2006 and 2007.

The bigger news, however, is that 'Blackwater USA' is hiring in Pakistan. While BlackwaterUSA.com does not exist on the Web any longer, I 3an employment form on a secured page of the private security firm's website that clearly indicates the private mercenary army is hiring Urdu- and Punjabi-speaking agents. This would complement the existing Pashto-speaking agents that both Blackwater private mercenary army and its employer, the US military, have on the ground in Afghanistan and – as reports increasingly indicate – in Pakistan.
Snapshots of the screen from the page titled secure.blackwaterusa.com show that the page is part of the Blackwater Employee and Applicant Resource System (BEARS).

The snapshots shown here indicate that hiring continues as we speak for agents and for people with military training who can speak Urdu, Pakistan's national language, and Punjabi, spoken by the natives of Pakistan's largest populated province.

Obviously, agents with proficiency in the two languages will be operating in and around Pakistan since there is little utility for such agents anywhere else in the world.

This is the latest in a pile of circumstantial evidence that supports the growing concerns within the Pakistani public opinion that private US security firms are setting up shop in Pakistan, bringing to the country the same mayhem that has engulfed Iraq and Afghanistan, possibly with the permission of influential people in the Pakistani government.

A petition has been submitted to the Supreme Court of Pakistan today requesting that the government of Pakistan be ordered to explain why the US embassy in Islamabad is building a fortified embassy the size of an international airport, spread over 52 to 54 acres. The petitioner, who is a private Pakistani citizen, has accused the United States of constructing a military base in the heart of the Pakistani capital in the guise of an embassy.

On Aug. 5, PakNationalists/AhmedQuraishi.com broke the news of how a Washington-incorporated private company that calls itself an NGO and executes contractual humanitarian work for the US government in conflict zones is suspected of acting as cover for Blackwater in Peshawar.

On Jul. 27, the Deutsche Presse-Agentur [DPA] reported that residents of an upscale suburb in Peshawar have formally complained to the Pakistani government that armed private Americans were spreading fear in the area.

We also received a statement issued by Mr. Richard Snelsire, the spokesman for the US embassy in Islamabad, denying these reports:

Since 2002, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has committed more than $3.4 billion in humanitarian and development assistance to the people of Pakistan in relief, health, education, and economic development programs.

Creative Associates is one of many organizations USAID engages to deliver this assistance, which also includes the Government of Pakistan, local non-governmental, and international humanitarian institutions. This organization has no link to any international security firm, nor is it affiliated in any way with an intelligence service.

Recent allegations against USAID partners such as Creative Associates are false, and place individuals delivering humanitarian and development assistance to the people of Pakistan at risk.

Richard Snelsire

Despite these denials, the Pakistani government and the US embassy are unable to explain several incidents in Peshawar and Islamabad over the past few weeks that involved privately armed American citizens, especially accounts by private citizens confirming they have seen and interacted with these foreign agents in public places. In at least three incidents, these privately armed Americans were released by police authorities under pressure from the government despite involvement in altercations with local Pakistanis. In one case, an armed US citizen physically assaulted a Pakistani police officer and uttered obscenities against the host country.

The alarming part of this story is that the embassy of Pakistan in Washington is reported to have issued several hundred entry permits and visas to individuals without seeking clearance from the country's security departments. In one recent report, it is reported that the Pakistani ambassador issued 360 visas to US citizens in one month, sometime this year, from the ambassador's discretionary quota of visas and again without clearance from Pakistani security departments.

Who are these Americans who are arriving in Pakistan in the tens and hundreds at a time when the US embassy in Islamabad follows a strange practice where a staffer personally calls any US citizen in the United States in order to warn them about coming to Pakistan for personal reasons or pleasure, apparently because of the security situation?

Ahmed Quraishi.com
Is every one sleeping in our country, our politicians our security apparatus...
Cant our politicians even speak for security of this nation, they deny even the existence of Black water in Pakistan, Shame on our politicians, it seems that our politicians are about to sell this country to these Americans...

How is Xe recruiting in and for Pakistan, a net negative??
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